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Last Post 5/27/2012 5:52 PM by  Jake Corbett
how do i go about writing a DL book?
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2/21/2012 8:19 AM

    I'm toying around with writing a Deathland's Novel, and i'm wondering how to go about it. Do i just send a copy to Goldeagle or is there agents to be involved?
    And is there any computer program's that help's with grammer and paragraph's etc.
     Also as this is a shared universe for the authors can i use idea's, concept's from the other novels.
      If anybody has any info, i'd be more than happy to hear from you.

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    2/21/2012 11:00 AM
    I've seen other writers here say they still have no agent. So, I would imagine you would have to contact Gold Eagle editorial staff, and they will lead you to where to submit your manuscript. But you better check your spelling, as well as have every guideline they ask for.

    Good luck!
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    2/21/2012 11:04 AM
    If you haven't found it yet, here is a link to Harlequin's writing guidelines:

    Harlequin owns Gold Eagle books.

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    2/21/2012 11:31 AM
    Chuck may be able to add more current information, but in my experience, GE has generally "promoted" its authors from within, regardless of any posted "submission requirements" for Harlequin (which is an entirely separate, slouching beast). With few exceptions, GE's Bolan novels have been the starting point for new writers in the stable. DL/OL are the end points, the pinnacles of creativity and high pay   reached only after years of toil at the lower level.

    One reason GE authors don't have agents: agents won't deal with GE, which does not usually negotiate contracts or pay royalties--it's take it or leave it. This also may explain why the books are so often such crap.
    Advanced Member
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    2/21/2012 1:54 PM
    Cheer's for the info gentlemen, most helpfull. Just got to get started with the manuscript. Should have it finished by 2020
    Basic Member
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    2/29/2012 8:45 AM
    AP, just out of curiosity, would you know if DL outsells the Bolan titles?
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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    3/1/2012 4:18 PM
    Posted By mikeclr on 29 Feb 2012 08:45 AM
    AP, just out of curiosity, would you know if DL outsells the Bolan titles?

    I answered this yesterday, but I guess it didn't stick because of the changeover.

    Based on what I was told by those in power, back when I knew those in power, the answer is "WAY."

    But "WAY" is a relative term outside the GE-verse. If Bolan books sell 15K copies each and DL books sell 30K copies each, that seems a significant difference. But in the wider world of publishing, there is no difference: the sales of both series suck.
    Ron Miles
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    3/1/2012 6:16 PM
    Posted By AP on 01 Mar 2012 04:18 PM

    I answered this yesterday, but I guess it didn't stick because of the changeover.

    Sorry if your post got lost in the shuffle. You must have put it in just under the wire between when the web host started moving the database and when I shut the forums down. It came up rather quickly, otherwise I would have done it in the other order.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Basic Member
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    3/6/2012 8:34 AM
    Damn AP....u need to talk?
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    3/6/2012 3:46 PM
    Posted By Diablo on 06 Mar 2012 08:34 AM
    Damn AP....u need to talk?

    Thanks for the offer, but I read some 70s porn and now I feel better.
    Ron Miles
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    3/6/2012 6:55 PM
    I have very fond memories of 70s porn. It's the wood paneling and shag carpets that really sells it.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Advanced Member
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    3/6/2012 7:16 PM
    And those great hairstyles and granny panties. Can't forget them.
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    3/6/2012 7:20 PM
    Anybody read the brand-new post-holocaust novel: The Last Pilgrims, by Michael Bunker?
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    3/6/2012 7:59 PM
    Posted By Maximus on 06 Mar 2012 07:20 PM
    Anybody read the brand-new post-holocaust novel: The Last Pilgrims, by Michael Bunker?

    Does the novel feature shag carpet and granny panties?

    Or as in DL, 200-word descriptions of sex between people who never wash their clothes or their wedding tackle?
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    3/7/2012 4:17 PM
    Advanced Member
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    3/7/2012 6:18 PM
    Posted By Maximus on 06 Mar 2012 07:20 PM
    Anybody read the brand-new post-holocaust novel: The Last Pilgrims, by Michael Bunker?
    I've looked at the website is it any good?
    Advanced Member
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    3/7/2012 6:45 PM
    How come Krysty never falls pregnant? Pretty sure all condoms are past there use by date, and millie aint making the pill out of docking leaves and ground stickie bones.
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    3/7/2012 8:00 PM
    Posted By silentalbino on 07 Mar 2012 06:45 PM
    How come Krysty never falls pregnant? Pretty sure all condoms are past there use by date, and millie aint making the pill out of docking leaves and ground stickie bones.

    Krysty is a mutie (remember her prehensile hair?), so that explains why all the decades of boot-knocking with Ryan have been for nought. It's like a weasel trying to get a pumpkin pregnant. Kind of fun to watch, but in the end pointless.

    As for Mildred, I think the freezie experience might be the root cause of her infertility. Her eggs never unfroze. Either that or back in the Trader Days JB suffered a terrible accident in the scrotal area while reloading 12-gauge shells with buckshot. 
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    3/7/2012 9:59 PM
    Posted By AP on 07 Mar 2012 08:00
     It's like a weasel trying to get a pumpkin pregnant. Kind of fun to watch, but in the end pointless.

      Damn sir, that has left me with one hell of a mental image.

      I think her mutie heritage shouldnt stop her from concieving and at some point Ryan should be able to knock her up.

    Ron Miles
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    3/7/2012 10:06 PM
    Maybe she's infertile. Or maybe she's just so in touch with Gaia that she can control her own fertility. If she can channel the whole Earth Mother thing then it stands to reason that she can also channel and control her own cycles.

    Which of course leads to a whole other issue that has never come up for either Krysty or Mildred in the series...
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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