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Last Post 6/29/2011 12:07 PM by  JettaManDan
Is that it for Slaughter Realms?
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4/5/2010 3:22 PM
    It's been quite a while since we've seen an update and I'm just wondering if the project has died a quiet death...

    AP?  Ron?  Anyone?
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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    4/5/2010 4:31 PM
    Thanks for asking. SR is in a place that hovers between life and death. Cryosleep?  My murdered computer situation from December is sort of resolved--at least thanks to Ron I have the Word files of the SR material that's already up on the SR site, and I have a new computer. Reconstructing my lost notes for the rest of the book is another story. I had hoped a recent two-week fishing vacation in Costa Rica would help me clear the mental decks, but it turned out to be the trip from Hell.  I won't go into many details, suffice it to say I went 12 days without a hot shower; and I now have a morbid aversion to dripping bat shit. I came back from "vacation" even more brain-constipated than when I left. So the honest answer is: I don't know what's going to happen with SR.

    Weird to have made a living writing pulp fiction for so long, and now to be making a MUCH BETTER living not writing it. Got to say, the desperation that fueled my writing before (don't finish, don't eat) is gone.

    Again, I appreciate your question, Mike. I wish I had a definitive answer.
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    4/7/2010 7:19 AM
    Posted By AP on 05 Apr 2010 04:31 PM
    Weird to have made a living writing pulp fiction for so long, and now to be making a MUCH BETTER living not writing it. Got to say, the desperation that fueled my writing before (don't finish, don't eat) is gone.

    Funny how that works...but I think it's pretty much a situation specific to Gold Eagle.
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    4/7/2010 10:38 AM
    Posted By Jax2 on 07 Apr 2010 07:19 AM
    Posted By AP on 05 Apr 2010 04:31 PM
    Weird to have made a living writing pulp fiction for so long, and now to be making a MUCH BETTER living not writing it. Got to say, the desperation that fueled my writing before (don't finish, don't eat) is gone.

    Funny how that works...but I think it's pretty much a situation specific to Gold Eagle.
    Do you mean the combination of the two? Crap pay and living hand to mouth?  To me that sounds like a Freelancer's Life (at a certain level), no matter the publisher. And there's a third "don't" to add to the mix: don't ever turn down work, no matter how impossible the deadline (because it might be your last).

    How are you enjoying life post-GE?

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    4/8/2010 9:45 AM
    Posted By AP on 07 Apr 2010 10:38 AM Mark,
    Do you mean the combination of the two? Crap pay and living hand to mouth?  To me that sounds like a Freelancer's Life (at a certain level), no matter the publisher. And there's a third "don't" to add to the mix: don't ever turn down work, no matter how impossible the deadline (because it might be your last).

    How are you enjoying life post-GE?

    A fourth "don't" --at least in my experience--is don't take 'em at their word about anything.

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    4/15/2010 2:36 PM
    well..whenever you get back to it....we will be waiting! glad you made it back alive from your trip!

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    5/28/2010 12:11 AM
    Yea, I think the words : "a simple twist of fate" applies.

    Hope things are going ok on your end!
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    5/28/2010 11:01 AM
    Thanks for your interest. Things have definitely picked up at this end. The trip to UK and Italy end of last month cleared my head in a way that CR didn't. I'm readjusting the day job so I have time to work on original stuff, including SR. Essentially taking a cut in gross pay. So far it seems to be working out, but I'll have a clearer picture in a month, be able to see what I've accomplished writing-wise and what it actuallly cost me.
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    7/14/2010 4:08 AM
    I do hope we haven't heard the last from Slaughter Realms. It's by far my favorite. I will never look at a Bloody Mary with the same indifference (to the celery stalk, of course). You have whetted our appetite for more vegetable mayhem and meinfretr, which in Old Norse means " stink-fart, harm-fart".  [You probably already knew that.]  Anyway, we miss you and hope you will be back with Chapter 6 soon. Enjoy the summer weather in the meantime.

    Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people.
    The Cat: Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
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    7/14/2010 9:24 PM
    Posted By Mneme on 14 Jul 2010 04:08 AM
    I do hope we haven't heard the last from Slaughter Realms. It's by far my favorite. I will never look at a Bloody Mary with the same indifference (to the celery stalk, of course). You have whetted our appetite for more vegetable mayhem and meinfretr, which in Old Norse means " stink-fart, harm-fart".  [You probably already knew that.]  Anyway, we miss you and hope you will be back with Chapter 6 soon. Enjoy the summer weather in the meantime.

    Thanks for the comments. Sorry I still don't have my website e-mail functional--when I do all the backlog of e-mails will descend on me and I'll know what news I've missed. My brother is here for the opening of salmon fishing tomorrow. Hoping he can straighten out the e-mail--in return for a free, guided, all expense-paid, five-day fishing trip.

    Basic Member
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    6/15/2011 4:51 PM
    i enjoyed what i read immensly..hope to see more in the future...
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    6/15/2011 7:50 PM
    Posted By JettaManDan on 15 Jun 2011 04:51 PM
    i enjoyed what i read immensly..hope to see more in the future...

    Good to see you posting again.

    SR/IV (first three chapters thereof) is a finalist in the 2011 Pacific Northwest Writers' Association Literary Contest sf/fantasy/horror category. Won't know if it won anything until August. I entered the contest to prod myself into finishing the book. Been working on a different original project for awhile, and will be done with that and moving back to SR/IV before the end of next month. Honest.
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    6/29/2011 12:07 PM
    very cool...PM or e-mail me and tell me about the new project...mine got a bit stalled..need to really finish my books...even if no one wants you said, writing a book is an accomplishment!
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