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Last Post 2/10/2011 6:43 PM by  kruser
How much is a library of Deathlands Novels worth?
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1/31/2011 2:13 PM
    Hi everyone, I just found this site today and love it!  I've been reading Deathlands since day one, and am so glad to see other people enjoy the series as much as I do!  I hope this site leads to some great discussion and maybe some new friends!

    I thought it might be interesting to discuss how much worth/value etc...  is in a Deathlands collection?  Like many of you I have every novel (with many duplicates) plus the Outlanders series (of course Deathlands is my favorite.)  I've read every novel at least twice, and listened to the CD's on road trips a few times over. 

    My collection means a lot to me, I've cared for the books, carting them from house to house, always putting them on the shelf in order.  The copies that have gotten too dog-earned for my OCD to allow I've replaced off of the internet. 

    I'd never sell my collection on ebay, but somebody will one day, what do you think some future Deathlands enthusiast would pay to have a full Deathlands library?

    What would you be willing to give up to keep yours?

    Hope this sparks some fun discussion...
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    2/8/2011 12:39 AM
    this is a good question.A complete set in mint condition would be what,7 bucks a book?So 700$ is kinda and maybe what someone would get.Thats about what I would pay.Now if they had a couple books signed by the author,then who knows what they would be worth.Speakin of that,has GE ever had a greet and meet for a book and author?
    New Member
    New Member

    2/8/2011 2:41 PM
    Although I do not have any books signed by the author, in this genre, I do have all the Deathlands (plus movie) and Outlanders, Rogue Angel, Earth Blood, Survival 2000 and Jake Strait. I am working on the Endworld saga , Survivalist saga, and Blade saga.

    I have signed by the author and personnel comments by David Khan (the Code Breakers) and David Meadows (The Sixth Fleet). The former I have the first edition and the last. I knew Mr. Meadows overseas as I now live in the states.

    I would not sell any of my books, but it is nice to know how much they are worth. I guess more to me than anyone else.
    New Member
    New Member

    2/10/2011 6:43 PM
    My books are priceless to me and I wouldn't give them up for anything.
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