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Last Post 5/31/2015 6:22 PM by  sniper1shot
Gold Eagle is Shutting Down
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12/13/2014 10:00 PM
I hope the last book leaves things open in case the line gets picked up again.
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12/14/2014 9:11 AM

<The last book will by written by Victor Milan.

That seems just so....appropriate.

Basic Member
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12/14/2014 1:05 PM
Maybe it will be awesome.
New Member
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12/16/2014 5:49 PM
I'm curious as to how this will effect the existence of I'm hoping that this site will continue to operate after the closing of Gold Eagle's doors.
New Member
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12/16/2014 6:06 PM
Also, another moronic decision on the part of GE: Vic Milan penning the final DL tome. Milan is adept at scribbling serviceable fare, but I really think he lacks the dramatic heft that the final book will need. I really think the job should have gone to either Alan Philipson or Chuck Rogers, both of whom would be almost guaranteed to write a brilliant final novel for the series.
Freelance Editor
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12/16/2014 7:39 PM
It just so happened that HarperCollins chose December 2015 as the end month for Gold Eagle's publishing schedule. Contracts had already been signed and books scheduled. It wasn't a "moronic decision." Delivery dates had already been set.
Ron Miles
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12/16/2014 8:45 PM
Posted By RPGjunkie on 12/16/2014 5:49 PM
I'm curious as to how this will effect the existence of I'm hoping that this site will continue to operate after the closing of Gold Eagle's doors.

Short version: I'm not sure.

Medium version: I have every intention for to remain for many years to come. Whatever the site does or does not mean to anyone else, it has been my primary online identity for over seventeen years now and I have no intention of letting it go.

Long version: Honestly, I am a little bit worried. When I first launched the site I fully expected to get a Cease and Desist letter from the lawyers at Harlequin. And if that had happened early on I would have shrugged and handed over the domain name. After a few years, though, my position changed. I knew that the senior editors at Gold Eagle were aware of the site's existence, and for whatever reason (probably indifference) they chose not to try to shut me down. 

I have always done my very best to ensure that the content on this website remains well within my understanding of Fair Use laws. Of course, I'm in the United States and Gold Eagle / Harlequin is based in Canada, so even if I am correct in how I read the Fair Use statues in the U.S. that does not necessarily apply internationally.  Still, I have done my best to be honest in my dealings with Gold Eagle and the authors and editors with whom I have become acquainted. I think if push came to shove and there were some kind of intellectual property dispute between Gold Eagle and this website I would have a very strong leg to stand on in defense of this website.

I honestly have no idea what happens to the intellectual property once Gold Eagle folds. I have some educated guesses on what might happen to the Bolan properties, but they are only guesses. 

With the Axler properties, the most likely thing is that they will simply fade into oblivion. There will literally be nobody left with any legal standing who will care enough to say anything to be about the site either way. In that case, the site goes on for years to come and I try to find some way to keep it relevant.

On the other hand, if another publisher comes along and takes ownership of the Axler intellectual property (and don't hold your breath on that one), that's where I become nervous. Because if I am the lawyer at a publishing house that just acquired a new piece of IP, the first thing I am going to want to do is enforce my IP rights to protect my new trademarks. In that case, I still think I am on fairly solid footing to push back if I get a Cease and Desist. But at a certain point I would have to do a cost/benefit analysis and make a reasonable choice.

If a white knight comes along and continues the Deathlands legacy, I hope that I can continue to be seen as a valuable resource to them and not as an infringer. I should hope that I could have a reasonable dialog with the new owners and reach an accommodation. But frankly, that is such a remote possibility right now that I can't really expend any energy on it. If another publisher comes along, it won't happen anytime soon. Think Easter at the very soonest, given how the industry works.

In the meantime, you've got another Alan Philipson book coming in a few months. You've got three more coming from Victor Milan, and if they are anything like Desolation Angels they will be real humdingers. On top of that, a little birdy has whispered in my ear that you will have some Chuck Rogers news in the not-too-distant future that you will be excited to hear. Mark Ellis continues to produce both graphic novels and high adventure prose. There is a cornucopia of great action writing out there, written by your favorite Axler authors, and the very best thing you can do is support them by buying their books and recommending them to your friends.

I ain't going anywhere, not anytime soon.

Basic Member
Basic Member

12/16/2014 9:38 PM
Here, here. *applause*
I will keep writing my fan fiction as long as this site exists, too.
I'm a parasite like that.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

12/17/2014 7:52 AM
I hope the site stays around forever more, it's my favourite book related site on the web. "Exciting Chuck Rogers news". Better be a new book Mr Canuck.
And Mr Philipson we want some prose preferably in the shape of a book from you too.
Victor Milan has written some good Deathland's. The second half of "Nemesis" was amazing, so while it's not Chuck or Alan I'm not too disappointed. And I'm uber excited about his Dinosaur series coming out next year.
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12/17/2014 9:28 PM

)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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12/18/2014 2:07 AM

Posted By <span class='af-profile-name'>Jax2</span> on 12/17/2014 9:28 PM
Kane, Brigid, Grant, Domi, Lakesh and the rest will be back where they belong, too.

Fantastic news, does this mean you will be getting Doug and Co. to continue writing OL

... I'll go into hiding now for the foreseeable future

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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Veteran Member

12/18/2014 2:12 AM
Sorry Mark I couldn't resist that last remark.

I really do look forward to seeing the crew back in the hands of their creator. Where do I sign up for a standing order to receive them as they come out?

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
Basic Member
Basic Member

12/18/2014 8:50 AM
Heh. I was gonna say "Paramus?".
Published Author
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12/18/2014 9:55 AM
Just watch this space...presuming of course this space is still here in the next six or so months...
The Phantom
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12/18/2014 12:46 PM

*starts watching* 

New Member
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12/19/2014 8:43 PM
Ron, thank you for such a comprehensive answer.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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12/20/2014 6:59 AM

Posted By <span class='af-profile-name'>Jax2</span> on 12/18/2014 9:55 AM
Just watch this space...presuming of course this space is still here in the next six or so months...

Oh yes...
But SIX months...

SIX months...

I will be watching.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
Basic Member
Basic Member

12/20/2014 12:50 PM
Larry will watch for six months. Larry likes watching stuff.
New Member
New Member

12/30/2014 4:09 AM

It's a shame to hear this news.  I've recently started posting on these forums and just found this thread.  Definitely a bummer.

 For me the Deathlands experience is all relatively new.  I was lucky enough to get my hands on a mostly complete collection and have read 88 of the books over the last 2 1/2 to 3 years.  So I've covered most of it and was hoping for the best as I worked my way up to the current works.

Since the books branched into multiple authors it hasnt always been pleasant.  But overall the stories are generally a decent to excellent read.  And I have just loved the setting itself all the way through.  Characters as well (when they are acting in character).  Its been a very nice entertainment for me in recent years and I will be sad to see it end.

New Member
New Member

1/1/2015 7:37 PM
On behalf of all Canadians everywhere, to my Axler brethren in the U.S., apologies for GE being bought and the shop being closed up.

On a more serious note, yes, this is definitely terrible news to hear. I enjoyed reading the Outlanders series and the Deathlands series. My Boy Scout leader got me hooked on Deathlands, and then when Outlanders came out in 1996 (when I was in Grade 6), I got hooked on those as well.

BTW, can someone explain to me - or point me to a thread around here - about who Chuck Rogers and Alan Philipson are and why people seem to revere them? Thanks.
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