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Last Post 1/18/2010 12:24 AM by  mazinz
Need some help with being brought up to speed
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1/15/2010 1:35 AM
    Hello! I have not been on these forums in a few years. Likewise, I kind of drifted out of reading deathlands around the time Dean came back. To be honest, I was just not feeling any of the novels I was reading then.

    Though the interest has never left me, I am very much so out of it. Has there been any major developments that has happened since that time in the series?

    Of what is out now can anyone recommend one of the newer (or newest) book(s) from the series that is worth giving a shot to?

    I really do want to get back into reading this again, but I never want to read something as horrible as the Barony Trilogy ever again

    thanks for any and all info

    Bury The Sun
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    1/15/2010 4:43 PM
    Hello Mazinz, I also just recently started coming around again, so I don't think I'm the right guy to say "Welcome Back!" lol... Well, to be honest, not much has changed for the companions. Dean is gone for good now and it doesn't even seem like anybody misses him. I might also be the wrong guy to give you advice on the newer books, but I will say this, if you liked the smutty stuff you're shit outta luck. To be fair though, they do seem to have amped up the violence lately. I recommend Cannibal Moon, Plague Lords - and the sequel - Dark Resurrection, Remember Tomorrow, and maybe Apocalypse Unborn. Hopefully I don't lead you down the wrong road, and maybe somebody else will chime in with some good ones too. Good Luck.
    "Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
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    1/16/2010 1:00 AM
    Thank you for the reply. I have a used book shop by me and will see If i can pick up the titles you mentioned. Was Dean "put under" or did he just decide to go his own way?

    What was happening with me, is that I was reading the books (at that time) and (based on previous books written by Laurence James) itjust got to that point where I was surprised on how well I did know the characters and being able to say "hmm this is something that they would not do or say". This is when I gave up on the series


    Either way, thanks again for the info and will give those books a shot. The violence does not bother me, it was really the newer authors way of handling the characters that got to me

    Bury The Sun
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    1/16/2010 10:30 AM
    I'm pretty sure that almost 9 out of 10 people on this site have felt the same way at some point... ya know, it's like getting the clap from a hooker, sometimes it happens, sometimes it don't... but you should expect it at some point lol!

    Anyways, my suggestion to you is to try out Alan Philipson's books. He really does stay true to the companions for the most part and just about all of AP's books that I have read were great. If you are having trouble finding books I suggest Amazon, and if Amazon is to expensive for you -like it is for me- you might want to check out, they don't have a whole lot of DL, but it is really cheap.
    "Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
    New Member
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    1/18/2010 12:24 AM
    thanks again for the info!
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