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Last Post 8/28/2009 6:07 PM by  Ron Miles
Doesn't the air--
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8/27/2009 8:39 AM

    --smell fresher and the birds sing sweeter over the new furrows in the cornfield?

    It's peaceful here once more, thanks to Ron.

    Sic Semper Stereotypis.

    (Ron will get it, even if nobody else does )


    Ron Miles
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    8/27/2009 9:42 AM
    I do have to apologize for letting things get so far out of hand, especially on Tuesday. I was gone for the entire day out at Kennedy Space Center for the shuttle launch (which wound up being scrubbed because of a faulty valve, but that's another story). As such, I wasn't able to deal with the mess until yesterday morning. I do appreciate everyone's patience.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    8/27/2009 10:27 AM
    Certainly no need to apologize, deserve our thanks!
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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    8/27/2009 1:09 PM
    I guess there was a certain entertainment value to be found in AOEC/OEV's daily orgy of horrfic spelling, tortorous grammar and catch-as-catch-can punctuation...but the self-indulgent macho posturing, sock puppetry and impotent sociopathic aggression became really tiresome.

    His Bizarro World logic to justify why his obsessive love of guns had no underlying psychological implications was some of the stupidest stuff I've ever seen posted by a DL-Only Fan Stereotype...or their various aliases.

    And after all these years...that's really saying something.
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    8/27/2009 1:55 PM
    In terms of sheer spectacle, and the requickening of joie de vivre and the search for meaning in our lives, nothing beats a good beheading. 

    Take Saddam, for example. If only they had glued his head back on, and done it a second time ...
    Cerberus Man
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    8/27/2009 1:57 PM
    Apparently OEV's response to my last post was too much to ignore--I wasn't able to see it before Ron deleted it.

    Just as well--It's the result that count!

    (They hung Saddam...but maybe his head fell off in the process)
    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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    8/27/2009 2:14 PM
    Posted By Cerberus Man on 27 Aug 2009 01:57 PM
    Apparently OEV's response to my last post was too much to ignore--I wasn't able to see it before Ron deleted it.

    Just as well--It's the result that count!

    (They hung Saddam...but maybe his head fell off in the process)
    Yes, indeed, they hung him but as I understand it, whether on purpose or by accident, they used too long a dead drop for his body weight. 

    I think the accurate description is "popped off."

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    8/27/2009 4:49 PM
    Posted By Cerberus Man on 27 Aug 2009 01:57 PM
    Apparently OEV's response to my last post was too much to ignore--I wasn't able to see it before Ron deleted it.

    Just as well--It's the result that count!

    I saw it...pretty crazy rant against the world. I liked the part where he dared you to come say all of that to his face but he neglected to post where he could be found so you could do it
    Probably an oversight.
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    8/27/2009 10:04 PM
    the fact that no one else will be man enough to admit they were jackasses as well kinda amazes's the beauty of the internet - you can be a man behind your computer becasue you don't have to answer for your self in person....gee..this whole series from day one has been VERY centered around guns, their use, thier description, and their influence on their story - if you don't want gun discussions, then put down the books and walk away......stupid and amazing...i won't condone the rants or the level they took or the personal attacks...but some of you are just as stupid and deserve a thwack on the hand from the teacher....go join a knitting forum if gun discussions don't make you happy...these forums are obviously not for you...

    Ron Miles
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    8/27/2009 10:15 PM
    Had nothing to do with gun discussions. You are welcome to discuss guns all day long, and I will defend your posts.

    Abusive, profanity laden messages, well, that's another story. Call me old fashioned, but I just don't cotton to people coming into my house and saying "Dude, go f*** yourself... blah blah blah... who the f*** are you to.... blah blah blah... p.s. f*** off a******"

    Sorry if that makes me "a little biased tyrant", but there you go. I do prefer the term "Punk Kid Hitler", though.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    8/27/2009 11:51 PM
    Posted By Jax2 on 27 Aug 2009 08:39 AM

    --smell fresher and the birds sing sweeter over the new furrows in the cornfield?

    It's peaceful here once more, thanks to Ron.


    Yes it is...thanks Ron!
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    8/28/2009 8:06 AM
    i have no problem with getting profanity out of here, and name calling ins't good no matter what...none of that should be a part of this forum...i'm just curious if the people who decided to take it upon themselves to antagonize were ever even talked to..if not...well..your world i guess....

    and Ron...and at no time did i say you were a tyrant or anyting of the sort...let's be clear on that......i just wanted to know if the people who set others off..and the proof was all over...ever even got a "knock it off" message??? that is all i want to know....
    Cerberus Man
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    8/28/2009 8:40 AM
    One of the first indications of maturity is accepting responsibilty for your own actions. People choose how they will react and respond. Nothing was forced on anyone, certainly not AOEC/OEV.

    To blame others because certain people can't control their tempers is childish and if those certain people are adults, it makes them seriously disturbed.

    That's probably one reason AOEC/OEV was so obsessed with making this site his own and refusing to abide by the rules that have been in place for nearly ten years.

    Ron had already set the place up for him and he took advantage. He was just going to move in and imprint this site with his own vision...and obviously that meant dominating almost all the forums with his gun fixations, personal attacks, profanity, insults and paranoia.

    Ron cut him (and a couple of his cronies and/or sock puppets) a lot more slack than he cut other trolls who behaved the same way in the past.

    Most of the long-term members were surprised that AOEC/OEV lasted here as long as he did.

    My suggestion is to move on.

    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    Ron Miles
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    8/28/2009 8:59 AM
    Posted By JettaManDan on 28 Aug 2009 08:06 AM

    ...and at no time did i say you were a tyrant or anyting of the sort...

    Nope, that was OEV in his parting shot at me.  He also made several suggestions about things that I could do with myself that frankly did not seem pleasant (or even anatomically possible).  The 'Punk Kid Hitler" reference is to another troll I banned on another board several years ago.

    I have been running message boards on multiple sites for over a dozen years now.  I don't claim to be perfect, or the best moderator in the world, but believe me when I say I have seen the trolling pattern a time or two.  I banned him when he was AOEC.  I banned him again as OEV.  On both occasions his banning was the result of his own actions.  If he is unhappy the the results of the choices he has made, then perhaps he might consider making better choices.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    8/28/2009 9:50 AM
    i have no problem with what was done if it went that far..i stay out of the way of internet stupidity - i've run some web forums myself and moderated many others including 3 now...i know how the kiddies can take over...i was just curious how it all went down and if no one else was taking blame for it all.....
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    8/28/2009 10:05 AM
    Posted By JettaManDan on 28 Aug 2009 09:50 AM
    i have no problem with what was done if it went that far..i stay out of the way of internet stupidity - i've run some web forums myself and moderated many others including 3 now...i know how the kiddies can take over...i was just curious how it all went down and if no one else was taking blame for it all.....

    The only one to take blame for anything is OEV/AOEC. It was his constant attacking and disrespect of other members and refusal to stop attacking those who feel "attacked" him.  He wouldn't act in a civil manner and thus was removed.  I liken the quote "I think the man doth protest too much" in this case.  All he had to do was calm down and stop the arrogant attitude and things wouldn't have progressed this far. 

    I think it's as Cerberus Man stated about OEC wanting to dominate the site.  He tried and when he he was called on it, he attacked everyone who he perceived as "attacking" him.  He tried to spin the situation by claiming he was defending himself even though he ultimately was the antagonist.  He wouldn't stop portraying himself as a victim and accept responsibility for his actions.

    Ron did what was necessary.  He  used extraordinary patience with OEV which shows great character on Rons part.  I think the majority of the users here agree.

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    8/28/2009 11:14 AM
    Posted By JettaManDan on 28 Aug 2009 09:50 AM
    i was just curious how it all went down and if no one else was taking blame for it all.....

    If you are referring to any comments I have made, keep in mind my comments were in direct response to your own statement regarding what "real value" I have ever demonstrated.

    I'm not sure who the "kiddies" you refer to are supposed to be, but I've been a member of this community for years and have been on the opposite side of the DL stereotype fence than most of the regulars for a long-ass time. 

    No longer.  Thanks but no thanks.

    If you are referring to my questions regarding "Scourge" my comments have been civil, polite and non-antagonistic, and raise legitimate questions.

    My suggestion is let it go.  The "hiding behind the internet" thing is what it is and guess goes both ways and it's all we have here.  I don't think anyone is going to go pistols at dawn over a series of pulp paperbacks or individuals who go bugnuts when things don't go their way like AOEC/OEV/Leonidas/Whatever...
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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    8/28/2009 12:19 PM
    sure i will let it go..get your stuff out of my fan fiction thread..i have no desire to engage you any further discussion - or have you voice your views in a thread i have started - don't care about you - your position - or your threads or posts - let's go out seperate ways in all respects....take out your post and go to PM with Scourge or ends aren't worth the respect that wish and you won't hear from me again....
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    8/28/2009 2:07 PM
    Posted By JettaManDan on 28 Aug 2009 09:50 AM
    i was just curious how it all went down and if no one else was taking blame for it all.....

    Inasmuch as OEV/AOEC was the only one employing profanity,  insults and threats, he was the only one to blame.

    As was posted earlier...he is the only one responsible for his reactions and responses.

    Ron posted once that it was a little ridiculous for someone to come into a place looking for a fight and then act all victimized when they're accomodated.

    It took awhile, but OEV/AOEC  was finally accomodated.

    The outcome just wasn't what he--and apparently you--wanted.

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    8/28/2009 2:11 PM
    Personally, and I am quite certain that I'm not the only one here, I want to have Scourge defend the statements.

    See, if it's true and he really is a Vet, then that's awsome. Despite the fact that I'm Canadian, I support the American Military, just like our own, because they're forced into a horrific situation not of their choosing, but that of the politicians.

    However, if he is simply full of fecal matter, then I would like to see him strung up by his balls.

    Unlike Mike and others, I'm not the kind of person to sugar coat my feelings or what I have to say.

    Now, if it is all true, then one, he won't take offense in the LEAST for someone calling him out on it.


    Only those who habitually lie are going to get defensive over being called out.

    And, to top it off, someone who lies about something like that will have to continue to lie about it, allowing the lie to grow grander and more elaborate....

    And thus having a far greater chance of inconsistancies crop up to prove the lie.

    Now, if it is true, then I will swallow my pride and apologize for the string up by the balls statement.


    You have to remember - the board has always had an air of 'put up or shut up'. If you state something, you better be able to back it up with proof.

    And, remember a few weeks ago? I made a statement that I would be around long after certain folk were banned?

    Came true, didn't it?

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