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Last Post 11/26/2014 6:44 AM by  silentalbino
New DeathLands movie?
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2/20/2012 12:12 PM
I think the best way to do a DL movie or a OL movie would be total CGI, like Avatar
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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2/21/2012 2:39 PM
Posted By Maximus on 20 Feb 2012 12:12 PM
I think the best way to do a DL movie or a OL movie would be total CGI, like Avatar

And that would take a fool and his money to make!

I think we have more chance of seeing the Whitney & Michael come back tour than we do another DL film


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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4/5/2012 11:36 AM
Jim i think i can hear the knife scraping bone. But funny none the less
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6/28/2012 7:22 PM

Funniest part of the DL movie was Jak's eyes when he flipped open that mini switchblade before "the hunt",

I didn't mind the movie for what it was. Certainly no cheesier then "Alien Apocalypse" with Bruce Campbell which was also made for the sci-fi channel. And which I also own on DVD.

I didn't really like the fact that they made Jak a whiney biatch most of the time, and I think JB talked to much. But oh well.

I would be hard pressed to think that another one will ever be made. However a series would be nice, but the fan base just isn't there for a producer to shell out the cash me thinks.



Man Whose Eyes See More
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4/9/2014 7:09 PM
I would like to see another Deathlands movie. I think the biggest down fall was that screen writer only read a book or 2 and didn't realize the importance of what makes this series so awesome is becase of its intense action and in-depth detail but not to much that captivates your mind. And by putting that into physical movie requires that same kind of attention to detail so that as little as possible isn't lost.
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4/12/2014 3:53 AM
I think it would make an excellent cable tv series if done right, but for now I truly love the graphic audio books. They really are a movie in your mind. (I have no connection to graphic audio, just a fan).
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5/24/2014 4:55 PM
I know the Trader was based on Harry Dean Stanton, but you know who would make a cool Trader if a reboot would happen? Ron Pearlman.. Would most certainly be believable in that role..

Anyone else?
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9/24/2014 5:45 AM
I think an animated series would be great, like total 80's era Saturday morning cartoon style

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10/20/2014 7:57 PM
I like the 80's cartoon idea.....But as far as a movie or mini series goes,I'd have to say Ron Pearlman wouldn't make a good Trader thinking outside the box,what about Phil Collins as Trader.If u haven't seen him lately he has beefed up and we know he can act and he's just awesome
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11/14/2014 6:08 PM

In the book 'Homeward Bound' Doc and Milderd didn't play a big roll. So it's OK they where missing. JB and Jack were over weight for the character. But where are you going to find good Actors that live on the Diet they do? All in all the movie wasn't that bad. Worst part of it was Jack. Could they not find a cameo coat or vest for him? In the books Jack is cool. In the movie he is an out of control maniac. Where was his knifes?  I'm a fan of John Noman's planet Gor books. Great story. They made two movies for it. Same thing happened. The movies were terrible. I would like to see more Deathland movies if they could be made close to right. But that probably will never happen.

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11/14/2014 10:12 PM
Hell, a comic book series would be cool
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11/20/2014 10:57 AM
Welcome aboard Mutanty. I too liked the "Gor" books at least the parts that deal with the story and not Mr Normans view on womans desires to be violated. It could have been classic if he had a better editor.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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11/21/2014 4:51 AM
In the book 'Homeward Bound' Doc and Milderd didn't play a big roll.

Milderd had no role, she was still asleep!!

Welcome aboard.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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11/25/2014 11:22 AM

I don't know about a movie, but I have been praying for a Deathlands TV series. Nowdays, there is not much that you CAN'T show on TV, so we wouldn't have to cut out the heavy violence, terrifying mutations and steamy sex scenes at all. A station like HBO or Showcase could really rock this for sure. And, it seems that right now, the post-apocalyptic genre is fairly popular. Sci-fi is also making a resurgence. This would be such a kick-a** TV series. I wish I may, I wish I might, to have Ryan Cawdor on screen tonight!  

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11/25/2014 12:48 PM
It would be like the Walking Dead, but with mutants.
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11/26/2014 6:44 AM
If HBO did It it would be amazing I'm sure
it would be great.
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