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Last Post 3/1/2014 11:24 PM by  twinsrule26
Are there new book covers coming soon?
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2/21/2014 11:05 AM

Interesting tidbit Jim.

I wonder just how many years have passed now since book 1? We are at nearly 120 books now right?

DL's Hanging Judge really took me back to the original author's feel and take on the characters and the devastated world, along with several memorable bad guys and a 'different' love for Jak.

It is rare that I would like to read a book twice, but Hanging Judge, for me, was that entertaining and well written. All the companions had their 'time in the light' and were showcased so well. Much more dramatic than just the usual companions kicking ass and moving on. It was just nice to have the companions argue, but sound and act like old school companions we've always known, instead of shadows of themselves.

Advanced Member
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2/21/2014 11:16 AM
Yeah I would think so because Dean is about 15? and i'm guessing Ryan had him about 25 although this just my guest work.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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2/21/2014 12:39 PM
Posted By silentalbino on 2/21/2014 11:16:02 AM
Yeah I would think so because Dean is about 15? and i'm guessing Ryan had him about 25 although this just my guest work.

Dean was born around 2086

Some time in Jan 2096 they find the first gateway in PTH

Aug 2098 Dark carnival is set, the group appear to be stuck in a miss jump loop that lasts around 8 months of real time.

July 2098 Rider, reaper

April 2099 Eclipse at noon

things get a little blury from here as LJ stops writing the books and the time line goes to pot. I'm guessing its now some time in 2104 -2105 if dean was 18 when we last met up with him in book 100.



Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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2/21/2014 6:12 PM
So he is probably about 18 or 19, Ryan had him at 22# or over makes him in his 40s so the new image is looking wrong age wise.
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2/21/2014 7:42 PM
According to the timeline (which may or may not be accurate):

* Dean was born in 2087.
* Dark Carnival takes place in 2097.
* Prodigal's Return takes place in 2102 (Wordsmith told me Dean's 14 in that book, so I extrapolated). I'm guessing it's somewhere around 2103, if we assume 3-4 books/DL year

Since Ryan was born in 2069, that would make him 34(ish). I know he's older than that, though - he's got to be pushing 40. Krysty's 29, JB is 47(!), and Jak is around 21.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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2/22/2014 5:27 AM
JB is five years older than Ryan give or take a few months.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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2/22/2014 5:31 AM
Check out Chris van D's time line here that closely matches my own that I compiled years.ago when reading.the books for.the.first.time -as.they got published.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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2/22/2014 6:55 PM
I'm not sure where all the hate for this new cover is coming from. I thought it was pretty cool. I do agree that Ryan looks a little off, though. As for the daisy becoming a part of the logo, I dunno. I think it looks nice, but I also kinda think it's a lazy way to incorporate the flowers.
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2/22/2014 8:10 PM
Not so much hate, maybe just concern from us grumpy old DL fans. The Daisies just look plain tacky. Maybe GE thought a revamp was in order. They seem to be letting little changes come in, which for us fans can only be a good thing i.e. Krysty Wroth's spiffing new Glock.
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2/23/2014 7:56 PM
Jim: The wiki timeline is based on that one; I only changed things if I could confirm them. That one lists Ryan being born in 2061, which would make him 40ish. I seem to recall some of the early books saying he was in his mid-30s, so that sounds about right. I dunno. Maybe we should ask Wordsmith what year it is - she does keep track.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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2/24/2014 1:27 AM

Posted By Kerrick on 2/23/2014 7:56:57 PM
Jim: The wiki timeline is based on that one; I only changed things if I could confirm them. That one lists Ryan being born in 2061, which would make him 40ish. I seem to recall some of the early books saying he was in his mid-30s, so that sounds about right. I dunno. Maybe we should ask Wordsmith what year it is - she does keep track. <img src='' align="absmiddle" border="0" />

My DOB for Ryan comes direct from the horses mouth so kind of makes it canon does it not?

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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2/28/2014 12:40 AM
It is... but what I meant is that Chris' timeline says he was born in 2061, not 2069.

And... if we can nail down roughly what year it is NOW, we can figure out Ryan's real age (hence, asking Wordsmith).

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2/28/2014 8:14 PM
Good news, Blood Red Tide is coming out on 1st September.
Bad news, I really don't want to wait till September.
Ron Miles
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2/28/2014 8:49 PM

I just added pages and cover artwork for Deathlands #117: Desolation Angels and Deathlands #118: Blood Red Tide.  Enjoy!

"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
Basic Member
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3/1/2014 11:24 PM
I wonder if Wordsmith can shed a little light on why the cover art style is being changed . I hope somebody can because after seeing what the new art looks like I really hope it is just a one off to test our reaction and then a quick retreat to the old tested and liked/loved cover style. I too love playing the where did they hide the daisy this time game. I hope it goes back into the artwork and out of the title.
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