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Last Post 2/1/2010 7:59 AM by  captainbasil
Star Trek: Outpost (Audio Drama) Review
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1/28/2010 10:45 AM
    Compared to many of my friends I'm only a casual Star Trek fan. I collect radio drama and I stumbled upon the Giant Gnome Productions web site while researching an old show from the 40's. I downloaded the first episode to listen to on my work commute. I am hooked. The series is almost a grittier version of Deep Space Nine. So far so good.
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    New Member

    1/30/2010 9:52 PM
    Good find.  I'm always looking for things to listen to while commuting.  I just downloaded the first episode of Age of the Zombies from Necropolis Studio Productions and it seems like the series may have potential.  What else can you recommend?
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    New Member

    2/1/2010 7:59 AM
    I'm glad you liked it. This Necropolis thing sounds really cool too. Thank you. I love Zombie stuff and so does my wife. For commuting you can't beat Graphic Audio and I can also recommend Radio and Decoder Ring for more audio drama. Also the Sherlock Holmes Society Of London web site has new productions of some classic Sherlock Holmes stories. Happy listening.
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