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Last Post 1/20/2015 4:48 PM by  WarZ
Deathlands #90 - Time Castaways
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1/20/2015 4:48 PM

The first 9/10 of the book moved along well and was in general a good read.  I'm wasn't too worried about the mats trans details, as it fit in well enough with the setting.  Since I havent read outlanders it didn't cause me any issues.  Was just an interesting and different mat trans location.

 However what is going on with some of these novels at the end ?  Its like the author completely runs out of any writing ability and/or flow and just summarizes the ending.  Just bam - within like 15 pages the entire story and all its threads are wrapped up in an uninspired, matter of fact, no characterization, essentially summary form of writing.  The events jump around in a herky jerky manner.  Almost like most of the pages have been ripped out.

 It is very disconcerting to say the least.  I enjoyed the book right up till the last 20-30'ish pages, then it just went off the rails and I was saying "WTF?!?" to myself over and over.

 And the one baron seeing the entry code through his 1/2 binoculars at EXTREME range was just soooo lame.  There is almost zero chance that that could happen.  And it probably wouldnt have if the author would have finished properly writing the book.

 My only guess is that there is a hard limit on the book page counts and some kind of "editor" went through and ripped out almost everything but the barest essentials to wrap up the book.  I can't imagine the author wrote so well all the way through and then just summarized and lamely executed the end like that.  It basically ruined the book.  It took a story that was an enjoyable read and I was sure I was going to say was one of the good ones, and had it leaving a terrible taste in my mouth.  Blech.

 This has happened in a few of the other deathlands books I've read.  I'm not sure if it has been the same author or not.  Or if its just a symptom of page limits and outside editing.

 So for me -> mostly good book with a horrible train wreck of an ending that essentially ruined all the good writing that went into it up to that point.

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