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Last Post 9/24/2011 2:30 PM by  ShadowTek
I cant wait...
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9/20/2011 9:01 PM
    I cant wait til I am at the trusted level to where my posts show up as I post them, I say this as its rare that members are online at same time, but when they are a "posting" conversation can take place, but that is hard to do until you get to trust level here, I spoke with Rod and I understand everything here, Im just saying, Im not a robot, and I think I proved Im not out to hurt the site, Im just here as a fan, but I get the saftey stuff, on that note, how many posts do we have to make til we are "Trusted" here?
    Ron Miles
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    9/21/2011 6:29 AM
    Somewhat more than you have made so far. You'll get there soon enough.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Harry Whittleberry 2
    Basic Member
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    9/21/2011 8:47 AM
    i feel that way too. its ages sometinmes between me entering a answer and it getting posted, sometimes there are lots more posts that have appeared and my answer is out of date and i look stupid. wich im not.
    Ron Miles
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    Commander In Chief

    9/21/2011 8:53 AM
    I do apologize, and I realize it creates a little bit of a hurdle for new users. For that matter, it creates a lot of extra work for me. I hope you can understand the need. If you haven't been around very long, you haven't seen how ugly this board can get when I don't have this little bit of protection in place. For my own sanity, the only options I currently see are either continuing this system or closing down the forum entirely. And I really don't want to go with that second option. ;-)
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Advanced Member
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    9/21/2011 6:21 PM
    i've looked at most off the board's on this site and i can understand why you do what you do, some of the fanbase can get a bit,ahem,grumpy!
    Basic Member
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    9/21/2011 9:37 PM
    You should get a couple moderators, Ron. I'm sure there are folks you can trust to keep things in order when you're not around. I do think the post limit is a bit high, though - I would've set it around 25-30. Just my two cents.
    Harry Whittleberry 2
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    9/22/2011 5:00 AM
    woo hoo i dont get checked anymore. thanks ron.
    Ron Miles
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    9/22/2011 5:27 AM
    Posted By Kerrick on 21 Sep 2011 09:37 PM
    You should get a couple moderators, Ron. I'm sure there are folks you can trust to keep things in order when you're not around. I do think the post limit is a bit high, though - I would've set it around 25-30. Just my two cents.
    Good advice. I dialed it down a bit. I can always dial it back up if it becomes a problem.

    You interested in that moderator job?

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/24/2011 2:30 PM
    Me too my post now show up as well Thanks Ron, I wasn't trying to start anything, as I didn't see what you mentioned as the problems you have had, and I would NEVER want you to close the site (Please don't!!) where would we all go then?

    I would suggest 15 posts and moderators you can trust (like, Kerrick!) like mabey the authors here or trusted members, I had a rather popular site and had 10 mods myself, between us all, we squashed all evil ^_^ they never had a chance  (but we didn't have a post limit)

    15 posts is allot considering the many places to posts, I would think (and in my experience from my site) anyone that makes that many posts are actually real and interested, unless of course there assholes..

    But in any case for me now its a mute point as my posts now show up Thanks again !!
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