12 Replies and 12470 Views
Is that it for Slaughter Realms? 12470 12
Started by mikeclr
It's been quite a while since we've seen an update and I'm just wondering if the project has died a quiet death...
AP Ron Anyone
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by JettaManDan6/29/2011 12:07 PM |
4 Replies and 7165 Views
Slaughter Realms site down? 7165 4
Started by Ida1492
Ron, Alan - I've tried to access it a few times, and have not been able to get it to come up. Have you got it down for a reason Was wondering.
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by Ron Miles12/1/2009 12:53 AM |
2 Replies and 9127 Views
Slaugher Realms Chapter 5 now posted 9127 2
Started by Ron Miles
The wait is over, Chapter 5 is now live, continuing the adventures of Dr. Rind and his brain-in-a-jar companion....
(for latecomers, Slaughter Realms: Iroquois Vengeance is an all-new novel being published online by the always awesome Alan Philipson, author of such Deathlands classics as Plague Lords, Dark Resurrection, and Cannibal Moon)
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by AP10/4/2009 12:10 PM |
2 Replies and 6611 Views
Slaughter Realms Lives! 6611 2
Started by Ron Miles
I just wanted to take the opportunity to invite you all to come take another look at Slaughter Realms: Iroquois Vengeance, written by the the esteemed Mr. Alan Philipson (by way of the the tragically absent Daniel Desipio). We have just re-launched the book in a brand new e-reader that you should really check out. Head on over to http://www.SlaughterRealms.com to take a look. Just look over in the upper right hand corner for the links to the book, which is currently live with the Prologue thr...
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by Deathlands rogue8/24/2009 3:25 PM |
15 Replies and 6263 Views
Slaugher Realms 6263 15
Started by Ron Miles
I saw a post go by earlier today on one of the other forums, asking if I am the author of Slaughter Realms. No, I am not. I am just the guy helping to bring it to light. The original manuscript is written by Daniel Desipio, and was recovered from the basement of a seedy hotel in Panama City. Alan Philipson has been working valiantly to scrape the slime mold off of the heavily damaged manuscript and turn it into some kind of readable form. There is some question as to whether Desipio himself...
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by One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)8/12/2009 12:19 AM |
3 Replies and 6336 Views
Slaugher Realms Chapter Three, this Friday 6336 3
Started by Ron Miles
Chapter Three of Slaughter Realms: Iroquois Vengeance will go live this Friday night, just head on over to http://www.SlaughterRealms.com to check it out. This one features vikings, dinosaurs, gallons of excrement, and the slaughter of innocents. So, you you know, just a normal day in the Slaughter Realms.
For those unfamiliar, Slaughter Realms: Iroquois Vengeance is a new novel being serialized online by Alan Philipson, author of Deathlands classics like the Plague Lords / Dark Resurrectio...
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by JettaManDan6/30/2009 8:18 AM |
7 Replies and 6409 Views
SR:IV Chapter Two is live 6409 7
Started by Ron Miles
Chapter Two of Slaughter Realms: Iroquois Vengeance is up. Head on over to SlaughterRealms.com to check it out.
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by JettaManDan5/20/2009 8:11 AM |
13 Replies and 7153 Views
Slaughter Realms is Real 7153 13
Started by Ron Miles
In case there was any mystery or confusion: Although Alan and I unveiled Slaughter Realms on April Fool's Day, it was not just a gag. Slaughter Realms is very real, an complete novel that will be published online a chapter at a time. What started out months ago as a bit of a lark actually turned into something very interesting and exciting, and we are very proud of it. If you enjoyed the Prologue, please keep checking back for each new chapter. There is a bountiful cornucopia of action, adv...
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by JettaManDan4/23/2009 1:18 PM |