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Last Post 12/1/2014 9:04 PM by  Randarchist
Deathlands 118 - Blood Red Tide
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Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief

2/28/2014 8:47 PM

    This is the official thread for comments on Deathlands #118- Blood Red Tide

    The bibliography page is located HERE

    You can submit your own review HERE

    Be warned, this thread may contain spoilers for the book.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    3/1/2014 9:27 PM

    That's me!

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    3/1/2014 11:16 PM
    Posted By Chuck on 3/1/2014 9:27:45 PM

    That's me!

    Does this mean you are the author of both #117 & #118  ??? If So, That's Great news !!!

    I'm Really looking forward to  your next book Chuck.

    Ron Miles
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    Commander In Chief

    3/2/2014 6:06 PM
    #117 (Desolation Angels) is definitely not Chuck's. I am not sure of the author on that one yet.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    3/9/2014 9:43 PM
    We are off to the Caribbean with Mr Chuck, full story on It's gonna be great or I'm a stickies uncle.
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    3/12/2014 11:32 PM
    You all will be the judge of that, tooting mine own horn? I am rather proud of this one. I believe this is a DL that has not been done before.
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    3/13/2014 8:50 AM
    If it's only half as good as Hell Road Warriors we would still be in for a treat. When is GE going to get its finger out and have you writing this series full time. Or at least two Chuck Rogers DL novels a year.
    The Phantom
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    3/13/2014 11:57 AM
    Posted By silentalbino on 3/13/2014 8:50:26 AM
    If it's only half as good as Hell Road Warriors we would still be in for a treat. When is GE going to get its finger out and have you writing this series full time. Or at least two Chuck Rogers DL novels a year.

    Or better yet, I would like to see what Chuck can do with Outlanders. 

    Advanced Member
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    3/13/2014 12:01 PM
    It could only be good I'm guessing.
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    4/9/2014 7:08 PM

    Here's the full rear cover text -


     In a nuclear wasteland where death and destruction are the norm, Ryan Cawdor and his fellow survivors seek out refuge while looking to one another for protection. Civilization no longer exists in the barren Deathlands. There is only the will to survive and the dim hope of a promised land.


    Taken captive on a ship in the former Caribbean, Ryan and his companions must work as part of the crew or perish at the hands of the captain. But the mutant in charge of the vessel is the least of their worries. Each day is a struggle as they face rivalry among the sailors, violent attacks and deadly storms. Worse, a powerful enemy is hunting the ship to destroy everyone on board. Fighting for their lives and those of their shipmates, the companions must find unity within the chaos or die in the attempt.

    Advanced Member
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    9/1/2014 7:16 PM
    So got the Kindle version today and i'm 52% through it. Chuck mate I'll have some of what you were smoking when you wrote this.
    Wasn't too sure about Mr S to begin with but now I'm really liking him and the odd animal rider scene had me in stitches.
    You guy's are going to love this.
    I did notice one mistake though. Ryan is called "Bolan" by one of the crew.
    Freelance Editor
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    9/1/2014 7:32 PM
    Now that makes me mad! I distinctly recall editing that out and making a change. I own up to my mistakes and omissions, but I DID change that! Editing online can be a bit of a pain. I often wonder if all of my edits make it.
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    9/1/2014 7:47 PM

    What I was smoking . . . I believe I am going to take that as some sort of compliment on how wildly creative it was.    Glad you liked Mr. Squid. I consider him one of my better DL creations.  Sorry about the Bolan/Ryan mix-up.  After thirty plus Executioner books it is sort of hardwired into me when writing for GE.  A certain editor will tell you it is not the first time I have engaged in this behavior...

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    9/1/2014 7:54 PM
    As the Chairman of the Chuck Rogers Official Fan Club off course its a compliment. Great book and I've just got to the bit where they find the Glenmorangie.
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    9/1/2014 8:48 PM

    Thank you for the kind words.  Doc really got to shine in this one.  I have a friend who is a Scotch whisky affiicianado and he said he almost cried during the Scotch speech.  Doc really is my favorite character to write in the series.

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    9/7/2014 1:17 AM

    WOW!  I don't know who wrote this one, but they did an outstanding job. 

    This story really brought the series up a notch--maybe two.  The story was super interesting, very well written and had believable characters.  The squid was VERY cool. 

    The hand thing was a nice touch.

    After 117 books, Christy finally got new boots (at least for awhile) and a new gun. I didn't think that'd ever happen.

    This is a real winner.  


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    9/7/2014 1:45 AM
    Posted By Grantbo on 9/7/2014 1:17 AM

    WOW!  I don't know who wrote this one, but they did an outstanding job. 

    This story really brought the series up a notch--maybe two.  The story was super interesting, very well written and had believable characters.  The squid was VERY cool. 

    The hand thing was a nice touch.

    After 117 books, Christy finally got new boots (at least for awhile) and a new gun. I didn't think that'd ever happen.

    This is a real winner.  


    The Gun is her new best friend she keeps from now on. 

    The book was written by none other than the great Chuck Rogers . If you ask me he should be given full command of writing Deathlands from now on . 

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    9/8/2014 3:15 PM


    The book was written by none other than the great Chuck Rogers . If you ask me he should be given full command of writing Deathlands from now on . 

    Amen to that. Chuck should be given overall control of the series or at the very least write two of the books a year. These Bolan chappies are truly being spoiled.

    Does anyone know which series is the more successful?  Who do we have to bribe/extort or make disappear  for this to happen


    WoT Vet07
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    9/19/2014 1:06 AM












    Here's a direct question for Mr. Chuck Rogers:  Is Bosun Manrape a Mutie or is his super human speed, strength, and reflexes just a quirk of regular genetics?  Also could Ryan ever take Manrape, hand to hand, if he was well rested and not recovering from injuries and/or drugging???  In the beginning, it seemed that Ryan and Manrape were destined for a showdown until the conflicts with Doc and Ricky were resolved.  Also, Ryan's promise to Kristy seemed to firmly preclude a final smack-down.

    Mr. Squid:  Initial thoughts when reading the passage where Doc discovers Mr. Squid's sentience and intelligence - WTF!  I would've figured that based on Doc's observations of the terrified captive cephalopod listening to the cooks discussing the best way to prep her as an entrée would lead to a revelation that the octopus was a semi-intelligent bio-wep, like some others that Ryan and Company have encountered before.  Instead, Mr. Squid turns out to be an articulate, multilingual, problem solving intellect; who can follow Doc's esoteric threads in conversation better then Ryan and friends who knew him much longer.  Mr. Squid may not lie but she certainly has a sense of humor. She demonstrated it by tacitly accepting Oracle's paradoxical nickname as a permanent alias, signing it with her own tentacle into the Ship's Book, and rattling Strawmaker by returning his initial greeting in perfect Espanol.  Commander Miles better watch out, Mr. Squid just might end up commanding the Glory if her popularity grows any larger.

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    9/19/2014 6:22 PM

    SPOILERS . .  .



    Thanks for your interest!

    I never made up my mind on Manrape whether he was mutie or peak human, and in the end I just left it up in the air.  I had absolutely planned for him and Ryan to have a knockdown/drag out, slobber-knocker of a fight after Ryan took a flogging, but after Ricky won his duel and kept his rear contact point intact, it suddenly didn't seem necessary.  Nor did the flogging, and in the end Manrape went from nemesis to great supporting character.  Books sometimes have a way of writing themselves . . .

    Mr. Squid was a whole bunch of fun to write.  Her character just grew and grew and grew.  The book was set as a salty sea adventure, and did not technically take place in the Deathlands.  (None of my DLs have . . .) I loved writing it, but I also needed to keep it firmly in the realm of the post-apocalyptic future, and Mr. Squid was one of the stronger sci-fi elements of the story.  Plus?  I learned a whole lot about octopuses!

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