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Last Post 10/21/2012 3:08 AM by  When In Redoubt
Why do the female companions not carry blades?
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6/22/2012 5:29 PM


    Ryan,JB, Doc and Jak all have to resort to blades throughout the series and Mildred and Krysty are left with unarmed combat. Why? It makes zero sense for them not to have a blade in the Deathlands like the male companions.


    I think it would be within the realm of possibility for someone at sometime to include them in a novel.

    My opinion would be Mildred picking up a switchblade or butterfly knife somewhere and Krysty finding a Small military hatchet of somesort, allthough I would like to see her weilding a full on battle axe but that wouldn't be feesible to carry around.


    Just curious why they never received a secondary weapon?





    Advanced Member
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    6/22/2012 10:28 PM
    What about a Balisong knife for Mildred and an entrenching tool for Krysty.
    Basic Member
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    6/23/2012 12:55 AM
    Posted By silentalbino on 22 Jun 2012 10:28 PM
    What about a Balisong knife for Mildred and an entrenching tool for Krysty.

    what about a dart gun and a tazer then...


    No man I'm serious. Give them battlebroads some blades.


    Published Author
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    6/23/2012 2:53 AM

    I mentioned in "Blood Harvest" that Mildred thought about going for her knife but the giant mutant of the night confronting her had a whaling "head spade" in hand and she decided to try and jump out of the tree instead.

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    6/23/2012 5:59 PM
    That's a good question. I'd expect Mildred to have (and wield) a scalpel; as for Krysty, I'd say a bowie knife. A hachet sounds kinda cool, though.
    Advanced Member
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    6/23/2012 6:33 PM

    The original author, Lawrence James, had Krysty with a knife. Like Ryan, she had a back-up blade, along with her pistol.


    Still, with all the greatness that author penned, along with other authors since, only true greatness shows when very intelligent authors give her and Mildred automatic rifles, and Ryan an automatic blaster like his once awesome weapon, the G-3.


    Hell, in a world such as DL, they all should be carrying fully automatic weapons. A .38 revolver and a long gun won't win in a true firefight, open combat, or close combat. Which is the most type the companions run into.

    Basic Member
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    6/23/2012 7:09 PM
    Posted By Kerrick on 23 Jun 2012 05:59 PM
    That's a good question. I'd expect Mildred to have (and wield) a scalpel; as for Krysty, I'd say a bowie knife. A hachet sounds kinda cool, though.

    You see, Mildred's temper at certain things and between the dreads and her being from this century anyway's I could really see her packing a switchblade and knowing how to use it, even a 'pig-sticker' or stiletto would be something easily pocketed.

    Advanced Member
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    6/23/2012 9:52 PM
    Big sword's would be too bulky and heavy for the companions to carry.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    6/26/2012 11:50 AM
    Yes. Krysty did carry a knife, just like Ryan & Co. back in the LJ days.

    I'm not getting into yet another "the crew should carry this gun 'cos its boss..." thread, just look back here for dozens of them. Its old hat -just like J.B's and won't do a jot for improving the story's other than to give some gun freak something new to stroke his own "pea shooter" over!!!

    Guns, knives etc. are just props to move the story along. If the writer wants Krysty or Mildred to use a knife they can simply type "...Mildred reached for the wankum blade she spotted on the floor and..." Done, no need for pages of prose explaining how she got it.

    Ryan's original rifle was the none existant G-12 not the G-3, before that I think he used a LAPA?

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    Advanced Member
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    6/26/2012 12:32 PM
    A Samurai Sword from the Japanese ninja's maybe but like jim said it's not a big deal.
    Basic Member
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    6/26/2012 1:27 PM

    Never said it was a big deal, I also clearly stated in my first post that anything huge wouldn't be feesible to carry around.

    It was a simple question about "lack of" not "need a new one"


    This is not a gun thread.



    Advanced Member
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    6/26/2012 9:38 PM
    Wasnae having a go lad,so chill. I made a suggestion of a Balisong knife and you ridiculed it and then suggested an even smaller knife.
    Basic Member
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    6/26/2012 10:36 PM



    Anyway's, It was a simple question. If no-one want's to post about what they think then neat I guess. If it's been done a 1000 times then O.K. I put a search in before it was posted into a topic and believe it or not I can't make head's or tales out of the search engine around here, needless to say, nothing came up.

    No need for me to "chill"


    SPOILERS!!!!-for Vengeance Trail

    Finished Vengeance trail yesterday, very good book overall. Can't seem to find that topic either. So I'll give my review here.

    I give it a 9. -1 point for the hysterical Ewoks. (But also entertaining). When Ryan flew across the canyon and bum rushed the train I was really ready for some B.O.C to start playing and Don't fear the reaper to start reverbating through his motorcycle.

    The fact that it was a very "busy" book was nice. All the companions were doing their own thing. Most are seperated. And the premise of JB being so into the weapons and wag put him totally off character for people who in everyone's mind murdered his best friend, as they should of been more prepared to escape. That was also a reason for a point loss. Another gleaming example of the author not knowing the character's. Allthough this book was one of Victor Milan's best IMHO.

    After reading Palaces Of Light, this was an action to action book.



    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    6/26/2012 11:02 PM
    There is kind off an unwritten rule here that to talk about the Gun's and Equipment used by the "Hero's" is oh so yesterday. I personally don't feel that way about it, but i've only been a Member for about a year or so, where as a lot of the member's here have been about since John Lennon was still alive(Joke) and therefore this has been discussed this to death.
    "Lad" is a colloquialism from around my area(UK) and is meant as a friendly jibe not as a reference to your age, as i'm guessing your older than me.I'm 29.
    I said "Chill" because your "text" seemed to me to be slightly irrated by my "text" and this was not my intention.
    I come here to have a bit of banter but it all was seems to revert to snarky responces.
    So all water under the bridge, mate.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    6/26/2012 11:15 PM
    Posted By silentalbino on 26 Jun 2012 11:02 PM
    There is kind off an unwritten rule here that to talk about the Gun's and Equipment used by the "Hero's" is oh so yesterday. I personally don't feel that way about it, but i've only been a Member for about a year or so, where as a lot of the member's here have been about since John Lennon was still alive(Joke) and therefore this has been discussed this to death.
    "Lad" is a colloquialism from around my area(UK) and is meant as a friendly jibe not as a reference to your age, as i'm guessing your older than me.I'm 29.
    I said "Chill" because your "text" seemed to me to be slightly irrated by my "text" and this was not my intention.
    I come here to have a bit of banter but it all was seems to revert to snarky responces.
    So all water under the bridge, mate.

    This is exactly as it seems to me. I would think that banter among people would be fine considering the source topic. I also don't comprehend the term 'would be so boss' I've played a lot of Borderlands also so I am assuming it meant superior? Also I am 40.

    Hope that helps.

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    6/26/2012 11:20 PM
    "Boss" is Scouse for good. Jim aka Baz Baziah is from Liverpool and people from there are known as Scouser's. Lost in translation eh? ha ha
    Basic Member
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    6/27/2012 12:01 AM

    It still amazes me that so many people are from the UK, when the DL books are based in the U.S. Although so was LJ (From the UK that is)

    Kind of cool to ponder.



    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    6/27/2012 12:01 AM
    Maybe the limey's need to explain their language to these americans...?
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    6/27/2012 12:03 AM
    And yes, Vengeance Trail rocked hard! Truly Vic Milan at his best!

    That's why these last 2 fell short for me. His writing style doesn't seem to match those earlier books.

    I'd still take a Milan book over a Pollatta or Boot book any day of the week!
    Basic Member
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    6/27/2012 7:34 PM
    I believe that at one point in the series Kristy had a boot knife but that was years ago in our time.

    I think that both of them having knives would be a no brainer as knives are one of the most versitile survivor tools out there . Even if the writers don't go into vast discriptions of their weapons. I feel we as readers should just assume that they do carry some kind of blade ,and when a writer needs to have one of them using a blade then we will read about it .
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