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7 Replies and 3717 Views Entire set in good condition for sale.  3717  7 Started by  Duke I have the entire set from 'Pilgrimage to Hell' where the author was listed as Jack Adrian, to 'Prophecy' and they are for sale. The vast majority have only been read once and have spent the rest of the time sitting on my book shelves, though I admit I did go back at one time and reread the whole series up to a point.  They are in good to excellent condition and I would like to get rid of them in one lot if possible. I really don't care to go through the hassle of sending a few books here an...
7 3717
by  darkravenangelJump to last post
1/14/2010 4:08 PM
4 Replies and 4557 Views who has this book  4557  4 Started by  Ryan_Cawdor Encounter&160;is the book im looking for is it the first book if you have it let me know i will buy it. &160; Ryan_Cawdor
4 4557
by  mojomikeJump to last post
11/2/2009 12:02 PM
3 Replies and 3754 Views trading  3754  3 Started by  mojomike I have 15 tradeable deathlands books. Looking to trade
3 3754
by  mojomikeJump to last post
11/2/2009 8:07 AM
4 Replies and 3488 Views Extra Books I have....  3488  4 Started by  Canadian Nomad A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to purchase the entire series up to the most recent book at that time - I believe it was Atlantis Reprise - from Ebay.  Without a doubt, a HUGE stroke of good luck for me, and if anyone on here lost out on the bidding, I apologize.  I was determined to win that auction no matter what the cost.I know how frustrating it is to search through old books in dank, musty-smelling used bookstores.  I will post what I have, in the way of duplicates, in the next week...
4 3488
by  mojomikeJump to last post
11/1/2009 9:11 PM
0 Replies and 4816 Views Deathlands Graphic Audio CDs for trade  4816  0 Started by  kgreene I have several duplicate graphic audio books from ebay auctions over the years and I'd like to trade them for ones I'm missing.  At this point I'm mainly interested in direct trades, graphic audio CD versions only.  Here is the list of duplicates I have followed by ones I'm interested in getting. have 3 neutron solstice 5 homeward bound 12 latitude zero 14 dark carnival 16 moon fate 17 fury's pilgrims 18 shockscape 29 bloodlines 46 gemini rising 47 gaia's demise 53 savage armada 6...
0 4816
8/7/2009 12:42 AM
7 Replies and 3904 Views Large Chunks or Entire Series? Advice???  3904  7 Started by  tymoore I just&160;finished a degree, am about to go on a lengthy vacation, and want to devour a pile of fiction.&160; It has been nearly 5 years since I've had time to read for fun... it used to be my single largest hobby, and I loved gritty post-apocalyptic fiction like Deathlands, Amtrak Wars, etc.&160; I want to refamiliarize myself with the series.&160; I figure that I can read the whole series in my spare time while I wait to see if I passed the Bar. Anyone have advice on the best way to pick...
7 3904
by  tymooreJump to last post
3/8/2009 4:22 AM
4 Replies and 9686 Views Deathlands - Graphic Audio Books  9686  4 Started by  JNix I have around 30 of the Deathlands series by Graphic Audio and around 30 of the Deathlands series not by Graphic Audio.&160; Most of them in sequence from Deathlands 0 - Encounter and on.&160; I can post a list if someone is interested in trading. I would really like to trade for the remainder of the Graphic Audio series that I do not have.&160; I travel a lot and obviously these are great for keeping you awake. Let me know. Thanks
4 9686
by  CowgirlJump to last post
2/4/2009 9:41 PM
2 Replies and 3285 Views Buying Books  3285  2 Started by  CyberSmurf &160;By the end of November I am looking to purchase the Deathlands books in novel form. I will possibly be looking to buy in lots of 10, maybe more if the price is right for me. If you have any books for sale please post it here with a way to contact you if you so wish or I can respond to a post with temporary contact info for you. Be warned I do live in Canada so please include shipping and handling within the price. I won't accept C.O.D., I'd rather go by certified SH as that is how all p...
2 3285
by  rip97000Jump to last post
11/12/2008 10:03 PM
0 Replies and 3266 Views Post deleted.  3266  0 Started by  GuapoPogi Auction over, books sold, post deleted. &160; GuapoPogi
0 3266
by  GuapoPogiJump to last post
6/24/2008 8:32 AM
0 Replies and 3179 Views Post deleted.  3179  0 Started by  GuapoPogi Auction over, books sold, post deleted. &160; GuapoPogi
0 3179
by  GuapoPogiJump to last post
6/24/2008 8:32 AM
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DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.