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Last Post 9/17/2011 1:55 AM by  silentalbino
Name the very worst DeathLands book ever in your opinion?
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5/25/2010 6:05 AM

    IMO "Rat King" was just aweful to say the least.

    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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    5/25/2010 7:35 AM
    Rat King was very interesting.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/25/2010 7:41 AM
    Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 25 May 2010 07:35 AM
    Rat King was very interesting.

    In what way?

    If I remember rightly all the posts here slammed it.
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
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    5/25/2010 3:23 PM

    Thanks sir.

    It's all a matter of opinion,but I'm glad you backed mine.

    No offense to Wordsmith Reprise.

    He seems like a good chap.

    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
    Ron Miles
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    5/25/2010 3:32 PM
    Interesting. I would have expected Skydark Spawn or Black Harvest to be the ones to be mentioned first because of the general disdain for Edo von Belkom. Or, failing that, something like Salvation Road.

    I am traveling on business, but when I get back home I can do a quick analysis of the database for user-submitted reviews and I can tell you which ones actually have the lowest average rating. I have my suspicions which ones will be there...
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/25/2010 3:40 PM
    Ron got it spot

    Skydark Spawn
    Balck Harvest
    Salvation road

    Have to be the worst of the bunch by a long mark in my opinion.
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    The Phantom
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    5/25/2010 7:26 PM
    I have not read any DL books past Starfall and Encounter yet, so I can't comment on the majority of the books that have been trashed on in the last ten years.

    Of the books I read I would say maybe Moon Fate was the one I liked least, and the most disappointing book would probably be Freedom Lost.

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    5/26/2010 7:02 AM

    I have not read any of the books you gentlemen have mentioned so I take your word for it that they are the worst in the series

    I did read Rat King and personnaly loathed it.

    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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    5/26/2010 4:50 PM
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/26/2010 6:03 PM
    Posted By RYAN'S BASTARD SON on 26 May 2010 07:02 AM

    I have not read any of the books you gentlemen have mentioned so I take your word for it that they are the worst in the series

    I did read Rat King and personnaly loathed it.

    Other than that which ones have you read ?
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    5/26/2010 7:33 PM

    At least the first 50?

    Layed off for a bit and came back a year ago.
    My personal opinion would be the first 30+ books are the greatest by far.

    I think maybe only one LJ book ever disapointed me and off the top of my head I can't recall it.

    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
    Ron Miles
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    5/26/2010 7:52 PM
    Posted By RYAN'S BASTARD SON on 26 May 2010 07:33 PM

    I think maybe only one LJ book ever disapointed me and off the top of my head I can't recall it.

    Almost certainly Crucible of Time.  And there are good reasons for why it didn't hold up, so I can't really hold it against him.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    5/26/2010 9:08 PM
    Posted By Ron Miles on 26 May 2010 07:52 PM
    Posted By RYAN'S BASTARD SON on 26 May 2010 07:33 PM

    I think maybe only one LJ book ever disapointed me and off the top of my head I can't recall it.

    Almost certainly Crucible of Time.  And there are good reasons for why it didn't hold up, so I can't really hold it against him.

    Thank you sir.
    That is the one.
    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
    The Phantom
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    5/29/2010 2:33 PM
    Posted By Ron Miles on 26 May 2010 07:52 PM
    Posted By RYAN'S BASTARD SON on 26 May 2010 07:33 PM

    I think maybe only one LJ book ever disapointed me and off the top of my head I can't recall it.

    Almost certainly Crucible of Time.  And there are good reasons for why it didn't hold up, so I can't really hold it against him.

    What was the story behind that book? Was it a leftover manuscript LJ had lying around that he didn't want to send in, but ended up doing so anyway? It seemed odd one of his books came out long after he was no longer writing for the series.

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/30/2010 1:05 PM
    Crucible of Time was LJ's last book published just over 2 years after his previous book Eclipse at noon.

    It took LJ almost 3 years to write as he was seriously ill and also had quite severe Carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands which limited his ability to write or type.

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    5/30/2010 4:26 PM

    Salvation Road.....God that was seriously painful to endure.



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    6/1/2010 9:35 AM
    anything by andy boot tbh
    The other british one
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    6/3/2010 12:12 AM
    Posted By thedupleman on 01 Jun 2010 09:35 AM
    anything by andy boot tbh

    I have heard Andy Boot slammed before.
    I think the last one of his I read and hated was last year.
    Title eludes me at the moment and I am too lazy to go upstairs and forage through my DL books.
    probably about 10 books back?
    Sorry,just tired.
    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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    2/1/2011 3:00 PM
    The one with the unstoppable tank, behemoth, that got destroyed...
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    2/2/2011 11:09 AM
    Edit: You mean the Ranger (aka the Beast), a robotic tank. That was from Pandora's Redoubt, which also had another tank cobbled together from other vehicles, called Leviathan. The companions used that one to combat the Ranger.
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