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Last Post 8/7/2009 12:42 AM by  kgreene
Deathlands Graphic Audio CDs for trade
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8/7/2009 12:42 AM
    I have several duplicate graphic audio books from ebay auctions over the years and I'd like to trade them for ones I'm missing.  At this point I'm mainly interested in direct trades, graphic audio CD versions only.  Here is the list of duplicates I have followed by ones I'm interested in getting.

    3 neutron solstice
    5 homeward bound
    12 latitude zero
    14 dark carnival
    16 moon fate
    17 fury's pilgrims
    18 shockscape
    29 bloodlines
    46 gemini rising
    47 gaia's demise
    53 savage armada
    65 hellbenders
    67 death hunt
    71 ritual chill
    72 atlantis reprise

    0 encounter
    26 shadowfall
    31 keepers of the sun
    32 circle thrice
    34 stoneface
    35 bitter fruit
    36 skydark
    39 watersleep
    40 nightmare passage
    41 freedom lost
    42 way of the wolf
    45 starfall
    80 sunspot
    81 desert kings
    and possibly the earth blood audio books
    I know 40-42 aren't released yet, not sure how long it'll take to find traders (pun not intended!) though...


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    DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.