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Last Post 6/25/2009 3:26 PM by  BKSFLDR8RMAN
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
 3 Replies
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Veteran Member
Veteran Member

6/23/2009 12:26 AM
    Just FYI...

    The movie was freaking great! I really liked the first one, but this is one of those rare sequels that surpassed the first.

    My boy and I loved it!

    New Member
    New Member

    6/23/2009 5:21 AM
    Opens here in Thailand later this week. My 2 year old son Zeno loves everything with Robots in it - he watched the first transformer movie 3 times in a row on the airplane before crashing out. Every time we walk past the cinema he shouts 'robots, robots !'. Mind you he fell asleep during Terminator 4 - can't say as I blamed him, and the jury in my head is still out on that one.

    So I'll take up your recommendation and take him (cinemas dont care how old you are here).

    Bet dad would like a DL / Transformer Cross-over !!! Ryan and Optimus Prime ? Not sure !!
    New Member
    New Member

    6/23/2009 6:24 PM
    I grew up on the Transformers cartoon in the 80's I thought it was the best. The first movie was great. I can't wait to see this one.
    - Cheers
    New Member
    New Member

    6/25/2009 3:26 PM
    Went to see it last night. That was one bad ass movie. It's way better than the first.
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