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Last Post 6/30/2009 8:18 AM by  JettaManDan
Slaugher Realms Chapter Three, this Friday
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Ron Miles
Website Owner
Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

5/27/2009 10:08 AM
    Chapter Three of Slaughter Realms: Iroquois Vengeance will go live this Friday night, just head on over to to check it out.  This one features vikings, dinosaurs, gallons of excrement, and the slaughter of innocents.  So, you you know, just a normal day in the Slaughter Realms.

    For those unfamiliar, Slaughter Realms: Iroquois Vengeance is a new novel being serialized online by Alan Philipson, author of Deathlands classics like the Plague Lords / Dark Resurrection duology, Cannibal Moon, and Apocalypse Unborn.  It's good stuff, you should go check it out.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    5/27/2009 1:14 PM
    sweet! can't wait!
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    Veteran Member

    5/30/2009 10:34 AM
    The fourth installment of Slaughter Realms/Iroquois Vengeance is now free to read on the SR. site. Ron and I decided not to make people register on the forum to read past chapter 2. Chapter 3 is accessible with a click on the homepage.  Readers with a particular fondness for tender, young celery may find it objectionable.

    In other SR news, Ron and I have commissioned the graphic artist Karl Altstaetter to do a rendering of the Iroquois Ninja Princess (undressed for battle ). The preliminary sketches look sweet. When Karl's finished we'll post the art (and the preliminary sketches) on the SR site. We intend to put up a Gallery section for it and the other material that has come to our attention, some of it rather Dali-esque (corn cob with eyes, Miss Vicky, etc.). 

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    6/30/2009 8:18 AM
    I can't wait to see her and the M4...really cool stuff! :thumbup:
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