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Last Post 9/20/2009 10:50 PM by  Girls Guns & Guitars
Paying Homage!
 5 Replies
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Bury The Sun
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8/31/2009 5:50 PM

    I just started reading Demons of Eden and was thoroughly enjoying it, so I decided to see who the author was... This is my first Mark Ellis book and I must say, bravo good sir, this book and I are going to spend some time together for the next few days... whether it likes it or not! lol...

    Also, as I was looking at the authors I came to realize that A.P. has written some of my top favs! Cannibal Moon and Sunspot are two awesome books and I don't think I even have to mention the DR or PL, but I will anyways... lol...

    I just wanted to say thanks to you guys for making this series that little bit brighter (or should I say darker)... lol


    "Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
    The Phantom
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    8/31/2009 7:19 PM
    I'm Glad you like Demons of Eden.

    That is my favorite DL book.
    New Member
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    9/1/2009 8:27 AM
    I agree...coming from someone who doesn't care anything about DL, even I think Demons of Eden is something special. A great book by Mark.
    Bury The Sun
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    9/1/2009 3:34 PM
    Still enjoying DOE, so far I've got no complaints... Yet again, thanks for the spark fellas!

    "Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
    Girl's Gun's & Guitar's
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    9/20/2009 4:10 AM


    Those books are good reads,especially anything by AP!
    Do yourself a favor and read the LJ book's!(first 30+)
    Those are by far the best in the DL series in many DL fan's opinion's!

    "What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity"
    Girls Guns & Guitars
    New Member
    New Member

    9/20/2009 10:50 PM
    Posted By Girl's Gun's & Guitar's on 20 Sep 2009 04:10 AM


    Those books are good reads,especially anything by AP!
    Do yourself a favor and read the LJ book's!(first 30+)
    Those are by far the best in the DL series in many DL fan's opinion's!

    Yeah,what he said!!!!

    "What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity".......General Maximus Desmond Meridius of The Felix Legions
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