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Last Post 10/5/2010 6:48 AM by  gumble
Deathlands 93 - Baptism of Rage
 7 Replies
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Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief

2/28/2010 9:09 PM

    This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands #93 - Baptism of Rage

    The bibliography page is located HERE

    You can submit your own review HERE

    Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/11/2010 3:25 PM
    Nice to see Doc has his LeMat with him on the cover, less nice is the idea he may well be wearing Krysy's boots...
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    8/6/2010 12:06 AM

    I thought the story was excellent.  Well thought out and believable without the nonsensical super villain or situations where you wonder 'how did that get there'?

    It was interesting how the author incorporated a human weakness and turned it into a good solid story. I was also happy to see the characters doing and acting how they should. J.B. even was smoking his stogie, something he hasn't done since very early on in the series.  Nor were there the 20 pay introspections that have plagued other books.  What was there seemed to be just right.

    Now for the nitpick: Early on Kristy's revolver was described as a 9mm. This must've been a typo.  Later, in the fight with the baddie that fell out of the tree, she finally got it down in 6 shots. I may be mistaken but her gun has been previously described as a 5 shot. Whoops. 

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    8/7/2010 8:38 PM
    Not bad. I had a feeling Daisy and the other kid were more than they seemed, but I never saw the twist coming.

    My main gripes with it were:
    The language was a bit overblown for a pulp fiction novel (concupiscent?). There were also a few British English artifacts that missed editing (a couple references to "the floor" instead of "the ground", and I think one to "windscreen" instead of "windshield").

    Ryan never would have been dumb enough to go into the barn with Jak - he would've had Jak stay back with the others, or forced them to go ahead. He suspected a trap and then suddenly "forgot" about it.

    Krysty seemed to have completely lost her ability to sense things. In the fight with the scalies, she should've been the first to notice them, not JB. (And yes, her revolver has five rounds, not six.)
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    Veteran Member

    8/8/2010 11:45 AM
    Posted By Kerrick on 07 Aug 2010 08:38 PM
    My main gripes with it were:
    ...there were also a few British English artifacts that missed editing (a couple references to "the floor" instead of "the ground", and I think one to "windscreen" instead of "windshield").

    Artifacts? An artifact is an object produced or shaped by human hands of archaeological or historical interest. I think you should have used the word "words" here

    I was actually quite happy to see some quite complex words thrown into the mix in this book for once.

    Concupiscent -A strong sexual desire; lust.

    My big gripe with most of the books is the constant mis-spelling of colour and axe

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    8/17/2010 12:15 AM
    Posted By )3az )3aziah on 08 Aug 2010 11:45 AM

    Artifacts? An artifact is an object produced or shaped by human hands of archaeological or historical interest. I think you should have used the word "words" here

    Artifact (, #6): any feature that is not naturally present but is a product of an extrinsic agent, method, or the like: statistical artifacts that make the inflation rate seem greater than it is.  But, I suppose I could've simply used "words" there.

    I was actually quite happy to see some quite complex words thrown into the mix in this book for once.

    I suppose so. I mean, I'm perfectly capable of using a dictionary (as evidenced by the above), but I don't expect it when reading a Deathlands novel.

    My big gripe with most of the books is the constant mis-spelling of colour and axe

    New Member
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    10/1/2010 5:10 PM
    Because the world of Death Lands has science fiction elements to it like teleporting, there's an intriguing edge to the book's big question as to whether there really is a fountain of youth. We're on a journey that could have any number of legitimate outcomes. Without spoiling anything the revelation was a surprise to me, my mind had been working to an entirely different conclusion.
    I thought this was an entertaining adventure, punctuated by several excellent action scenes, particularly the fight with the mutant hogs and Jak's coming over all Jackie Chan on some security guards.

    All the regulars are well served, especially Doc Tanner. He gets some parts of his past life filled in to emotive effect. Ryan's musings on his brother are also interesting. The bonds of affection between our heroes is what stops these books from becoming unbearably bleak. A sub-plot involving a dead baby is particularly grim. Having said that, this entry ends on a more upbeat note than expected.

    It's bloodsoaked action all the way, with extra gore from some nightmare sequences for good measure. A stronger book than Rik Hoskin's Deathlands debut. Mind you it helps that the back cover blurb doesn't spoil the plot this time!
    New Member
    New Member

    10/5/2010 6:48 AM
    So maybe I am in a minority, but I don't think this book is any more than average, and I have some issues with it - and it is sooooo predictable.

    Firstly - when Ryan and the group first come across the village where they meet the group they will be escorting to 'Baby', Jak without discussion with Ryan just rushes off to help, without consultation with Ryan. Not exactly what a leader of a group would expect without agreement.

    Second - the people in this new village rather than coming out to fight the threat of the 'wolves' seem to stay in the bars and enjoy the drinking and whoring and ignoring all the gunshots and screams from the rest of the town.

    Third, Mildred a doctor does not seem to initially go to help any of the injured from the wolf attack. Which is a surprise as I would have thought Mildred's skills would have been worth a meal or two in the time of distress.

    Fourth, Whilst Doc and his addled mind may lose it occasionally, Mildred a lady of modern science seems all to eager to believe a fountain of youth exists ! The books did not need her to support Doc.

    Fifth, come on, our we really to expect people in deathlands would tarmac an entire road ?

    Sixth, the book is far too predictable. From the minute you meet the travellers you can guess what is going on at the new town of Baby.

    Saying that, it was still a valiant attempt, but nothing more than average in my mind.

    5 out of 10.
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