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Last Post 2/7/2011 3:17 PM by  Leif
Selling Outlanders collection
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2/7/2011 3:17 PM
    Hey folks, after getting married a while ago, and now getting ready to move across town, I've decided to sell a lot of my books. (Yes it's a bit painful, but it's sell them or move them... and I've enjoyed all of them.)

    The books I have are:
    5  Parallax Red
    6  Doomstar Relic
    7  Ice Blood
    8  Hellbound Fury
    9  Night Eternal
    10 Outer Darkness
    11 Armgeddon Axis
    12 Wreath of Fire
    13 Shadow Scourge
    14 Hell Rising
    15 Doom Dynasty
    16 Tigers of Heaven
    17 Purgatory Road
    18 Sargasso Plunder
    19 Tomb of Time
    21 Devil in the Moon
    23 Far Empire
    24 Equinox Zero
    25 Talon and Fang
    28 Mad God's Wrath
    29 Sun Lord
    32 Evil Abyss
    34 Successors
    35 Cerberus Storm
    36 Refuge
    38 Lords of the Deep
    40 Closing the Cosmic Eye
    42 Satan's Seed
    43 Dark Goddess
    48 Serpent's Tooth

    All are in at least Good shape, most are VG to Excellent shape. Doomstar Relic has the word MILLINGTON stamped across the top of the book/page edges, Parallax Red has a stamp inside the front cover, and one or two may have a slight stain on the edge . Some spines are uncreased, others are creased... but I've never found any missing pages or loose spines. (I like books, and try to read them gently and keep them in the best shape possible!) I don't smoke, but some may have been in a smoker's house before I bought them.

    I'm asking $75 for the whole lot ($2.50/book), and will also throw in my duplicate copies (Doomstar Relic, Doom Dynasty, Sargasso Plunder, and Tomb of Time) All 4 are in Good to VG condition... I consider Good to be with intact cover, possibly some pages may have a fold, and creased spines... but tight (good reading copy). Shipping will be whatever actual cost is to ship the 34 books (media mail, or expedited if you prefer, plus delivery confirmation)

     I will ship as soon as your check clears... I don't use Paypal, too many bad experiences in the past with them.

    I will probably throw them on Ebay if they don't see in a couple of weeks, but thought I'd try here first. I'd much prefer they go to someone who will take good care of them.

    My email is tingsson AT yahoo DOT com,

    Thanks, Leif
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