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Last Post 7/3/2010 6:54 PM by  Kerrick
New to the series and I have some questions.
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6/9/2010 2:36 AM
Wow, I tried to quote a post and when I hit submit the computer just imploded.

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6/9/2010 3:39 AM
Despite the many reasons why the Outlanders book is a "superb" work of sci-fi stated by Jax2 and others,for some strange reason DL seems to far outsell and appeals to a much broader fanbase of us beer drinking gun loving non rpg role playing types.
(Sarcasm intended,pls do not flame me to death)
I don't think either series is "better" they just appeal to 2 different types of men is all.
No insult intended.
Outlandersdoes have the continuity DL lacks and the direction it lacks.
But IMO only DL has the far more interesting and original characters like Ryan,Jak,Doc,JB,Kristy.Mildred,and Dean.
Domi seems like a jak rippoff with the albino hair and Brigid Baptiste is also a redhead?
Kane seems taken off Ryan to me.
Lakesh and Grant though seem completely original.
THese are just my opinions and not meant to incense any OL fans into a flame war.
POlite disagreements are fine by me.
"Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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6/9/2010 3:58 AM

Grant is hardly original.


A mixture of somewhat being a weapons specialist, short and quick with words, and being of partially african american heritage(just from the first outlanders book)


I wonder which couple in Deathlands may birth such offspring



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6/9/2010 4:37 AM
Posted By Nicodemus on 09 Jun 2010 03:58 AM

Grant is hardly original.


A mixture of somewhat being a weapons specialist, short and quick with words, and being of partially african american heritage(just from the first outlanders book)


I wonder which couple in Deathlands may birth such offspring



Thanks,I missed Grant.You just furthered my point that OL is not as original as OL fans like to state at DL's expense.
Maybe Lakesh is a wee bit like Doc too?

"Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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6/9/2010 8:01 AM
Posted By RYAN'S BASTARD SON on 09 Jun 2010 03:39 AM
Despite the many reasons why the Outlanders book is a "superb" work of sci-fi stated by Jax2 and others,for some strange reason DL seems to far outsell and appeals to a much broader fanbase of us beer drinking gun loving non rpg role playing types.
(Sarcasm intended,pls do not flame me to death)
THese are just my opinions and not meant to incense any OL fans into a flame war.
POlite disagreements are fine by me.

Ah, the summertime tradition of continues...DL Only fans released from school (or prison) return to take over the site with their horde of sockpuppets, trying to ignite flame wars while they hypocritically protest that's not what they're doing at all...     

Continually confusing their subjective interpretations with facts--like, for example where did I employ the term "superb" in regards to Outlanders?

Secure in their belief that their assumptions based only on wishes are exactly the same as sales figures for example.

(Sarcasm intended...these are just my opinions and not meant to incense any DL fans into a flame war...God forbid we should have a repetition of last summer when one DL-Only fan kept igniting flame wars, would get banned, return under aliases, threaten people--inclluding the site owner and myself--until he finally went away forever...

Yeah, good thing that guy and his many aliases and sock-puppets is gone for good. Come to think of it...polite disagreements were fine by him, too. )
Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief

6/9/2010 9:10 AM
Thing 1 - Sales: How can anyone outside of GE/Harlequin make any kind of assertions about sales? Sales figures on the series are not published anywhere that I am aware of, nor am I aware of any qualitative proof that any particular GE series outsells any other. I honestly have no idea about the sales figures, and I would dare to say that I am better connected on that front than anyone on this site besides the authors themselves.

Thing 2 - Endless DL/OL Flame Wars: In a word - don't. You can couch it in as much aw-shucks-don't-flame-me-it's-just-my-opinion as you like, and it's still a trollish dick move. So just don't. You like one series better than the other? Cool. I love meat lover's pizza and can't gag down a vegetarian pizza if my life depended on it. Who cares? Different people like different things, and if they didn't it would be a pretty boring world. Shorter version - knock it off now and play nice.

Thing 3 - Sock Puppets: I don't know if RBS is OEC, and thus far I haven't really cared because there has been a surge in new conversation on the site and most of it has been positive. I will begin to care very rapidly if the level of discourse descends into the gutter. Rule of thumb: if you make my job suck as owner of this site, you will be shown the door.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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6/9/2010 10:59 AM
Deathlands is far from "original".

It originated at the time as GE's answer to then popular post-nuke series such as Endworld, Blade, Outrider, and Traveler and particularly the movies The Road Warrior and Damnation Alley.

Damnation Alley was indeed damn near a blueprint for DL...war wagons, giant muties, red skies...

Don't forget the other lesser paperback "radioactive Rambo" series that saw print before DL such as The Warlord, The Last Ranger, The Doomsday Warrior, The Mystic Rebel, Phoenix, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum...

Should I even mention the superb (yeah, I said it) The Survivalist by Jerry Ahern which started the whole damned sub-genre?

LJ himself incorporated many, many ideas from his earlier western and SF works into the DL series.

All which far preceded DL!

Original? Hardly.

I save that word for the concepts and creativity presented in the Outlanders series. 

OL mixed paranormal mythology, fringe science, Fortean legends and high adventure pulp action into a sophisticated mix that transcends the genre!
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
Cerberus Man
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6/9/2010 2:01 PM
And that's just scratching the surface!
"It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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6/9/2010 5:33 PM
Posted By Nicodemus on 09 Jun 2010 02:31 AM

Holy ****

Never realized the actual authors posted here, thats superb!

I really enjoyed your two books which took the companions on a intrigueing journey to South America, it built on the regrowth of quality the series has established lately with the likes of Vengeance trail, Cannibal moon etc etc....I hope you stay on board.

I'm Looking forward to your next installment....speaking of which....Any small hints you can give us mere  fans about the upcoming novel based off shadow world and breakthrough?

There are several GE authors (urr, ex-authors)who post here, including Jax2 (Mark Ellis)--see his comments above and throughout the site.

As to my "staying onboard at GE," that ship sailed a year and a half ago. No mas.

Doom Helix hint: Dean isn't an only child.
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6/9/2010 10:09 PM
Posted By Nicodemus on 09 Jun 2010 03:58 AM

Grant is hardly original.


A mixture of somewhat being a weapons specialist, short and quick with words, and being of partially african american heritage(just from the first outlanders book)


I wonder which couple in Deathlands may birth such offspring


Grant is six feet four...hardly makes him short. He's not quick with words, either. He's as much of a weapons specialist as Kane, which makes him not a specialist.
There is no reference to him being of partial African American heritage in the first Outlanders novel whatsoever. Full heritage more like it.
There are scores of other differences established over 13 years worth of books, but you're not're only interested in putting forward the same tiresome agenda that keeps getting new life breathed into it here every summer, as regular and as interesting as bowel movements, when the "BOO-YAH! DL ROOLS!" discussions run out of steam....which they inevitably do after about a month.

Then, you guys start getting bored and twitchy and look around for something else to spice up the place, so you throw out lies about Outlanders.

And then you feign outrage when you get the response you've hoping for and start screaming the OL-Only fanatics are beatin' up on you again when you only came in here to smell the posies and pet the bunny rabbits.

How about skipping that whole routine of predictable dumbassery just this one summer? Just move on to the next step.

Like--how about giving Ryan a new gun?!?!

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6/10/2010 7:11 AM
Mark said it all, as usual, but left out one thing.

The inevitable racism that tends to pop up!

(Or did we cover that with "Ryan's afro"?)
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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6/10/2010 7:30 AM

Look,Jax 2 only copied part of my post and I think him and the site owner double teaming me over my post is a bit extreme to say the least."A trollish dick thing to say"
I'm sorry MR Miles but that was rude and unneccessary,site owner or not.
I am obeying all the site rules as I read them well when I joined and I am breaking none of them.I did not say anything to start a flame war and I did not say I am a DL fan only,I read both!
Jax 2 was insulting and being a "Trollish dick",not me,but he is your friend apparently,so I guess I am screwed.
I wll walk away now if this is the kind of treatment I can expect from a site that up till now I have enjoyed.
No banning necessary.

Sorry for the confussion,but Mike,my stating that Ryan has an afro is hardly racist as it is a well known fact that african americans hair have a predesposed genetic condition that causes the hair to grow in that manner.
Mr MIles I have no intention of making your job hard,I have an entire life thta exists outside of this site.
I come here to talk about a series of books I read and to discuss them with others as wll.
I am not here to be insulted or threatened by anyone.
I am actually quite shocked by your words considering you have put together an incredible site and are the moderator/owner/etc.

"Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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6/10/2010 8:58 AM
Posted By RYAN'S BASTARD SON on 10 Jun 2010 07:30 AM

I am not here to be insulted or threatened by anyone.

Apparently that's your department, at least in regards to insults.

Interesting that if you're a fan of OL, you've yet to post anything about the series except some superficial, generally disapproving and fundamentally untrue observations about it.

This game has been played here many times before over the years and it always ends the same way.

If Ron and the veteran members of this site who still care about the place no longer have any patience for it, then you need to move the game somewhere else.

Millennial Man, Nicodemus, "Ryan's Bastard Son"--this whole Fox News approach of cheap shots and lies is so played.

If you know nothing about the Outlanders series beyond what you've skimmed here, just stick to DL-related topics.

At least the "Ryan's Afro" topic is new, even though it's pretty much a dead-end discussion wise.

Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief

6/10/2010 7:30 PM
Argh. I hate having to clean up messes like this. And yes, it was Chris Dyer (a.k.a. One Eye Chills, a.k.a. One Eyed Vengeance, a.k.a Another One Eyed Chiller) again. I am sure he will be back again. And I am sure I will have a profanity-laden email in my inbox shortly.

In other news, water is wet and fire burns.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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6/10/2010 8:48 PM
Wish I could gasp, "It can't be!" but I was fairly certain of his true identity all the time. The screen name was the primary tip-off.

Note to trollers and sock-puppeteers: Take care not to misspell the same words and employ the same slang (usually misspelled) in all of your various incarnations. Kind of a tip-off as to your real self and your intrinsic stupidity, y'know?

Sort of like skulking back under yet another screen name, but borrowed from a character in a movie that your earlier incarnations frequently cited as a, I dunno-300.

I'll probably get an obscenity-peppered threatening email from Dyer myself...if it's at all similar to the one I received last year, I'm going to turn it over to the FBI.

To all you well-meaning DL fans out there--Dyer is the kind of DL Only Fan Stereotype the OL Fanatics warn you about.

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6/10/2010 11:40 PM
OK Hijacking my thread back and putting it on topic so to speak.

So I am now listening to Homeward bound. Why did they evacuate the redoubts? That makes no sense to me. Wasn't the point to be that the Redoubts be a safety net?
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6/11/2010 1:45 AM

In fear of dragging the thread off topic again...

wasnt it mentioned in outlanders that the majority eventually fled to the Anthill complex because it had a massive amount of stores and was pretty much a city in a mountain?  But then the anthill complex blocked their mat trans code eventually as there were simply far too many people migrating there....

Not sure if I got this correct or not.

Note: post edited by Lokheed for formatting
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6/11/2010 8:04 AM
You're absolutely correct, laddie.

Most of the materiel' in the Totality Concept-connected redoubts was transported to The Anthill, as did the personnel. But after a certain point, the Anthill's resources were far too strained, so the people in charge left the survivors to fend for themselves.
Cerberus Man
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6/11/2010 10:32 AM
Posted By Jax2 on 10 Jun 2010 08:48 PM
I'll probably get an obscenity-peppered threatening email from Dyer myself...if it's at all similar to the one I received last year, I'm going to turn it over to the FBI.

To all you well-meaning DL fans out there--Dyer is the kind of DL Only Fan Stereotype the OL Fanatics warn you about.

The guy threatened me on your forum too. He said he'd send me an airline ticket so we could meet face to face to the hog wallow he lived in but I'm still waiting.

"It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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6/11/2010 6:26 PM
Posted By Jax2 on 11 Jun 2010 08:04 AM
You're absolutely correct, laddie.

Most of the materiel' in the Totality Concept-connected redoubts was transported to The Anthill, as did the personnel. But after a certain point, the Anthill's resources were far too strained, so the people in charge left the survivors to fend for themselves.

So do they ever seem to act towards restoring things? seems like they pulled in created there little city and ignored the world...
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