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Last Post 11/1/2009 9:11 PM by  mojomike
Extra Books I have....
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Canadian Nomad
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3/31/2009 12:45 AM
    A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to purchase the entire series up to the most recent book at that time - I believe it was Atlantis Reprise - from Ebay.  Without a doubt, a HUGE stroke of good luck for me, and if anyone on here lost out on the bidding, I apologize.  I was determined to win that auction no matter what the cost.

    I know how frustrating it is to search through old books in dank, musty-smelling used bookstores.  I will post what I have, in the way of duplicates, in the next week or so - time for some spring cleaning, and I have 15-20 books off they head, that are taking up space.  I should forewarn that they are by no means in great condition - most have stamps and such on them, the pages are yellowed from years of neglect, but if someone needs them to add to/finish a collection, no worries to me.  I am willing to make arrangements to have them sent to whoever wants/needs them.

    I am looking for a GOOD to GREAT copy of Amazon Gate - damn dog tore a piece off the cover!!!If anyone can help me out, please let me know.

    Canadian Nomad
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    4/2/2009 5:20 PM
    I need about 4 or 5 books from deathlands. I'll get the name s for you tonight when I get home.i know i need Stoneface for sure.
    New Member
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    4/5/2009 1:02 AM
    I have a few good long strings of books that run together but here there and everywhere are little gaps that need to be filled. The majority would probably come around the Salvation Road time. What would you be looking for in exchange or price wise?
    New Member
    New Member

    11/1/2009 9:10 PM
    I have 15 extra Deathlands books looking to trade
    New Member
    New Member

    11/1/2009 9:11 PM
    I am interested in trading or buying
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