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Last Post 7/7/2009 10:49 AM by  Another One Eyed Chiller
Narrow the Authors down.. who would you choose??
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7/7/2009 7:01 AM
Posted By The Phantom on 05 Jul 2009 03:35 AM
The last quarterof Stoneface is one of the most memorable endings in the series. Demons of Eden, along with Mel Odom's Mars Arena, were back to back my favorite two DL novels of all.

I still remembr how blown away I was by Stoneface--that book should've marked a fresh new direction for the series but the potential was wasted because of the GE publishing model.
Another One Eyed Chiller
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7/7/2009 10:49 AM

I have to agree.

I was a hardcore Laurence James purist,but Mark Ellis won me over with Stoneface.He actually took the Laurence James formula and improved on it,while adding his own style to it as well.

Too bad Mark can't write the current Death Lands books.
It would be a return to the glory day's of the series.

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