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Desolation Angels

Dawn reveals the terrible new truth...

Victor Milan

Cover Artist:
Dave Seeley


Release Date:
July, 2014

Cover Price:

First Edition

Release Date:
July, 2014

Cover Price:




Front Cover Artwork Front Cover - Small Front Cover - Large
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Bad to the bone...

Violent gangs, a corrupt mayor and a heavily armed police force are the hallmarks of former Detroit. When Ryan and the companions show up, the Desolation Angels are waging a war to rule the streets. After saving the companions from being chilled by gangsters, the mayor hires Ryan and his friends to stop the Angels cold. But each hard blow toward victory proves there's no good side to be fighting for. As Motor City erupts into bloody conflagration, the companions are caught in the cross fire. In the Deathlands, hell is called home.

Back Cover:

Betrayed by Tomorrow

A hundred years after the nukecaust, the tortured landscape of postapocalyptic America offers a brutal fight for survival. Yet tech secrets lie hidden, useful to those brave and strong enough to believe that hope can carry them toward ever-elusive peace.

Bad to the Bone

Violent gangs, a corrupt mayor and a heavily armed police force are the hallmarks of former Detroit, a mutie-infested, rubble-strewn metropolis. When Ryan and the companions show up, the Desolation Angels are waging a war to rule the streets. After saving the companions from being chilled by gangsters, the mayor hires Ryan and his friends to stop the Angels cold. But each hard blow toward victory proves there's no good side to be fighting for. As Motor City erupts into bloody conflagration, the companions are caught in the crossfire.

In Deathlands, hell is called home.


no storyline
by masdaddieo
all this book was, is fight fight bang bang ban, move to the next area, bang bang bang fight fight fight........ very boring. no storyline what so ever. JB make I remark something to the fact of don't write a check you cant cash. he may know what credit is but he isn't going to know what a check is. come on authers. your killing this series of books. They better get some good writers and soon