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Last Post 5/13/2009 1:10 PM by  skullspliter
Cort Strasser. What do think of this guy?
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5/8/2009 7:59 AM
    Like what the title says what do you all think of this guy? For the folks who don't know he was a villain , that showed up in three of the books. 

     Now he was one of my favorite bad guys, hard guy to kill besides his sick habits. I wished he would of showed up in more of the books. But like so many bad guy in the past they were there for a few books and gone. And i think unlike a lot of the bad guy in the series he had a plan, was building empires in the deathland until you guessed it the gang shows up.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/9/2009 7:58 PM
    Strasser is my all time favorite villain from the DL series.

    I can remeber being so suprised reading Pony Soldiers for the first time and finding him back and as evil as ever.

    His demise in Lattitude Zero is not totally final as the group (and the readers) never get to see his body, leaving it wide open for his return when the heroes least expect it.

    Laurence hinted in one of his letters that he planned to bring Strasser back in a future book, then later in a chat I asked again about Strasser and he told me he had written him back into Dark Carnival as Zapp's henchman. Sadly he had to replace him with Traven at the insistance of the folk at GE as they didn't want an on going adversary for the group.
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    5/13/2009 1:10 PM
    You do have a good point about his body. I think GE made one big mistake by saying no to his return. Because he was one of the guys the group had some real problems with. And thats what made him so great a bad guy
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