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Last Post 9/14/2009 2:19 PM by  )3az )3aziah
The Three Kenedys
 6 Replies
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9/13/2009 2:23 PM
    When Doc exclaims "By the Three Kennedy's" what is he talking about?
    New Member
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    9/13/2009 3:07 PM
    I dunno.  Too bad LJ is passed on.  I'm sure he had a reason.
    New Member
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    9/13/2009 4:55 PM
    I think it was explained once.. I think its for Joe, JFK and Bobby.. Didn't they all die before their time?
    Bury The Sun
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    9/14/2009 8:09 AM
    Yes Sir, you are correct Jodes, on all three counts... I believe Doc explains it to one of his "female companions" but I'm not sure which one... and from what I understand he learned a great deal about the Kennedy's while he was held captive by Op. Chronos... errr, perchance my old mind is a bit muddled... lol

    "Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
    New Member
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    9/14/2009 9:08 AM
    I am curious because there were several Kenedy brothers in Docs time period in the 1800s. One of them was three brothers who were in the rail road industry at the same time period as Doc and same locations, he could very easily be referring to John Stewart Kenedy and his brothers would owned a rail road in Doc's neck of the woods.
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    9/14/2009 10:17 AM

    From Dark Emblem, page 219:

    His (Doc Tanner's) attentions were on the thick hardcover book he was holding, one of more than two dozen family biographies he'd read recently about the famed Kennedy dynasty.

    A tragic fall of three, beginning with the president and ruler of Camelot, the one-and-only lusty Jack; then his second-in-command with his own eyes on the prize, the compassionate Bobby; and finally ending with the lesser of the trinity, poor, sad Teddy, who'd fallen prey to circumstances and timing and seen the dynasty crumble to dust on the cold banks of the Chappaquiddick.

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    9/14/2009 2:19 PM

    You beat me to that one.

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