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Last Post 7/29/2009 3:39 PM by  One Eyed Vengeance (Leonidas)
The future of Deathlands
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Ron Miles
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4/17/2009 11:49 AM
Posted By AP on 17 Apr 2009 10:36 AM

We need a name for him/her ...

Little Nuthin'

Here Comes Mr. Flutter
He and Mrs. Dread how the love each other
Gonna build a haunted house, be my father and mother
They're tying a knot in the middle of my gut

And they both want kids so there's one in the oven
They've picked out a name, he's called Little Nuthin'
I think he was born to be my kissin' cousin
He's pulling a chain in the middle of my brain
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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4/17/2009 11:57 AM
Posted By Ron Miles on 17 Apr 2009 11:49 AM
Posted By AP on 17 Apr 2009 10:36 AM

We need a name for him/her ...

Little Nuthin'

Here Comes Mr. Flutter
He and Mrs. Dread how the love each other
Gonna build a haunted house, be my father and mother
They're tying a knot in the middle of my gut

And they both want kids so there's one in the oven
They've picked out a name, he's called Little Nuthin'
I think he was born to be my kissin' cousin
He's pulling a chain in the middle of my brain

Little Nuthin' Cawdor, the serial murderin' toddler. Got a ring to it ...
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4/17/2009 12:32 PM
i think Krysty would insist on some flowery name to honor Gain or something if it were a "rain" or somethin if another boy it should be something like Dirk - "Dirk Cowdor Deals Death Daily....nice lol!
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4/17/2009 12:50 PM
want my writing skills to show the scene? just came to me...

Krysty was lying on the bed in the back room..sweat poring down here face. Ryan stood over the midwife; his brow furrowed with worry over his love. The Pregnancy had not gone well. Sickness, nausea, loss of apetitie and then gain of appetite. They had traveled to Kernsville for some shelter. They had helped the barron in the past and he had offered them safe haven if ever asked. Ryan traded his skills in combat, training the sec men on a daily basis in small arms and defensive tactics to pay for their room and board and the services of the only midwife in 300 miles. Krysty arched her back in pain and gripped te frame of the bed so hard that she started popping the old nails out of the bed frame. Ryan feared she was hurting her gun hand and would be hapered down the road to defend hersef if necessary. He once again looked to the window to see if it was open. It was, but the heat in the room was incredible, the noon of the high desert beating into the walls with force, and what litte breeze there was came in even hotter. Ryan was concerned about Krysty's fluid loss, but he could do nothing. Water would not stay down. After and hour of pushing the midwife claimed the head vas visible, and in one last great push the baby come out and onto the bed in the midwife's hands. "A girl!" she exclaimed. A great woosh of air rushed out of Krysty as if her last 9 months of strain were let out at once. Right then a cloud blotted out the sun and the temp seemed to drop 10 degrees in a heattbeat. Ryan cut the cord with his Panga and then midwife used a battered clothespin to stem the cord blood flow. Krysty looked up wearily at Ryan nd smiled, and the name "Rain" slipped from her lips before she fell asleep. Ryan looked down at his dauger and said "let us pray for Rain..and our prayers be answered" and he felt the name was good for him to.

whatcha guys think? :-)
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4/17/2009 1:18 PM
Posted By AP on 17 Apr 2009 10:03 AM
Posted By skullspliter on 16 Apr 2009 10:38 AM
I'm going to pull the thread back on topic.
I think in the near future.
1. Dean comes back a little older
2.trader still missing/dead
3.Mutie war
4.And I'm going on a limb here less things like pre-dark items.

I know pretty wide but thats my .02

A potential #5 to your list:
Krysty gets pregnant.

Forget the blasters and no change of underwear--she and Ryan have been going at it like weasels for twenty years (real world time).  Never a mention of birth control. 

Doc and Mildred could deliver the baby while J.B. carved a little SIG P-226-shaped rattle for it to play with.
 Holy crap never thought of that ! Now that would be one crazy book. Ryan looking for pickles and peanut butter in the waste lands.

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4/17/2009 1:21 PM
JettaManDan  I like man
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4/17/2009 1:30 PM
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4/23/2009 1:13 AM
I always figured that Ryan and Krysty were infertile as a couple. Anyway, I'd like to see the group do more overland adventures to new and/or not often visited places, like Ron talked about at the beginning of this thread. I'll have to get books #84 and 85. I am still trying to finish Cannibal Moon, which I have to say is excellent.
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4/23/2009 4:01 PM
i kept hoping they'd find some nice place...think they would settle down finally..have a few weeks of relaxation..and the have people come looking for them for help..kinda a "make the world a better place tyPE of delta force for DL"

AHH SCREW IT....I want more sick gunplay and descriptive death scenes for muties :-)
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4/24/2009 8:56 AM
Posted By LLindsey on 23 Apr 2009 01:13 AM
I always figured that Ryan and Krysty were infertile as a couple. Anyway, I'd like to see the group do more overland adventures to new and/or not often visited places, like Ron talked about at the beginning of this thread. I'll have to get books #84 and 85. I am still trying to finish Cannibal Moon, which I have to say is excellent.

I believe in one of the first books, it was mentioned that Krysty can control that part of her nature due to her training by Mother Sonia.   She can get pregnant any time she wants to. Early books had conversations between her and Ryan about settling down before beginning a family. Ryan and her are just waiting to find the perfect place to settle down first.
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4/24/2009 11:52 AM
yeah i remember that now..i took the idea and ran with it and wrote a few pages of what i could see as a future...came out good i think....JB makes a customer gun for's sweet :-)
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5/9/2009 8:29 PM

I havent been on this forum in years, literly.


Its good to see it arise from the ashes once more..I'm currently 21 years old, and I believe the last time I read a Deathlands book was 4/5 years ago.


Thanks for the email Ron aka lockhead.


Anyways, I read the first 15-20 books of the series which were absolutly superb a long time ago..but at the time i couldnt find any of the older ones so instead of attempting to read them in order I would just purchase the recent releases..which I regret to see were somewhat lacking in quality compared to the earlier books back then so I stopped.


I picked up Dark Ressuraction(too lazy to fix the spelling) and it was pretty good, which brings me new hope so to speak.

As for this thread, in the earlier novels I remember Ryan and co ending up in a couple space stations I think, maybe one on the moon or something for a scant few seconds before triggering another jump..and i think they also ended up on mars when ryan opened that pressure sealed hatch and couldnt breath..also the description of what he saw outside...

I think it would be extremely cool if a book was written about them stumbling upon one of those stations that Laurence James hinted at in those brief chapters in the earlier books, so intrigueing!!!


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5/9/2009 8:58 PM

Also did they ever end up in Area 51?


I know in the outlander series there was frequent talk about that place, but 've never read about the gang ending up there after a jump..

Cerberus Man
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5/10/2009 9:30 AM
Posted By Nicodemus on 09 May 2009 08:58 PM

Also did they ever end up in Area 51?


I know in the outlander series there was frequent talk about that place, but 've never read about the gang ending up there after a jump..

There was more than talk...Kane and Crew went to Area 51 three different times...Doom Dynasty, Tigers of Heaven (in which the "Battle of Area 51" was depicted) and they returned there in Ghostwalk.

Kane was also held prisoner there for over two weeks so he could perform stud service for the female hybrids.
"It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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5/13/2009 8:13 AM
I think the future of Deathlands has looked brighter than it has in a long time. I have been reading this series for a while and the quality had been on a steady decline on a par with some of the Gold Eagle pre-James Mullaney Destroyer novels. I'm happy to say that within the past year or so the writing has improved as well as continuity.I would like to see the return of Dean Cawdor in a logical way and I would also welcome a new character. Perhaps a love interest for Jak?
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5/13/2009 10:51 AM
I have to agree,I think the series is missing something without Dean.
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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5/13/2009 12:50 PM
I think a new chararter would be most welcome. some new blood in the mix always helps
)3az )3aziah
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5/13/2009 4:32 PM
Posted By skullspliter on 13 May 2009 12:50 PM
I think a new chararter would be most welcome. some new blood in the mix always helps

I think after reading what AP had to say on this topic back on page four of this thread -and reposted below to save you having to click back and forth...
As I recall I was told--and I admit I may not be remembering exactly right--it was a matter of the number of “main” characters (seven instead of six) that had to be dealt with in each DL book—they thought seven was an excessive number (although no evidence was ever presented to explain or justify that belief--Crikey, look at Stony Man). And they thought that Dean’s growing up complicated things for multiple authors and more importantly, for editorial. It makes it way harder to swap around the order of books (as interchangeable, homogenized “Entertainment Units”) if Ryan’s kid is actually getting older—in one book he’d be 20 and if you weren't careful, in the next he’d be back at 16. Swapping around the order of books is necessary because they don’t always get turned in on time, and because there isn’t a defined DL story arc that writers are supposed to follow. “Cluster-hump,” I believe is the technical term. Ryan, Krysty, J.B., Doc, Mildred, and Jak are already “full grown” so it is assumed that readers don’t expect their physical appearances to rapidly and markedly change, as happens when preteen boys mature. I thought dumping Dean was an idiot-move because his character fulfilled so many functions in the series, and on top of that I liked writing him. Oh, well …

I believe it will be a cold day in Hell before we see Dean back. Pity really as Dean had a lot of potential to add to the storylines in my opinion.
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6/27/2009 11:08 PM
Posted By Llew32 on 24 Apr 2009 08:56 AM
Posted By LLindsey on 23 Apr 2009 01:13 AM
I always figured that Ryan and Krysty were infertile as a couple. Anyway, I'd like to see the group do more overland adventures to new and/or not often visited places, like Ron talked about at the beginning of this thread. I'll have to get books #84 and 85. I am still trying to finish Cannibal Moon, which I have to say is excellent.

I believe in one of the first books, it was mentioned that Krysty can control that part of her nature due to her training by Mother Sonia.   She can get pregnant any time she wants to. Early books had conversations between her and Ryan about settling down before beginning a family. Ryan and her are just waiting to find the perfect place to settle down first.

Pretty sure that was around crater lake or so..good catch  .she was waxing philosophical about settling down and all that usual excrement.   Alan...great to see ya posting. Sad to see you leaving the series. You brought some quality writing and intelligent stories to a long suffering series and IMO upped the bar for the other writers in the series that has carried over since Cannibal moon.

Sad that yourself and Mark couldn't have gotten together and worked at tying the two series together.  The unfortunate nature of the business and inevitable lack of support from the publishers doesn't promote collaboration.  Its all about the bottom line I guess and as long as people are buying under their business plan, they are happy.  If the sales drop low enough....cancel and move on to the next idea.  Its a great deal like TV in that respect I imagine. To bad, you're both great authors with unparalleled ability to spin a yarn in the pulp novel business...good luck in your future projects my friend.
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6/28/2009 9:47 AM

Urban Savage,

Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated. 

All things end.  Some on a high note; some not so much. 

A collaboration with Mark was never in the cards because of the way the two GE series are managed.  Now that we are "free," there are more options for both of us.  That's a good thing.

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