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Last Post 5/27/2012 5:52 PM by  Jake Corbett
how do i go about writing a DL book?
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3/7/2012 10:14 PM
Lori and Krysty kind of have a discussion off camera in homeward bound.
Whoa Bodyform!!!!
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3/7/2012 11:03 PM
Posted By Ron Miles on 07 Mar 2012 10:06 PM
Maybe she's infertile. Or maybe she's just so in touch with Gaia that she can control her own fertility. If she can channel the whole Earth Mother thing then it stands to reason that she can also channel and control her own cycles.

Which of course leads to a whole other issue that has never come up for either Krysty or Mildred in the series...

(This also relates to silentalbino's previous posts.) If Krysty can get pregnant, why hasn't she? Why is she holding out? Is she waiting for Ryan to provide a cute blast-proof concrete bunker with a razor wire fence around it? Or is it something even more fundamental ()? Sure she'll do him (in a cave or ditch or burned-out 1980 Fiesta) but she doesn't want to breed with him? Maybe she wants her gaggle of banshee-screaming, prehensile-haired mutie brats to have some other daddy? Perhaps a daddy with more groinal firepower? Someone who can make her hair stand up straight?

I'm just sayin' ... 
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3/8/2012 1:21 AM
ha ha she a golddigga' waiting for a Baron with a load of jack.
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3/8/2012 7:37 PM
Don't think I ever answered the question posed by your thread. Too busy being flip, I guess.

Here are the steps in writing a DL:

1) Come up with a story idea. This takes the least amount of time and is by far the easiest part. It can even be stated in a single sentence (For example, Mildred eats oozie-infected brains, twice). That's why you hear so many people say "I've got a great idea for a DL (or vampire novel, or zombie novel)." I liken this step to breaking wind in a crowded elevator.

2) Develop the story idea into a plot. This is a bit more difficult, and is rarely attempted by people who "have a great idea." A plot has to have a beginning, middle, and end. As it progresses, tension and pace should steadily build, and events should challenge the mettle of the main characters. Creating a series of interconnected, interesting and exciting events that lead somewhere is key. If where they lead is unexpected, so much the better. The truly anal author (such as myself) will briefly block out the book chapter by chapter, scene by scene.

3) Write the effing thing. This is of course the hardest part. I won't explain my personal technique here. It is belabored at length in my website newsletters (see the Alan Philipson link on the homepage)—which I haven't added to for a long time because I've been busy with other projects.

4) Forgetaboutit. A DL novel is the opposite of deathless prose. Even if it is published it passes from the collective human consciousness three weeks after release. Again, the wind analogy comes to mind.

Also, no reason for you to ever call me "sir." The only person who is actually required to do that is Chuck.
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3/8/2012 7:55 PM

Thanks for the belated reply, A-Dog.

Did you fall out with GoldEagle too?If not please write another DL,cause Cannibal Moon was Doss(Scottish slang for very good)

I've got a location,so far but that is about it. I'll need to think about what character's etc will be going into it.
There definitly won't be any stickies in it( can't stand the critter's)

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3/9/2012 6:33 PM
Shee-it! How do ya'll know it's Krysty's fault. I betcha big bad Ryan has at least one gun that is shootin' blanks!
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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3/9/2012 6:47 PM
Posted By mikeclr on 09 Mar 2012 06:33 PM
Shee-it! How do ya'll know it's Krysty's fault. I betcha big bad Ryan has at least one gun that is shootin' blanks!

Because Ryan sired Dean with Sharona? Or are you sayin' Dean is a bastard, and Ryan doesn't know it?

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3/9/2012 7:01 PM
That was before he ran outta ammo!
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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3/9/2012 7:15 PM
Posted By mikeclr on 09 Mar 2012 07:01 PM
That was before he ran outta ammo!

Now that makes sense. Who knows what effect all the mat-trans jumps might have had on Ryan's stones--could have shrunk them down to the size of raisins. But again that raises the question: when Krysty finally decides to un-Gaia her ovulation cycle and have kids, who's the daddy? The most obvious candidates are JB, Jak, and Doc (unless Mildred has been hiding something from us all these years). But that route would certainly complicate the companions' ongoing relationship.

There are many other options, including Magus with a turkey baster.

Oops, my DLs are so unforgettable that even I don't remember them!  

There already WAS a turkey baster episode--in Dumb ... I mean ... Doom Helix. Ryan's joy juice was forcibly harvested from Krysty's (ahem) and used to create a super-genetic, universe-jumping, test tube daughter, whose name escapes me.  
Ron Miles
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3/10/2012 12:44 AM
If the mat-trans jumps have resulted in testicular infortitude for Ryan, it seems safe to assume the same for the rest. Clearly when Jak started his family way back when, it was before he had made enough jumps with the companions for his stones to turn into pebbles. I like the turkey baster idea, though. I am picturing a Demon Seed type story, with the Magus holding Krysty prisoner in a computerized smart house while the rest of the companions try to battle their way through the security measures.

There you go, Chuck, I just farted in your general direction. Feel free to run with it.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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3/11/2012 9:46 AM
The She-he was named Auriel Otis Trask .

I'm sure that if the story line was to include a safe place for Ryan and Krysty to have a baby that they would, but that would in my opinion signal the end of the Deathlands series. So I can't see Krysty ever having kids.
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3/18/2012 3:57 AM
Just make sure you don't misspell Jak as Jake.  Lol.  I've counted over 5 separate times that's happened.  Good Luck!
Jake Corbett
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5/27/2012 5:52 PM

I seem to remember one of the books having it that Mother Sonja had taught Krysty how to make a concoction to prevent pregnancy and that she always kept a supply on hand.

I also think it was stated or implied somewhere that she is waiting to have a family with Ryan until they find that ideal place to settle down that is a sanctuary, or a kind of oasis from the deathlands. 

I always assumed that the series would end with a chron jump to somewhere in the past, perhaps even hundreds of years before 2001. Then they would have their peace.

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