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Last Post 10/7/2009 7:08 AM by  Cerberus Man
Are the characters aging?
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Corporal Chaos
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9/15/2009 7:03 PM
    Hello all. I have not been keeping up to date with all the books I am quite a few years behind in fact. My question here is simple I just want to know if Dean and Jak have been allowed to age in the story. Dean being 12? since "Dark Carnival" is pushing it for me. Do not get me wrong NO negative energy here just one of the little things that troubled me. I started with Dark Carnival and was hooked and spent quite a bit of time searching out the first books and followed fervently for a long time and got hooked on Outlanders. But sometimes real life intrudes and the simple things get lost. I have 8 or so books to catch up on between the 2 stories and was hoping to see some character advancement in them. Maybe some new blood? Thanks for and peeks at the future but please no spoilers.
    Corporal Chaos
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    9/15/2009 8:12 PM
    Welcome aboard...

    I would not get excited at the idea that any of the characters age. Like the clothes they wear and catch phrases they use they all never change !

    As for new blood or character advancement well like the clothes etc...


    Both DL and OL had there good times -when Laurence James (DL) and Mark Ellis (OL) wrote them, sadly without these great writers at the helm decent books in either series are now as rare as rocking horse feathers or chickens teeth !!

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    10/6/2009 4:47 PM

    "Are the characters aging?"

    Yes, just not logically.  Unless one writer takes the series to task (as the many "cookie cutter" Novels certainly do not have anymore) there is no room for it to develop.  That is why I gave up on the entire Mack Bolan series long ago, even though I was still buying some of the book.  Technically, the character was aging, but via the logical progression of the series, it is/was not totally noted. 
    They took the meat/substance out of the storyline and gave the various writers a "cookie cutter" story to write around, basically.  Not much changes except the cover, much like dressing up your cookie with different toppings.

    Ron Miles
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    10/6/2009 4:57 PM
    But I like different toppings on my cookies! Especially sprinkles!

    Seriously, it is a real challenge in any long running series to age the characters. In a tv series at least the actors are aging a year for every year the show runs, and very few series last more than five seasons. For a book series, you don't even have that advantage. Deathlands has been running now since 1986. That's more than 23 years since Pilgrimage to Hell hit the stands. Jak was introduced as a teenager in the spring of 1987, and here we are 22 years later and he is still a teenager. But what are the writer's supposed to do, age the characters to uselessness?

    Heck, Peter Parker was a teenager in 1962 when Amazing Fantasy #15 came out, and the last time I glanced at an issue of The Amazing Spider-Man he was surely not looking like he was approaching retirement.
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    Cerberus Man
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    10/7/2009 7:08 AM

    Characters aging is one of the reasons (one of the many many) I prefer Outlanders...there is plot and character development and evolution and a sense of time passing, even if it's not real time.

    The first book came out over twelve years ago and within the series, it is noted that over five years have passed.


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