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Last Post 9/24/2011 10:30 AM by  ShadowTek
The Trader
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9/19/2011 4:30 PM
    Ok, call me crazy, but I love the trader, I like the flashback in the one book (time nomads or something, where he gets food poison) and I love the whole idea of him, I did NOT like the books where he joined Ryan and showed him as a ass.. I prefer the per asshole times when he had his convoy of Mobil death

    The idea of the trader reminds me of mad max, mobile death on wheels, honorable to a point, but bas ass in a way...

    Now again call me crazy but wasn't that bullshit having all there convoy explode when they were not XXXX (XXXX = whatever had to be done to stop there destruction)  what ever in time? That pissed me off.. Was there convoy really that self destructive? That was something I totally did not agree with.. due to self imposed safety measures, there whole crew (over 200 people) Died, the amount of Trader personnel was established in book 1 I believe, in the book, they say that the traders full strength is over 200 personnel.. That seemed to me to be a too simple way to get rid of the traders forces and set up Ryan and co..  anyway, just my thoughts.. 

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/20/2011 7:48 PM
    Nobody has a opinion on this? I know the trader is gone in 85% of the books, but I cant be the only one that likes him or at least the whole mad max concept of what he was lol plus am I the only one that thought that the whole exploding convey killing 200 trader personnel was bullshit?
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/20/2011 8:40 PM
    I think you've got it a bit wrong there. In Book 1, Strasser dropped nerve gas on the convoy, killing all but the members of War Wag One (he hit them with sleeping gas), so he could take Trader hostage. Yes, Trader had JB rig booby-traps on all the wags: this was so no one outside of the convoy could get in (for obvious reasons - everyone there would rather die than give up anything to a potential rival/enemy; this was stated and demonstrated multiple times throughout the books).

    And Trader was always an asshole - it just didn't come out as much in Book 1, since he was only there for a short time. Read it again, then find some of the flashbacks or stories Ryan and JB tell - his character comes through clearly. He is an alpha wolf, and he cannot (and will not) bow down to anyone else. Ryan is the same way (he has to be, to keep himself and his friends alive), and that's why those two kept butting heads. As I stated elsewhere, I'm sure that Trader's dead, and I really wouldn't want to see him return, because it would just be the same thing all over again.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/20/2011 8:49 PM
    Yes, I remember the gas.. but that as you said just knocked them out (hmm.. all 200 of them..) it didnt kill them, it only knocked them out right? Mabey I do need to re-listen to it, but I could swear the gas did not kill, it knocked them out, then it was the traps on the doors that killed them, am I wrong here?

    I dont want the trader to return now either, not unless he does so as he was in book one and the time nomad book flashback, he would have to be fully healed, and get his badass power back for me to want him back, but that is too guttsy for it to happen with the solo fly of the books now, are you sure about that gas statment of yours lol, I thought they all were simply knocked out by that initial gas attack, not killed?
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    9/21/2011 2:32 AM

    Bring back the trader and then have Ryan kill his crazy old @$$

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/23/2011 9:27 AM
    Shadow: You made me dig out my copy to look. They were indeed nerve-gassed. Trader parked War Wag One (along with a couple trucks) some distance away from the others to set up a command center:

    [Sam] said, "Main train's gone off the air. We were rapping with Cohn in War Wag One when he suddenly reported the convoy was surrounded. ... We relocated, heard this other guy say they'd nerved the main train, they were all dead, finished, kaput, and unless the Old Man threw in, the convoy'd get blitzed, too."

    You might be confusing this with Encounter, where similar events occurred - the convoy was hit with nerve gas that wasn't as potent as planned, so it put everyone to sleep. the wags were set with timers that (if someone didn't reset them) would go off after 24 hours. Several of them went up before Ryan and friends could disarm the others, but no one was inside at the time.
    New Member
    New Member

    9/23/2011 8:12 PM
    I think the trader should come back as a cyborg.
    He had been gone so long because he was on a different
    Reality plain brought on by dr.huth himself. The lost book
    Has dr.huth making him into this teckno monster and
    Having to constently having to keep the trader under
    his constent servalence like a guard dog in order to find and
    Kill ryan and his companions.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/24/2011 10:30 AM
    Ugg, Kerrick yeah your right, sorry, I was in fact confusing the two incidents :/ My bad, I forgot there were two similar events and my mind kinda merged them
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