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Last Post 7/24/2009 5:50 PM by  BKSFLDR8RMAN
Deathlands Odds and Ends
 3 Replies
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7/24/2009 12:15 AM
    Couple of things on my mind here, so let me just fire off the first.  Just finished reading Stoneface ( by far one the best books ) and I was wondering if Lars Hellstrom has ever resurfaced in other books.  I have tried to scan through the back cover book descriptions of the books that follow but I cannot find him popping up anywhere.  This is a HUGE character that should be coming back to face off against Ryan after totally screwing him over.  If anyone knows anything, lets hear it.

    Secondly, is there a place on this site or any other DL site that is keeping track of all the redoubts visited or mentioned through out the series so far.  With over 80 books to date and a few repeated Redoubts, it would be interesting to map out all the Jumps, to see where they have been and where a shadow still lays over unvisited America and world.

    Indigo-coloured Glass - England - Bitter Fruit
    Jade (almost Black) - The White Sands - Bitter Fruit
    New Member
    New Member

    7/24/2009 12:27 PM
    I remember finding a site that had a map of all the redoubts they been to. and some maps of the redoubts also.
    New Member
    New Member

    7/24/2009 4:16 PM

    Did you see the maps right on this site?
    New Member
    New Member

    7/24/2009 5:50 PM
    Yea that's the one I seen.
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