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Last Post 7/19/2009 8:48 AM by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
Deathlands 85 - Dark Resurrection
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4/26/2009 9:35 AM
Posted By dean_cawdor1977 on 25 Apr 2009 08:06 PM
more thing... gonna miss Harmonica Tom.. hope to see him sometime in the near future... would be a great reoccuring character!!!!
Tom is loosely based on a bud of mine.  He got a big kick out of the character.  In real life, he's a wildman fishing captain, whitewater rafting and remote Alaska guide. He does have a walrus mustache, plays the mouth organ, and packs a.50 cal wheelgun for bears and ... trips to the Seven/Eleven.

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4/27/2009 10:26 AM
yeah i 2nd the hope that his character comes back....
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5/5/2009 8:34 AM
I finished DR over the weekend. I really enjoyed it .I also want to see more of Harmonica Tom. I enjoy recurring characters in any series as long as their background is explained in each book  so you don't have to ask yourself: "Who is this again?". Again, great job!
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5/5/2009 9:07 AM
Posted By captainbasil on 05 May 2009 08:34 AM
I finished DR over the weekend. I really enjoyed it .I also want to see more of Harmonica Tom. I enjoy recurring characters in any series as long as their background is explained in each book  so you don't have to ask yourself: "Who is this again?". Again, great job!

Thanks, captainbasil.  Tom was fun to write. 
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5/6/2009 12:08 PM
he needs a hottie of his own to take care of his man needs
Another One Eyed Chiller
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5/17/2009 11:08 AM

Death Lands 85 is the first book I have read in the series sice 2000.

I was not dissapointed.The one thing I liked was this Harmonica Tom guy had better weapons than most of the group,like his sog knife(I have one of those)and his Hk Mp5,that's better than anything that most all of the friends have.I loved how He equiped Ryan and Chucho with Russian medium machine guns(finally some serious firepower and ass kicking! I also enjoyed the different kind of story it ws as far as it not being the standard Ryan and group are captured,they get weapons back,they chill the baron,etc.etc...
I am glad that Ryan got his Sig Sauer back,Doc his Lemat,JB all his great weaponry,etc..
I do think that the Steyr rifle needs to go for something new and cool with more firepower like when Ryan had the G12 caseless.
A perfect choice would be the Sig Sauer 556 assault rifle.It has a laser dot sight in the scope and fires M16 5.56mm bullets.It also can go full auto!
I also wish J.B. would pick up a side arm,like a good .45 A.C.P
I know the writers have to end everything the same,but it could only help to make things more interesting with a slight weapons upgrade.
(I hate that damn 38 5 shot Kristy carries,the weak link in the group gun wise.

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5/17/2009 12:14 PM
Posted By Another One Eyed Chiller on 17 May 2009 11:08 AM

Death Lands 85 is the first book I have read in the series sice 2000.

I was not dissapointed.The one thing I liked was this Harmonica Tom guy had better weapons than most of the group,like his sog knife(I have one of those)and his Hk Mp5,that's better than anything that most all of the friends have.I loved how He equiped Ryan and Chucho with Russian medium machine guns(finally some serious firepower and ass kicking! I also enjoyed the different kind of story it ws as far as it not being the standard Ryan and group are captured,they get weapons back,they chill the baron,etc.etc...
I am glad that Ryan got his Sig Sauer back,Doc his Lemat,JB all his great weaponry,etc..
I do think that the Steyr rifle needs to go for something new and cool with more firepower like when Ryan had the G12 caseless.
A perfect choice would be the Sig Sauer 556 assault rifle.It has a laser dot sight in the scope and fires M16 5.56mm bullets.It also can go full auto!
I also wish J.B. would pick up a side arm,like a good .45 A.C.P
I know the writers have to end everything the same,but it could only help to make things more interesting with a slight weapons upgrade.
(I hate that damn 38 5 shot Kristy carries,the weak link in the group gun wise.

Another One-Eyed,
Glad you liked DR and Harmonica Tom.  (Yeah, the blaster upgrades were fun to slip in .)  Did you read Plague Lords, DL #84? It and Dark Resurrection #85 are really one 700-page novel split into two books.  All the set-up of the companions with Harmonica Tom and his ship Tempest, and the Matachin and Lords of Death are in #84.

Another One Eyed Chiller
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5/17/2009 1:26 PM

No I did not get to read 84,I know that it is part one in the storyline.

Death Lands 85 is my first read sice Rat King in 2000.

I had to leave the series for awhile due to health and personal problems.I am back for good now though!

So you are the actual author?Cool.Is it true you guy's can't give the group any permanent or long term Blaster changes/upgrades?(Some author really needs to have Kristy at least go to a 357 magnum or a good 9MM over that wimpy ass 5 shot 38?

The book you wrote is the first one where I was not dissapointed in the firepower.

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5/17/2009 2:22 PM
Posted By Another One Eyed Chiller on 17 May 2009 01:26 PM

Is it true you guy's can't give the group any permanent or long term Blaster changes/upgrades?

Silly, but true. The companions' Signature Weapons seem writ in stone until the sun winks out.

In my last-ever DL, Doom Helix (2010 publication date), I SO wanted to make Doc's LeMat blow up in his fist (a ten-barrel, simultaneous ka-blooie!) and take out a few of those "surprisingly perfect teeth" of his, but I knew it would never get past editorial ...
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5/17/2009 4:33 PM
Posted By AP on 17 May 2009 02:22 PM
Posted By Another One Eyed Chiller on 17 May 2009 01:26 PM

Is it true you guy's can't give the group any permanent or long term Blaster changes/upgrades?

Silly, but true. The companions' Signature Weapons seem writ in stone until the sun winks out.

In my last-ever DL, Doom Helix (2010 publication date), I SO wanted to make Doc's LeMat blow up in his fist (a ten-barrel, simultaneous ka-blooie!) and take out a few of those "surprisingly perfect teeth" of his, but I knew it would never get past editorial ...
lol well i guess this would get Doc to get a new weapon

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7/10/2009 2:29 AM
Alan this "two Part Novel" was as brilliant a DL installment as Ive ever seen!  LOL....On par with Marks stuff and a wonderful continuation of the present direction I've noticed since Cannibal Moon.  Awesome. Ryan was as human as I've ever seen him, Tom and Chucho were  so vividly written with wonderful cavalier personality that is rare in Pulp novels.  LOL....I even couldn't help visualizing Chucho as Antonio Banderas ala Zorro....well done.  I'm once again finding myself  eagerly awaiting DL titles as much as OL.  I'm  certainly ruing the day your last effort in 2010 comes out.  I really hope another author can at least pick up the baton and have half as good a run as you and Mark have...sad news for fans of both series that  arguably the two best authors are done. As I said before I will certainly be checking out your new stuff and have been meaning to get over to your website.  One more thing...Your revelation at the end of the book that the Lords may actually be everyone's favorite hunters in the galaxy was three moment in both series ever IMHO.  Maybe ...Just maybe....Dutch was put on ice way back in  '87 and makes a cameo?...LOL...Just a thought.
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7/10/2009 10:45 AM

Thanks, UrbanSavage.  I appreciate your kind words. Like I think I've said before on this site, when I wrote those two books I thought they were going to be my last-ever and I wanted to go out with a BANG. I ended up writing one more DL after DR, so I had to work up yet another dose of BANG as my swan song. 

The Slaughter Realms site and the serialized novel SR/Iroquois Vengeance has been on a forced hiatus due to family issues (moving demented maternal unit out of state to a care facility near another relative), but that's behind me now and I can get back to work on something fun.  (If you've ever thought riding a dinosaur into battle might be cool, you need to read SR/IV Chapter 3.)

When I wrote the end of DR it made me laugh out loud, which is usually a good sign ... 

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7/10/2009 9:27 PM

I really enjoyed the whole concept of an alien race being involved with atrocities committed after skydark, that were NOT the annunaki or hybrids.  It opens whole new possibilities to intertwine the series and unlimited story synopsis. To bad I know that will never happen.  I as much as anyone due to my position understand how the industry works. Shows why some series advance and evolve and.......well........some become DL and probably OL now that Mark is departing.  I know Doug and other will try but the metaphoric shackles are obviously there already.  Again, good luck and I'll "see" ya on your web site in the future I hope.

One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
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7/19/2009 8:48 AM
One thing I noticed about Allan Philipson's writing over alot(if not all)of the others (my fav LJ and Mark Ellis who I admire,but a bit less after his ripping on AOEC) is that he actually gets the firearms details right!.The HK MP5 that he has Harmonica Tom use and the Navy Seals Sog knife were so accurate and refreshing(for a change).I actually think that his ideas are among the best as how a character should be armed (better than Ryan's people)Not to mention Chucho and Ryan using all the Russian Warsaw pact firearms and how good the overall story and character descriptions were in Dark Resurrection!!!

If AP and Mark Ellis were to by a miracle helm the Death Lands books I really think they would get alot closer to the enjoyability of the old LJ era!!!(with alot of AP's new idea's of course)
"Molon Labe"........"Come And Take Them"
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