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Last Post 4/11/2012 9:30 PM by  silentalbino
Jaks Bad luck and dommie girl
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10/1/2011 1:42 PM
    Ok, that sucked that they killed off the dommie chic that Jak fell for, I dont remember her name, but she was in the book where it was winter and they were at a ville where the baron collected muties.. She was pretty cool and would have made a interesting new member of the group, always bums me out when they kill a cool chr off.. (listened to this book this week)

    Ok, Jak has the worst luck with women!

    Just in the first 33 books that Ive heard so far.. Hes a walking Jinx!

    - The dommie chic he fell for dies
    - His wife and child are killed
    - The girl from Japan he fell for dies in a earthquake
    - The Indian girl he fell for turns out to be a sadistic bitch..

    and thats just in the books Ive finished so far..

    On a side note, in the wiki here, shouldn't she be under the allies section? (The doomie chic)
    Basic Member
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    10/7/2011 8:13 PM
    I guess now having read Nightmare Passage, we can add Nephrim (sp?) and Kayla to the list above haha, poor guy.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    10/8/2011 7:37 AM
    Posted By ShadowTek on 01 Oct 2011 01:42 PM
    the dommie chic

    I guess you mean a Doomie?

    A dommie sounds like some sort of sex dominatrix...
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    10/8/2011 2:09 PM
    Ahh my bad, yeah Doomie I ment, and a Dommie does sound like a more interesting version of the Doomie haha
    Harry Whittleberry 2
    Basic Member
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    10/11/2011 4:50 AM
    whats a dominatrcks
    Advanced Member
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    10/11/2011 7:10 AM
    What about old doc theo? He has lost a few lady acquaintances over the last few years including his beloved Emily.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    10/11/2011 12:27 PM
    Posted By silentalbino on 11 Oct 2011 07:10 AM
    What about old doc theo? He has lost a few lady acquaintances over the last few years including his beloved Emily.

    That is quite true, I think Lori was taken from him quite unjustly, and I think she was part of the cull in the early books to get the team down to seven main characters. Sad really as I think she had a lot of potential.
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
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    10/14/2011 3:17 PM
    Yeah I miss Lori too, Doc also lost that woman he fell for in New Mexico outside of Jaks place (I can't remember her name) but they screwed and he fell pretty dame hard for her.
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    10/16/2011 7:58 PM
    Posted By ShadowTek on 14 Oct 2011 03:17 PM
    Yeah I miss Lori too, Doc also lost that woman he fell for in New Mexico outside of Jaks place (I can't remember her name) but they screwed and he fell pretty dame hard for her.

    Wow, delicately put there.  Her name was Suki, BTW - she's on the wiki. The doomie girl (Emma?) is not because I haven't read that book, whichever one it is. But yeah, he does seem to have bad luck with women...
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    10/21/2011 4:36 PM
    LOL, yeah well.. thats the only way I could think to post what I remembered of Docs chick

    Damn I don't remember if it was Emma, but I'll go with that for now til I remember or re-listen to the book.. but she was a great character IMO.
    Basic Member
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    10/28/2011 10:00 PM
    I'm not done with book 47 and haven't got book 48 yet, but I have a feeling that the twins Lily and Lil will be added to this list of Jak's kiss of death women.. could be wrong, but we'll see (and don't tell me.. I'll get to that point in the books )
    Basic Member
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    11/5/2011 12:41 PM
    Yeah jaks touch of doom didnt hit Lily and lil, a few chics hes met that didn't die! (Finished the book)
    New Member
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    1/31/2012 5:47 PM
    What happened to Lil and Lily from Rock ville?

    Sounds like a good story arc...
    On the way to Front Royal from a redoubt in Florida, find Rock ville under occupation by some cold heart bandit, Cord was killed defending the ville and when they save the day, Lil and Lily join the companions.  They can cook, clean, and take care of trouble...

    Hey, sounds like a nice change up.
    New Member
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    2/2/2012 6:32 PM
    Also, Emma was the doomie girl in Ground Zero.  She was killed in the baron's zoo after she saw her death, the barons, and even the one guy who went into the ruins.  She was doomed before she even met the companions.
    Basic Member
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    2/4/2012 6:40 PM
    Heh, I just read that one - the summary will be up soon on the wiki. She said that the things she saw could be avoided, so it wasn't set in stone until the companions decided to go see Baron Sharpe.
    Basic Member
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    2/6/2012 1:47 AM
    It's odd that she saw her own death because we have a Doomie Barron in the book "Perdition Valley"who says Doomies can't see their own future just that of others . I agree that both Doc and Jak are very hard on the lives of the women they love.
    Advanced Member
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    4/5/2012 11:39 AM
    In Hell road his latest squeeze actually makes it out alive.
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    4/5/2012 2:47 PM
    what happened to the Issie? the japanese girl from keepers of the sun
    Advanced Member
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    4/5/2012 2:48 PM
    just read the top of the page and found out she dies in an earthquake doh
    Harry Whittleberry 2
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    4/10/2012 11:45 AM
    jack must get a baby as the white herd girl in the out landers books is related to him isnt she she looks like him and acts like him a lot.
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