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Last Post 8/16/2009 7:49 PM by  nhdoucette
Deathlands Film Cast
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8/16/2009 4:44 PM
    The following is my list that i think would make a good cast for a live action deathlands film:

    Ryan Cawdor:    Hugh Jackman
    Dean Cawdor:   Open to Suggestions
    Krysty Wroth:    Rachel Lutrell
    JB Dix:               Micheal Shanks or Quentin Tarantino
    Mildred Wyeth:  Open to Suggestions
    Jak Lauren:        Tom Felton
    Doc Tanner:       Hugh Laurie
    The Trader:        Kris Kristofferson or Harvey Keitel

    If a live action film isn't possible, I'd like to see a cable series or even an animated series. But animation would have to high quality, like Todd Mcfarlane's Spawn.

    Tell me what you think about my choices and your opinion of whether a movie, a cable series, or animated series.
    New Member
    New Member

    8/16/2009 7:49 PM
    So, I was just watching the movie Never Back Down and it occurred to me that Sean Faris would make a really great Dean Cawdor.
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