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Last Post 8/12/2009 12:19 AM by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Slaugher Realms
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Ron Miles
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7/17/2009 8:11 PM
    I saw a post go by earlier today on one of the other forums, asking if I am the author of Slaughter Realms.  No, I am not.  I am just the guy helping to bring it to light.  The original manuscript is written by Daniel Desipio, and was recovered from the basement of a seedy hotel in Panama City.  Alan Philipson has been working valiantly to scrape the slime mold off of the heavily damaged manuscript and turn it into some kind of readable form.  There is some question as to whether Desipio himself even wrote the original manuscript or whether he farmed it out, but it was certainly the manuscript  he intended to submit as his own before he disappeared without a trace. 

    There wasn't much progress on the manuscript this past month or so due to personal issues impacting both Alan and myself, but we do both hope to continue uncovering the Iroquois Ninja Princess' josticulating upthrusties so that they can once again see the light of day.  As it were.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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    7/18/2009 3:00 AM

    So then Daniel Desipio is a real person and not just the character written about in the Plague lords and Dark Resurrection books?

    Not to ask a stupid question,yet I am a tad confused is all???

    "Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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    7/18/2009 10:10 AM
    Posted By One Eyed Vengance on 18 Jul 2009 03:00 AM

    So then Daniel Desipio is a real person and not just the character written about in the Plague lords and Dark Resurrection books?

    Not to ask a stupid question,yet I am a tad confused is all???

    To find out more about DD and Slaughter Realms, you should visit the SR site.  There are a couple of links on the homepage. 

    Having put the family crisis behind me, and readjusted my brain and body with back to back very long days of (profitable) salmon fishing and crabbing, this morning I broke out the manuscript clean-up tools (mold-scraper, various solvents, magnifying glass, Romanian-English dictionary, etc.) and am about to resume work on "DD's lost manuscript."
    One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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    7/18/2009 10:26 AM

    I thought you were the writer(common sense dictated that as the Desipio character was in the two "Plague Lords" books you recently wrote for DL(2 of the better in a while and way better than the folowing one I must say)

    Thanks,I will check out the Desipio Slaughter Realms links now.Allan is it?

    "Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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    7/18/2009 7:18 PM
    Al -

    Hope it wasn't a REALLY bad crisis and just a minor one. I haven't had to deal with that sort of thing in a long while, and they're never, ever fun.

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    7/18/2009 8:33 PM
    Posted By Outlanders on 18 Jul 2009 07:18 PM
    Al -

    Hope it wasn't a REALLY bad crisis and just a minor one. I haven't had to deal with that sort of thing in a long while, and they're never, ever fun.

    Thanks Chris.  It was major.  I'd been taking care of my mother for 14 years.  For the last three or four I had the help of an RN as mom's dementia got worse. I did everything I could to keep her in her own apartment.  Then at age 94 1/2 she got evicted.  I was in panic mode trying to find a dementia care group home that would take her--I'd looked at the big, institutional places and they creeped me out.  I ended up flying with her down to California where the price for top quality care of that kind was half what it is in Washington state, and the facility where she is living is eight-tenths of a mile from my brother's house.  Mom seems to like the new place--it's beautiful and the people who run it know what they're doing; she made instant friends with the other DOL (demented old lady) living there.  It's a great relief to have gotten it all done in less than a week, and without a hitch.  And Mom didn't have to pay the buttwipe landlord another month's rent.

    So, now Mom's in good hands and I'm free of the 24/7 responsibility.  Honestly, it feels like I'm floating on air. 

    One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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    7/19/2009 7:49 AM


    You are perhaps not gonna believe this,but my friend AOEC that caused so much controversy was going through something quite siniliar to you!

    His mother had been bedridden for over a year and he had to leave our move in and take care of her as her dementia and health issues progressively became worse.He cared for her all alone without any kind of assistance(dude is poor) from even his living siblings until she died a short time ago.He moved back in w/me and now we are roomates again.

    No one may know this but I think that it had a bit to do with him having a short fuse and all.I told him how even though you stated quite accurately that even though his tone was objectionable at times,you still defended essentially what he was saying about the firearms controversy that he got hinself banned over.He thanks you and he and I also want you to know you have our utmost empathy and sympathy concerning your own family crisis.

    "Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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    7/19/2009 9:58 AM

    I'm sorry to hear that about AOEC.  Unless you've experienced it firsthand, you can't comprehend the weight of the responsibility or what it does to every part of you. I hope he's finding ways to get out and enjoy his life, and my very best wishes. 

    One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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    7/19/2009 2:09 PM

    Thanks.I let him read this and he appreciates what you just said.

    He should have not lost his temper and reacted the way he did towards Ron and Jim,but the guy has been through alot and he came here to escape it,instead of finding more than a few guy's who were more interested in trading insults and calling him names.I read some of the things Mark Ellis and a few others said about him(after he is gone of course)and compared to you I find that Mr.Ellis(good author that he is)and these others should have your sense of maturity and decency.
    Him and I are sharing a copy of Dessolation crossing now by the way.

    "Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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    7/20/2009 9:49 AM

    I'm glad to hear the situation got resolved to your satisfaction..was thinking of you man and what you where going through..but didn't want to bother you until i heard any news..really..very relieved you got it worked out and her into some good care. Thanks for the update!

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    7/29/2009 11:18 PM
    Al -

    Sorry that I completely and totally missed your reply. Been busy with real life (all good, thank god!)

    I can totally relate, although my mother isn't quite as advanced in age (almost 95, damn!). But, her health was horrific about 5 years ago, was in and out of the hospital for almost a year, and there was no way she could have lived on her own. Damn near burned the apartment down three times before I finally had to step in and get her into a long term facility.

    Talk about nightmare that was, and still is. But at least she's getting the care she needs.

    Glad you've got the relief that you need man.

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    7/30/2009 10:16 AM
    Posted By Outlanders on 29 Jul 2009 11:18 PM
    Al -

    Sorry that I completely and totally missed your reply. Been busy with real life (all good, thank god!)

    I can totally relate, although my mother isn't quite as advanced in age (almost 95, damn!). But, her health was horrific about 5 years ago, was in and out of the hospital for almost a year, and there was no way she could have lived on her own. Damn near burned the apartment down three times before I finally had to step in and get her into a long term facility.

    Talk about nightmare that was, and still is. But at least she's getting the care she needs.

    Glad you've got the relief that you need man.

    Thanks, Chris. 

    Just when I thought things were getting back on track, Mom fell and broke her hip on Sunday.  (Or broke her hip and then fell--I didn't realize that's what often happens with old people, bones just break of their own accord.) I thought I was going to have to go down to California again on Monday, but it didn't work out that way.  She finally had surgery yesterday (after waiting a couple of days in the hospital) and came through it okay, healthwise. 

    Maybe by the weekend things will have "normalized."  I live in hope. 
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    7/31/2009 8:24 AM
    geez...just when you think all is well..Sorry to hear that Alan..hope she is ok...
    One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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    8/11/2009 4:45 PM
    Yeah Allan I also would like to say I am praying for your mom(not real religious but...)I lost my father to suicide in 2000 and my mother died in 2006 so I am glad you at least still have some family.(both my parents died at 56)
    "Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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    8/11/2009 10:00 PM

    JMD and OEV,

    Thanks.  She's doing well after the surgery.  They've got her up and walking. 

    One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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    8/12/2009 12:19 AM
    You are welcome Ap.
    Glad she is doing well.
    "Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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