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Bitter Fruit

A new warrior breed blazes a trail to an uncertain future

Mel Odom

Cover Artist:
Michael Herring

First Edition

Release Date:
January, 1997

Cover Price:


Audio Cassette

Release Date:
January, 2001

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Graphic Audio MP3 CD

Release Date:
October, 2008

Cover Price:


Graphic Audio MP3 Download

Release Date:
October, 2008

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Front Cover - Large Front Cover - Small
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In the nuclear-storm devastated Deathlands a warrior survivalist deals with the serpent in a remote Garden of Eden.

Nature rules in the Deathlands, but man still destroys.

Back Cover:


In the nuclear-storm devastated Deathlands a warrior survivalist of the twenty-second century leads the relentless fight to reclaim a lost world.


Barely escaping from a marauding gang, Ryan Cawdor and his band of post-holocaust survivors emerge from a gateway into an idyllic community ruled by Druidic law. But this new Eden may be a mirage, concealing a deadly threat. For the seed of dissent had been sown in the past, and is again ready to destroy.

Nature rules in the Deathlands, but man still destroys.


Finished # 35 Bitter Fruit 10/12/2003
by GuapoPogi
What can I say about this book? Talking plants ? Pathetic. Someone from predark knows who Ryan is, someone in England tries to kill Doc who he has apparently been searching for. Not very plausible. This story reads like it was thought up by a fourth grader. I wouldn't call this book sci-fi, I would call it sci-dumb. There are enough unbelievable coincidences in this book to make a 5 year old lose his/her suspension of disbelief. Not only were the Maj. Drake Burroughs, and Long Johnson characters unbelievable but he left both issues totally unresolved. I suppose we are to expect to see the characters again, but with no more continuity I don't have my hopes very high. It would not have been a bad book if the there had been no talking plant, and there had been some sort of explanation for Long Johnson, and Maj. Burroughs. I give it a 6.
Another great sci-fi DL!!
by Robey
Bitter Fruit was very different from Stoneface, since it was written by Mel Odom but it was similar in that it was another DL which was legitimate sci-fi, unlike the thinly disguised westerns Laurence James fell into writing toward the last three years of his time on the series.

Most of the book is set in England and the settlement of Wildroot, around a mind-blowingly huge hollow tree is exceptionally well-realized. The villain, Prince Boldt is another welcome departure from the sexually depraved or insane baron favored by Laurence James.

The climax, with the computer-controlled "Swamp Thing" stalking Ryan and spitting poisoned darts at him is a high point of the entire series.

The introduction of Drake Burroughs and his squad of apparently immortal soldiers was pretty interesting although never really explained. I hoped they'd show up again, but aside from a brief reference to them in an Outlanders novel, they're just one more interesting "could have been" element never explored.

Other than that, Bitter Fruit is a great book.
Another top of the line adventure!
by The Phantom
Mel Odom's first novel in the DL series is very impressive. This is one of the best books in the series so far. It brings a unique story and nonstop adventure to the reader.
Another episode where Ryan and his crew find themselves outside of Deathlands, this time in England. Pursued by an army squad, Mildred getting captured, Ryan finding a strange plant controlled town with tunnels of giant roots underground, various rebel groups, and world threatening plague about to be unleashed are some of the many storylines thrown into the novel, providing a great level of entertainment, with a crazy ending with the "plant-thing" capping off the story.

The characterizations were done well, the fast paced action never let up, and a fair amount of sci-fi fantasy mixed in. Fun stuff.
by One Eye Chills
This was yet another one of those highest points for the DEATHLANDS saga.
Bitter Fruit hit upon so many levels in this one novel that it was almost too good to be true.
Not only did our heroes find themselves in nuked-out merry old England, but Doc Tanner runs into a relative!
Great storyline with awesome action sequences made this one of the best ever in a long time.
Mel Odom is full of surprises in his great writing prowess, showing us readers that he can deliver a great and exciting yarn in either series.
C'mon Mel, write another legendary story!!
by aceontheline
Easily one of the better books in the DL series. This one has depth and a plot that doesn't let you down. I found it a hard book to put down until I had finished it. It had a darkness to it that I really liked.
by ShadowTek
Another great book! They go to England, and face a threat that will wipe out all that is left in the world! They face druids and a plant guy (but its cool) there are two opposing forces and the companions side with one to save the world..

The mutie plants were cool and show how deadly the post Apocalypse world is, I always love stuff like this, anyway, its a great story!!