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Last Post 4/21/2009 5:35 PM by  )3az )3aziah
Kind of New Here
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4/20/2009 7:25 PM
    I've been lurking this site for awhile now and I like the new set up and some of the discussions that have been going on so I thought I would say hello.

    I have been a reader and avid collector of the Mack Bolan books and got hooked on Outlanders a few years ago.  While collecting books for these series I aquired a DL title every now and then.  I read 2 of them that were completly horrible in my opinion.  One of them was "Strontium Swamp" which I couldn't even finish.  After reading the review section I see that I tried starting out with 2 of the worst reviewed books in the series.

    I read that one of my favorite Bolan authors, Chuck Rogers, has a DL book coming out soon and AP has some well reviewed entries out there, so I decided to give it a go again. 

    Thanks for the great site and the Amazon links that make it easy to order books.
    Ron Miles
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    4/20/2009 7:32 PM
    Welcome aboard!

    To be perfectly honest, I have never even attempted to read Strontium Swamp. But definitely pick up Plague Lords and Dark Resurrection, they are still in print and easy to find. I think you will really enjoy them.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
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    4/20/2009 7:36 PM

    Thanks for the welcome.  I ordered both of those books from GE and I've upped my subscription to include DL now. 

    Thanks to this site I will now have more books in my to be read pile.


    The Phantom
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    4/20/2009 8:16 PM
    Another good place to start, aside from the first book obviously, is Encounter, written by AP. This is like a prequel to the series, and I must say is a FANTASTIC story, despite what some reviewers had to say about it.

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    4/20/2009 9:48 PM
    Posted By The Phantom on 20 Apr 2009 08:16 PM
    Another good place to start, aside from the first book obviously, is Encounter, written by AP. This is like a prequel to the series, and I must say is a FANTASTIC story, despite what some reviewers had to say about it.

    Thanks, Phantom. I'm glad you liked it well enough to remember it.  Some of those reviews were like "Well, Encounter is okay if you read it as myth or legend." Which left me scratching my head. The book is clearly about the ironic truth BEHIND the myth that made Trader one of the most hated, feared, and respected men in the hellscape. I won't SPOIL it by rambling on. Welcome aboard, Chair-Master.

    Basic Member
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    4/21/2009 8:51 AM
    Even with some of the no-so-good books in the past they all have something to offer...keep reading and you will enjoy a lot of the books the various authors have written...
    New Member
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    4/21/2009 2:52 PM
    Welcome Chair-master hope you have some good times here. I have to agree with everyone about encounter, it is a must read.
    New Member
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    4/21/2009 5:03 PM
    Thanks skullspliter. I will deffinately pick up Encounter soon. I'm currently about 1/3 of the way in to Pilgrimage to Hell. I started it with low expectations and have been pleasantly suprised so far.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    4/21/2009 5:35 PM
    A late welcome from me too.

    I second the point that Encounter is worth a read.

    The first 35 or so books are all by one author so the continuity runs from book to book, with the group jumping from one location right into the next.

    Strontium swamp has to be one of the worst DL's in history what a book to start a series on !!
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