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Last Post 7/9/2011 12:38 PM by  Kerrick
Will a new reader be lost if jumping in series midway
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4/28/2011 6:24 PM
    I was at the grocery store today and saw an Axler book. The cover caught my eye and so did the description on the back cover. I went on-line to order a sample via kindle and saw that there are over a hundred books in this series. My question is can I basically read these in any order or would I be lost be jumping in mid-way? Do the stories connect or are these exclusive? Sorry of this is an ignorant question but I'd like to give Axler a shot and wanted to see the best way to start, hopefully jumping right in. - thanks
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    6/27/2011 5:57 PM
    Greetings and welcome aboard.

    This question has been asked several times here and the answers are scattered throughout the DL General discussion threads.

    All the DL books past book 33 have been written by various writers who are contracted to write several books and have them published at various dates thereafter. So with the exception of a couple of 2 and 3 book connecting books (see full book list under "The Books"/Deathlands at the top of this page for details of these) you can read any one published after 33 in any order you wish. Books 1 to 33 run in cronological order however as they were written by one writer -Laurence James who started the next book where the previous one finished.

    Hope this answers your question.


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    6/30/2011 2:06 PM
    most of the books start with a background..and then can stand on their own if you do not know the yes i fee las if you can jump into one and not be too lost.

    New Member
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    7/9/2011 5:09 AM
    There are a lot of references to prior things that I think are important, to be honest I would say to start from the beginning. You will be missing a LOT if you don't.
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    7/9/2011 12:38 PM
    True, that, but the early books are no longer in print and are hard to find. The wiki has a lot of information, enough that new readers will have at least some idea of what's going on - the Totality Concept, old enemies, info on redoubts, etc.
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