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Last Post 7/5/2015 11:13 PM by  Rusty
Things that bug me.
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1/21/2015 2:36 PM

Where to start on things that bug me! So many things, so little time. If I hear one more time about Doc going in and out of insanity I think that I will join him being bonkers. For a country that is so dangerous why would anyone keep on letting him stay with the group when he alone accounts for so many times of opening his mouth and putting everyone at risk. Then we have him talking like he is still in the 1800 when in reality he would eventually start to talk like the others (his speeches and rambling are IRRATATING TO NO END). Then we have Wyrthe who keeps on crying about her father that was hung by the towns people and how many times has her mouth opened to the point that Ryan has to keep telling her SHUT THE HELL UP, YOUR GOING TO GET US KILLED. Then we have Ryans spastic/moron son, who thinks that everyday is walking in the park event (his learning curve is nonexistent). Remember on book where they had all their blasters just laying around and when they needed them they had to dig through piles of clothes and garbage to find them.

Enough for now, I am sure that I will get all kinds of grief over this but fear this I will be back to tear apart something that started so good but fell apart even faster then anyone ever imagined.


New Member
New Member

1/21/2015 2:36 PM

Where to start on things that bug me! So many things, so little time. If I hear one more time about Doc going in and out of insanity I think that I will join him being bonkers. For a country that is so dangerous why would anyone keep on letting him stay with the group when he alone accounts for so many times of opening his mouth and putting everyone at risk. Then we have him talking like he is still in the 1800 when in reality he would eventually start to talk like the others (his speeches and rambling are IRRATATING TO NO END). Then we have Wyrthe who keeps on crying about her father that was hung by the towns people and how many times has her mouth opened to the point that Ryan has to keep telling her SHUT THE HELL UP, YOUR GOING TO GET US KILLED. Then we have Ryans spastic/moron son, who thinks that everyday is walking in the park event (his learning curve is nonexistent). Remember on book where they had all their blasters just laying around and when they needed them they had to dig through piles of clothes and garbage to find them.

Enough for now, I am sure that I will get all kinds of grief over this but fear this I will be back to tear apart something that started so good but fell apart even faster then anyone ever imagined.


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1/21/2015 3:02 PM
Doc doesn't do it so much in the newer books.
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1/21/2015 5:24 PM

Do you really think reading more of the books would have improved things for the bad entries? A lazy author is going to be lazy (and there have definitely been some poor, lazy entries in the series of the years).

 I feel that yes, if an author had read 10 of the books (ideally the early books where greater consistency existed) before diving into their own additions that for the most part, characterizations would be more on target and therefore the story would work way better.  They would understand the characters, more common interactions, behaviors, and abilities better.

For me being invested in a long running series, its the characters who really carry it.  When someone writes the characters way out of the norm, I have great difficulty getting into the story.  I can handle some details being wrong occasionally, maybe past events arent quite right here and there, even some of the established facts or details about the world and muties (especially stickies) are terribly off.  But when the characters are way off, I'm just lost, and start to read in a detached, hardly caring manner.

 I am perhaps wrong, but thats my feeling on it.  I understand from my readings here that you have had a lot more interaction with various authors and authorities and understand all the workings far better.  So you are probably more on point that I am.

One thing I've noted too, is that sometimes an author comes in and writes what for me was a real stinker / poor read.  But then the same author has a later book that was almost spot on, and the story and characters were great.  That might have indicated a growing familiarity with the material ?

Things always get ugly when art collides with commerce. Some of the books are just irredeemably bad (I'm looking at you, Skydark Spawn). But there have been a surprising number of gems over the thirty year run of the series, and a more surprising number of gems in just the past few years. I would certainly count the last three books (Desolation Angels, Blood Red Tide, Polestar Omega) as classics. If nothing else, the series is going out on a high note.

Well its encouraging to know that there are a lot of great reads upcoming for me   The last few books I've read through have been a mixed bag.  I just finished Time Castaways, and though I really enjoyed most of the book, it seemed like an editor (?) got involved at the very end and just hacked it up.  I was cruising along enjoying the story, then it just went of the rails it seemed.  Actually there was an unusual amount of jumping about in that story that I was taking in stride at certain points, but the ending is where it got truly messy.


Doc doesn't do it so much in the newer books.

Yea Doc has had no significant lapses in the last few books I've read.  Too bad no one has been able to get in and flesh out his story a bit more.  At one point in the early books there was a hint that Doc knew more about Ryan and the companions than he remembered or realized.  As if he not only had been trawled into Deathlands, but perhaps he had been trawled even farther into the future, lived and learned information of some sort, then time traveled back to the time Ryan found him.  Which might have been part of the explanation for the extreme ravages his body has undergone.  As I think about that there have a lot of really cool story lines and threads that have fallen by the wayside over the books.

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1/22/2015 2:14 PM

I am so glad to hear that! On the other hand tho I flinch at the idea doesn't do it so much. What do you mean by that, he only whacks out once a book compared to what seems like once a chapter or that hopefully he only whacks out every few books. What about the cry baby Mildred who was one years old when her dad was supposedly hung. Almost wish that they would come across a library where she finds out that dear old dad was a thug and hung for committing a crime that goes against her so called righteousness. I am sorry to say that a lot of times I REALLLLLLLLLLLY wish one of them would bite  the dust (especially Dean or Doc or Mildred) as a lesson on how nut to be a f---up.


Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

1/22/2015 2:19 PM
> What about the cry baby Mildred who was one years old when her dad was supposedly hung. Almost wish that they would come across a library where she finds out that dear old dad was a thug and hung for committing a crime that goes against her so called righteousness.

Really? The week of Martin Luther King's birthday, and you're going to post that kind of racist tripe? You might want to rethink that.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

1/22/2015 3:07 PM
Shaun: regarding the two posts of yours I just deleted - I would never presume to tell you what to think. You are also welcome to say anything you like, in any public space. This, however, is not a public space. It is my website. And on my website, I most emphatically *do* moderate what gets written here. If you wish to continue posting on this website, I suggest you take a deep breath and walk away for a bit.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Basic Member
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1/22/2015 3:21 PM
The best thing about bigots is that they are biodegradable.
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1/22/2015 3:27 PM
First off let me start by saying, hermano's please chill out. Have a Kit Kat.

When I first started reading the series I got a bit p@@sed off with how Milly is so goddamn perfect(after a few books) but I wouldn't say she harps her Father getting lynched. I honestly can't really recall her talking about bar maybe one or two times. If any of your family was murdered I'm sure you would be distressed about it mate.

As for Doc, yeah it can be annoying when he get's frazzled but when he shines he shine's. Read the three book's by Chuck Roger's and I give you my guarantee that he will be one of your favourite character's by the end.

Ron Miles
Website Owner
Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

1/23/2015 5:57 PM
Things that bug me:
1. People who don't understand what freedom of speech actually means (hint: it doesn't mean you get to say anything you want, anywhere you want, any time you want).
2. People who don't understand the difference between a public space and a private space (hint: just because something is publicly accessible doesn't make it a public space)
3. People who write giant walls of ALL CAPS RAGE TEXT (hint: I don't even bother to read them, they just get deleted on general principal)

In other news, my dog died yesterday. So yeah, it's not really the perfect time for someone to test my patience.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
New Member
New Member

1/23/2015 7:32 PM
Really sorry about your dog. Know how you feel.
Basic Member
Basic Member

1/23/2015 11:06 PM
Aw, man. Sorry to hear that, Ron.
New Member
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7/5/2015 11:13 PM
This thread alone is an awesome read in my opinion guys. I think that for just a bit there Doc's insanity thing might have gotten too excessive, but really that is one of the things that makes his character. Without it he wouldn't be Doc. I love the one where they really take him over the edge and he becomes that Scottish settler guy (I can't remember his name).
Mildred sometimes goes on about her father, but again that is a major part of her character and gives you an idea of where she's coming from.
The main thing I don't like is the jump-dreams used to drone on and on ad nauseam. Those were perhaps the only times I skipped forward in the book. I haven't actually 'read' a DL book but as my previous job kept me on the road a lot I got into the habit of listening to them in audiobook from. Let me just say the Graphic Audio has done an outstanding job with the multiple voice actors, music scores, and sound effects.
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