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Last Post 3/13/2011 8:26 PM by  Mad Max
Books 1 through 64 for sale
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Mad Max
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3/13/2011 8:26 PM
    I have all books up to #64 (Devil Riders) except for #9 (Ice and Fire) and #31 (Crossways).

    The Pilgrimage To Hell still has the fold out map, etc. in it.

    All are in fair to good condition - they have been read at least twice. 

    I'm asking $3 each, and I'd prefer to sell the whole set together.

    I have doubles of#11 Northstar Rising
    #20 Deep Empire
    #40 Watersleep
       and#41 Nightmare Passage

    I also have 7 of the first 8 Outlanders (No book 5) and Earthblood and Earthblood Aurora Quest
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