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Last Post 6/17/2009 6:23 PM by  Another One Eyed Chiller
Major Zimyanin as a party member
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6/4/2009 7:00 AM
    It would seem to me that Axler missed a chance with Zimyanin. By putting him in the MatTrans unit at the end of Red Equinox he could have ended up joining the group.

    What a fantastic addition he would have been. Strong, good with weapons and would have added the Russian viewpoint. His knowledge of Warsaw Pact and Soviet blasters coupled with JB and (later) Mildred's would have been great.

    There could have also been a good ongoing friction of leadership between Ryan and Zimyanin as both were good leaders of men (and frankly not to far apart in views).

    It would have almost have been a reinvention of Glasnost.

    Any thoughts?

    In any event, I'm new to the board and wanted to say hello. I've been reading the deathlands series since it came out when I was 12 but have only read the first 30 books or so (can't remember my last book exactly).

    I've recently need some escapism and running away to the Deathlands has been exactly what Doc Tanner wouldn't have ordered!

    New Member
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    6/15/2009 11:53 AM
    Hello blitz welcome to the board. As for Major Zimyanin as a member of the group, it would have been cool. As a side note out of all Ryan's enemy's it was Zimyanin he respected the most he said it in a couple books.
    Another One Eyed Chiller
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    6/17/2009 6:20 PM
    Welcome man,I'm new to this site(few months)but a 17 year reader(since I was 19)and I too quit reading after around 50 or so books from the beginning,but started reading my collection again after an 8 yr break and started reading the new ones(last 2)for the same reasons as you,I need the escapism!
    You make a very interesting point as I too am a gun enthusiast and agree that Zimyanins knowledge of Warsaw pact weapons would have been cool(Ak's Akm'sdragunov/Makarov/Tokarev/etc....)The only problem is that Zimyanin was a rapist and murderer/slaver,even though he showed nobility at the end when he let go of Ryan's hand to spare Dean having to be a killer so young.
    Another One Eyed Chiller
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    6/17/2009 6:23 PM


    Too bad him and Ryan never actually got to fight.

    That would have been one helluva battle.

    They were Evenly armed (well they both used 9mm pistols and 7.62mm sniper rifles,even though Ryan left his behind I think?)

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