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Last Post 9/17/2011 1:55 AM by  silentalbino
Name the very worst DeathLands book ever in your opinion?
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8/30/2011 6:30 AM
Ice and fire and watersleep
The Phantom
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8/30/2011 5:48 PM
Posted By silentalbino on 30 Aug 2011 06:30 AM
Ice and fire and watersleep

Any particular reason why you did not like those books? I enjoyed both of them, Watersleep being one of the better books I read among the post-LJ novels I read so far.

Ron Miles
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8/30/2011 6:27 PM
I would guess it has something to do with water beetle people.

My pick would be Skydark Spawn.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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8/31/2011 2:50 PM

Correct Mr Miles, that and it was all a bit cheesy. And the snakes with collars in ice and fire WTF.

The Phantom
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9/3/2011 12:20 PM
Yeah, the snakes in Ice and Fire were a low point in that book, but I thought water beetle people showed up in the Baronies Trilogy, I don't remember them being in Watersleep.

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9/5/2011 1:20 AM

To me it has to be Doom Helix for a # of reasons.Why does Dr.Huth live when Ryans daughter dies?They chould have made it through 6 more books with her (like they have been doin with Doc for 90 some odd books).That would have been a great 100th book with Ryans kids meetin.O yea,Prophecy hurt also.

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9/5/2011 4:08 AM
Posted By The Phantom on 03 Sep 2011 12:20 PM
Yeah, the snakes in Ice and Fire were a low point in that book, but I thought water beetle people showed up in the Baronies Trilogy, I don't remember them being in Watersleep.

You are correct they didnt appear in that book, but there was some kind of freaky aquatic lifeform's that was just oh so conveniant.

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9/5/2011 8:04 AM
Uhh, Dr. Huth doesn't live. He just doesn't die on-camera. He's left trapped deep underground with the specters. No way out.  As I had described ad nauseum what happens when a living creature was infected by specters I figured readers could fill in the blanks.

Since Auriel was my character, not GE's, and since I didn't intend to write any more DLs I didn't see the point in not killing her.
Ron Miles
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9/5/2011 10:10 AM
Doom Helix the worst? Man, that's just hurtful. How could you not love Ronbo and Ti? At least that book didn't commit the cardinal sin of being boring (I'm looking at *you*, Salvation Road...)
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Harry Whittleberry 2
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9/6/2011 5:07 AM
skydark spawn was the worst book and the best one is any of them that has the robitic dude in them magius
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9/7/2011 10:01 PM
I hear ya Ap and Ron.give me a min and I'll get back
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9/9/2011 7:58 AM
Posted By silentalbino on 05 Sep 2011 04:08 AM
Posted By The Phantom on 03 Sep 2011 12:20 PM
Yeah, the snakes in Ice and Fire were a low point in that book, but I thought water beetle people showed up in the Baronies Trilogy, I don't remember them being in Watersleep.

You are correct they didnt appear in that book, but there was some kind of freaky aquatic lifeform's that was just oh so conveniant.

You mean the fishmen. They were genetically engineered as one of the many Totality Concept experiments (well, it was stated they were created; the TC connection is assumed). A variant also appeared in Deep Empire, and another in Downrigger Drift.

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9/9/2011 10:26 PM
I see what ur sayin about Dr. Huth.I just got a feelin we ain't seen the last of him.As far as Auriel goes,she was ur character and u killed her off so GE chouldn't use her.Damn u must be really pissed at GE to "can" her.Doom Helix isn't the worst DLs book I have read,its just the last book that left allot of ?s.Most of witch have been seen to.I love ur work AP but when ur pissed it shows lol
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9/9/2011 10:44 PM

 It was kinda hurtful Ron.But that wasn't my intention just my opinion.We all know Ap is the shit.Hell maybe thats what makes a great book,one that leaves u goin "wtf".Doom Helix did that to me.Also Ron u can "meanmug" me all u want but Salvation Road was a good book. 

Ron Miles
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9/10/2011 5:08 AM
Posted By Diablo on 09 Sep 2011 10:26 PM
I see what ur sayin about Dr. Huth.I just got a feelin we ain't seen the last of him.
Well, given that Dr. Huth is Alan's character, and Alan is not writing any more Deathlands books, I feel extremely confident that we have indeed seen the last of Dr. Huth.

"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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9/11/2011 2:56 PM
I didn't like Ice and fire either but I didn't like it because of the way the portrait Lori Quint was in that book (its the book she dies in) she went from helpful and a interesting member of the group in the first 6 books she was in, to being combative right off the bat and being a general bitch in this one, its almost like they were preparing you for her death by making you dislike her right off the bat with her arguing with Ryan and him threating to chill her at the beginning of the story.
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9/16/2011 5:32 PM
Just spotted Ice and Fire on cassette at a Half Price Books for $1.  Usually on the lookout for Graphic Audios but have yet to find any used ones on the shelf.  Although not a GA, the first find of any DL on audio figures it would be a least favorite.
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9/17/2011 1:55 AM
Posted By Sin-Eater on 16 Sep 2011 05:32 PM
Just spotted Ice and Fire on cassette at a Half Price Books for $1.  Usually on the lookout for Graphic Audios but have yet to find any used ones on the shelf.  Although not a GA, the first find of any DL on audio figures it would be a least favorite.
   If you dont have it not a bad price? The story apart from the massive rattlers is not   bad.
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