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Last Post 4/16/2009 10:47 AM by  skullspliter
Introduction to New Character(s)
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Canadian Nomad
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4/15/2009 1:41 AM
    Pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks that it's time to add a new member to the group!!!

    Before anyone says it, I'll touch on it - yes, it would be nice to get Dean back in the fold, but I really don't think it HAS to happen say in the next book, or anytime in the near future....I know in previous posts, some people have been upset that Dean hasn't even been mentioned, but think about it - you think anyone in the group, aside from maybe Kristy, wants to continually remind Ryan that Dean is gone, or even broach the subject? Of course not.....and I'm pretty sure Ryan hasn't forgotten, but let's face it, there are always predicaments happening that warrant immediate attention....and, knowing Ryan as well as we do, do you really think it would be in his make-up to dedicate a page in a book to read about how Ryan wells-up, thinking about Dean? Not who he is - he hasn't forgotten, more likely supressed the thought

    Another thing - if Dean were to come back too soon after he left, people would cry that given the fact that Mat-Trans jumps provide random destinations, how could they be re-united so soon?

    It's time for a new character to be introduced, and not one like so many others in the past, who hang around for a book - we need someone who is here to stay for awhile!!!
    Basic Member
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    4/15/2009 8:28 AM
    I'm wondering if harmonica tom or Chucho will stay on from the last printed book..i doubt it...but some new blood would be good - i do think the re-introduction of Dean would be good though..i too have wondered where he was....
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    4/15/2009 10:10 AM
    I think that it was Alan who mentioned in another post that the publishing gods above deemed that there should only be 6 characters since 7 were too many and was too much character development to keep track of. So nice of them to keep their fan base in mind with their "wise" decisions.

    So, if this is the case, another character added to the mix just won't happen. Besides, I really liked Dean's character and don't appreciate the way he was written out of the plot, not to be mentioned again except once by AP in the Xibalda Empire series.
    New Member
    New Member

    4/16/2009 10:47 AM

    I don't think tom would stay because of his boat. But i like the idea of Chucho staying. Something about a Ryan look a like that can throw his voice=Bad a$$

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