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Last Post 6/10/2010 7:02 PM by  RYAN'S BASTARD SON
Why does Ryan Cawdor have an afro?
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6/9/2010 3:50 AM
    Ryan Cawdor is always described as having one blue eye and black curly "shoulder length" hair.
    In my experience the only man to have black hair and blue eyes is Superman (a genetic impossibility).
    All europeans have either brown/blonde or red hair w/blue/green or brown eyes.
    Only asians,latinos,spaniards,Indians.islanders,african americans,etc..have black hair.
    I myself had very long (down to my rear end length) hair for 12 years of my life.
    I never had an afro,even when it was only grown out to shoulder length.
    This is indeed a silly topic,but I was wondering if anyone else thought it odd if not ridiculous why Ryan is constantly painted with an afro on the DL covers?
    LJ repeatedly described him as a white man with black shoulder lenght hair,not as a black man with an afro?
    Input pls?
    Feel free to laugh at this post and me.
    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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    6/9/2010 4:03 AM

    Krystys hair products shared in the showers?


    Realistically, I guess its cause you cant exactly cut ones hair pretty boy style or something 100 years after a nuclear holocaust, and  personal hygience such as groomed hair etc isnt exactly neccesary for survival in that sort of situation.

    But yah, a shoulder length afro? that thing must be hugeeeeeeee

    I always pictured Ryan having some sort of longish mullet or something unkept like that.



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    6/9/2010 4:32 AM
    I agree that keeping groomed may not be a high priority in the DL,but still hair does not grow out straight,gravity makes it come down,unless you are an African american and an afro is what you have in your gene pool.
    No way Ryan could have an afro unless he is a black man.LOL
    I always pictured him looking like Kurt Russel did as "Snake Plissken" in Escape From New York.
    A mulllet?Nah only dorks had those,in my long hair metal band days it was all long,bangs,sides and the back.
    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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    6/9/2010 7:46 AM
    Plenty of people have black hair and blue eyes.

    All Europeans?  I guess you haven't seen many people of Spanish or Italian descent.

    The last I checked Spain and Italy were both part of Europe.

    Would you be happier if Ryan were...say...blond, crew cut, and blue eyed?  You know...more...aryan?

    Just wondering.

    Silly? Yes.
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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    6/9/2010 10:10 AM
    Oh, and by the way anyone can have a so-called afro...ever heard of Bob Ross?

    Google him...
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    6/9/2010 11:45 AM
    Posted By mikeclr on 09 Jun 2010 10:10 AM
    ...ever heard of Bob Ross?

    Bob is a Deity in my eyes. Never has a man painted mountains so well with a brush designed to paint the side of your home with.
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    6/10/2010 7:41 AM
    Posted By mikeclr on 09 Jun 2010 07:46 AM
    Plenty of people have black hair and blue eyes.

    All Europeans?  I guess you haven't seen many people of Spanish or Italian descent.

    The last I checked Spain and Italy were both part of Europe.

    Would you be happier if Ryan were...say...blond, crew cut, and blue eyed?  You know...more...aryan?

    Just wondering.

    Silly? Yes.

    Once again you are trying to be a hostile **** when I am not Mike.
    NO Itallans and Spaniards ar not caucasians as Ryan is said to be.
    Sure they are Europeans.
    I have dark brown hair and blue eyes and am married to a black woman so your racist Aryan insult holds no water,nor does much of anything you ever say to me for some odd reason?
    I do know who Bob Ross is and he is probably one out of 10 million caucasion types to have an "afro".
    I was not saying I dislike Ryan's hair/color or Non Hitlerian appearance,just that he does not have "shoulder length hair as LJ described,he indeed has an afro.
    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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    6/10/2010 9:07 AM
    Posted By RYAN'S BASTARD SON on 10 Jun 2010 07:41 AM
    I was not saying I dislike Ryan's hair/color or Non Hitlerian appearance,just that he does not have "shoulder length hair as LJ described,he indeed has an afro.

    Er...ol' Adolf had black hair and blue eyes.
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    6/10/2010 7:02 PM
    Posted By Jax2 on 10 Jun 2010 09:07 AM
    Posted By RYAN'S BASTARD SON on 10 Jun 2010 07:41 AM
    I was not saying I dislike Ryan's hair/color or Non Hitlerian appearance,just that he does not have "shoulder length hair as LJ described,he indeed has an afro.

    Er...ol' Adolf had black hair and blue eyes.

    No, if you read a history book or anything about Hitler it is a well known fact that he had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.
    In his racist ideology he himself ws "imperfect" because he did not have blonde hair and blue eyes.
    I had to read MeinKampf for a school paper.
    I was only ever making a joke about Ryan's hair not matching the LJ description in the books as opposed to the novel cover paintings.
    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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