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Last Post 3/6/2012 4:36 PM by  Harry Whittleberry 2
Deathlands Roleplaying Game?
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Milo Morai
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1/13/2010 10:52 AM
    Hey all!  Does anyone know if there are conversions for a
    Deathlands Roleplaying Game?  I'm thinking about tweeking Darwin's World.  Any suggestions?  Any news about a real Deathlands RPG?  Thanks.
    Loose Bolt Games
    New Member
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    1/15/2010 8:49 PM
    I have never heard of a Deathlands roleplaying game. Have you heard of Savage worlds? Check them out at Go to there free down louds and look at How I leaned to stop worrying and love the bomb. Its a free Adventure thats post apocalytic. I ran my Deathlands game last year at Gencon using Savage worlds rules. You can get free test drive rules or buy a color rule book for $10. Check out Archive on this website and you will find maps, hero bios all kinds of great stuff. Its a goldmine
    Milo Morai
    New Member
    New Member

    1/16/2010 12:50 AM
    Thanks.  I've got the Savage Worlds rulebook, and will definitely check out the website.  Sounds greats.  Would like to hear more about your Deathlands venture.  Thanks again.
    Loose Bolt Games
    New Member
    New Member

    1/16/2010 10:16 AM

    Check out Looseboltgames on myspace. Look it up under finding a person is the easiest way. I got pictures of my game. We used miniatures and had a great time running the game. I had great players but I'm not sure if the guys have even read any Deathlands books. I think they just wanted to play in a post-apocalyptic setting. I'm running another Deathlands game this year at gencon. If you are planning to go I hope you sigh up for my game. I'm sold on savage worlds because its roleplaying and a miniatures but most of all its easy to learn. I had 6 players at my game and only 1 knew the rules and after 10 minutes into the game the other 5 knew how to run there heros. You also use the same rules for all settings. I dont want to take the time anymore to learn new rules for every setting. Hope you enjoy my pictures and check out tons of free stuff

    Milo Morai
    New Member
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    1/16/2010 2:48 PM
    Thanks yet again. 

    Haven't been to Gencon.  Friend of mine goes every year and I keep threatening to go.  Have to choose my cons carefully, and I've been doing DragonCon in Atlanta for twenty years now.  Hard habit to break.

    Concerning you SW game, however.  Did you create stats for any of the companions?  Are they known in your campaign?  Any info (maps, creatures, etc) you would feel comfortable sharing with a fellow gamer?

    Loose Bolt Games
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    1/16/2010 7:22 PM

    I didn't make up Ryan or any of his crew because I wanted to do my own thing  and also Ryan and crew are all real bad***! They would have kick the **** out of my game. The heros I made up were 40 points, Ryan would be over a 100 points. Its a con game so I wanted to bring the group together and not turn on eachother right away, so the evil Baron throw the 6 heroes in the arena.( I know your thinking holy**** not the evil Baron and arena again but wait to you see my arena) So I made up Dax the mutant scaley(hand to hand fighter) Roxy HOT gifted mutant The Pilgram(preacher) Diana(freezy US medic in Lazarus Program) Elvis(Elvis impersonator and not a good one) and Lars (Ex-sec. Chief) Dax knew about the manhole cover to get out of arena so they couldnt kill him right off. So thats how it starts. Go to archive on this site look up map of Deathlands nice color shot from satellite also Redoubt located map. Look up Barons, Baronies and villes the list goes on and on. Its like it was made for gaming but no stats. Also go to and download Savage Gamma World for free and a lot of other stuff. I do hope you can make it to gencon. I would love to go to DragonCon but I have my kids that weekend. I hear that its the best con to go to. Did you take a look at my website? Lots of good pictures and I have some cheat sheets for savage rules.

    Milo Morai
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    1/17/2010 11:58 AM
    Wow.  Savage Heroes is awesome - can't believe they had conversions for Babylon 5.  Too bad the Deathlands conversions isn't there any more.  I about SW for the Mars Burroughs-esque planetary romance setting, but think I'll be doing much more.  

    Collected a lot of the archive material.  You're right - just like rpg supplement.

    Thanks again and good luck at Gencon!
    Loose Bolt Games
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    1/17/2010 5:19 PM
    Well I hope that I got you started in the right direction for your savaged Deathlands game. Dont worry about the Deathland on savageheroes because it was a generic post-apocalyptic setting anyway dont think it would have helped you much. If you need stats for creatures check out savaged gamma world on savage heroes and at they have sci-fi Betiary and fantasy Betiary tool kits. Good luck and please keep me posted on your Deathlands game.
    Ron Miles
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    Commander In Chief
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    1/20/2010 4:42 PM
    Not a DL rpg, but I thought you folks might be interested: Donate $20+ for Haitian relief and get over $1,400 in PDFs, including GR's Damnation Decade, at It's a good cause, and if you are an rpg gamer there is tons of great content in that package for you. (I heard about this on Twitter via the always-awesome @wilw (Wil Wheaton).
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Loose Bolt Games
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    1/21/2010 8:23 PM
    Thanks for the heads up. I'll check it out and I really want to thank you for hosting such a great website. I just became a member a few weeks ago but I have been a huge fan of Deathlands and your website for many years. You have done a great job!
    Milo Morai
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    1/22/2010 9:04 AM
    Very cool.  Thanks.
    Basic Member
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    2/2/2010 8:28 PM
    I like this DL rpg idea...I use to goth rp back in the day like most of us have...But givin a chance to rpg within the DL's world would kickbutt....Granted who ever set up the game would have the rights to Ryan and the rest of the group...And it would be up to said person or persons to decide who gets to have Johns,Jacks,ect names...The rest of us would have to make a room on that server aka "ville" and recruit secmen and such to become a baron...As far as fightin goes...the closer its kept to the books the better..."Ryan aims and shoots Paul in the head"...."Ryan ducks back behind the desk as Paul falls to the floor"...something like that....Any who just my two cents
    New Member
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    3/26/2010 8:05 PM
    Just a thought, but maybe you could glean some ideas from the game Fallout : Warfare based off of the Fallout series of video games. It's similar enough with mutants, vaults, survivors, raiders, piece meal technolog, relics.


    and the rules are free.
    New Member
    New Member

    6/1/2010 2:30 PM
    There is a Gurps conversion for Fallout and I think it would be a good starting point.

    Take the Gurps Base book. Add Hightech and Ultratech and Bio tech. with the Fallout conversion you have everything you need.

    Make up some templates of the various Muties and your goood to go.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/19/2011 12:14 PM
    Hello, the Rifts RPG by Palladium books could also easily be converted to deathlands as well, but as Daeglan mentioned, GURPS would also make a good choice as well.
    Harry Whittleberry 2
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    9/20/2011 4:15 AM
    aren't role play games a bit lame they are for kids. a computer deathlands game would be boss maybe like fallout or metro 2033.
    Advanced Member
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    9/20/2011 8:23 AM
    Posted By Harry Whittleberry 2 on 20 Sep 2011 04:15 AM
    aren't role play games a bit lame they are for kids. a computer deathlands game would be boss maybe like fallout or metro 2033.

    What character would you play as? I would play as the albino ninja myself
    Yeah a computer game would kick @$$

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/20/2011 7:03 PM
    I dont think there for kids, there actually rather more in depth then any video games, and a bunch of friends pissing off a weekend to play is priceless.. and some of the funnest times Ive ever had.. there incredibly complex and detailed, and if you play with people that know what there doing, its fun like nothing else, the imagination beats any video game for fun anytime, but RPGs are difficult and require allot of smarts to play as there are a tone of rule to follow..

    Anywhoo.. A deathlands video game would be cool, not on the level of a RGP.. but would be fun
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    10/25/2011 7:26 PM
    like there is ever gona be a DL's video game made.Hell we can't even get a halfass movie made.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    10/26/2011 12:04 PM
    With Pen and paper RPG's like GURPS, Twilight 2000, Aftermath! and the Morrow Project  it is not hard to develop your own Deathlands like campaign world. All are just crying out to be used.

    OK I know most of these games have gone into the realms of memory -or some of you may even have never heard of them but they ARE still out there if you look.

    Computer and console games are a totally different kettle of fish. A game costs millions of dollars to develop and with the economic climate being what it is I think we have more of a chance to see pigs fly than a DL based game. I doubt even if they sold off all the GE resources they wouldn’t get enough cash to even develop a game let alone write and test it.

    So it’s back to good old pen, paper and imagination, just like the good old days.


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