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Last Post 8/31/2010 8:46 AM by  captainbasil
Books that focus on one charecter more then others.
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6/26/2010 8:44 PM
    I love the series as a whole and stumbled onto it by accident (good mistake) The first book I read was way up in the 90's volumes, but it did a good job at summoning up each charecter in the group and I've been hooked ever since.

    Now I have roughly 85% of all the books, and have gone back to 1 and am now at vol 16.  When I started there was a preview for vol 74!  What?  But anyway, the preview lead me to believe that the book focuses more on Jack, which I like the idea of.  My question is for anyone whos read more of the volumes so far, what volumes focus on one charecter rather then just the group as a whole.  I think they all kick butt and all, but I like seeing one guy get the spotlight here and there.  FYI I already saw vol 74 get baaad reviews won't stop me from reading it when I get to it though.
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    6/26/2010 10:21 PM
    Dark Emblem kind of focuses on Doc - we get a lot of background info on him, how he got trawled, and what happened to him in 1998-2000.

    One of the early ones (Homeward Bound?) focuses on Ryan - he returns to Front Royal to confront his brother Harvey.

    Crossways deals with Krysty, as she and her friends go to Harmony ville.

    Separation is mostly centered around Mildred, though it's widely regarded as one of the worst books. (It's horribly boring, IMO, but not the worst.)
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    6/27/2010 12:16 AM
    think I've already read through the ones about Ryan returning home, and same with the one about Kristy.  I go through different moods of tolerance fro these books, some days I demand action and plot, others I want stupid little details about things.  Thanks for the info though, it's much appreciated. Lemme know if ya come across any others.  My favorite charecters are Mildred and Jack.
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    New Member

    8/31/2010 8:46 AM
    If you're a fan of Mildred, as I am,you definitely have to read Cannibal Moon. One of the best of the later books, in my opinion.
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