0 Replies and 2346 Views
Deathlands Subreddit and Discord Server! 2346 0
Started by Tsavo
Attention all fans of the Axlerverse! In the last year, both myself and another fan managed to set up a subreddit and Discord server completely dedicated to "Deathlands" and "Outlanders". Our intention is not to poach from these forums, but instead to help expand the fandom, and provide more places to share the things we love about the Axlerverse, and hopefully make more places for us to connect, have fun, and hopefully make things a bit more accessible for new fans. A...
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2346 |
5/8/2023 3:54 AM |
1 Replies and 5843 Views
Redoubts do exist! 5843 1
Started by Agent_Thrush
I came across an article that talked about the government storing items, similar to redoubts in the books.
Check it out.
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5843 |
by Bridad 10/9/2020 4:21 PM |
2 Replies and 6073 Views
Helloooooooooo 6073 2
Started by )3az )3aziah
Anyone still alive
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by silentalbino 10/22/2019 4:06 PM |
14 Replies and 11049 Views
Mr Chucks new Book. 11049 14
Started by silentalbino
Where can one buy this Looked on Amazon uk and .com but cannot seem to see it.
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by Chuck 9/8/2019 2:05 PM |
5 Replies and 7672 Views
The Dinosaur Lords - by Axler author Victor Milan 7672 5
Started by Ron Miles
To all who are interested, The Dinosaur Lords by Axler author Victor Milan is now available for pre-order. The book comes out in August and has been generating quite a bit of buzz already.
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7672 |
by Ron Miles 5/29/2016 9:24 AM |
3 Replies and 7954 Views
Happy Christmas one and all... 7954 3
Started by )3az )3aziah
Have a fun safe Christmas folks whatever you do and whether you believe or not. Jim
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by Shulpae 1/1/2016 9:32 AM |
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by Ron Miles 7/7/2015 9:36 AM |
0 Replies and 5411 Views
Where I've been 5411 0
Started by Ron Miles
On the off chance you have been wondering why I have been so scarce around here in recent months:
It's not because of the impending demise of Gold Eagle (although that is surely a sad thing.) Since roughly last Thanksgiving I have been heads-down working on the single largest and most complex software development project of my career. We actually started the planning for it a year earlier, so this has been a huge focus for me for a very long time. In particular, the past few months have b...
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5411 |
7/3/2015 11:40 AM |
22 Replies and 11404 Views
Speak your minds fans! 11404 22
Started by Maximus
What does the fanbase out there expect from the Deathlands and Outlanders books nowadays
The same 'ol same 'ol Hopefully some type of much needed changes in the characters or the universe in which it now seems stuck in
If you were the head editor over all these writers, and could make change, what would those changes be
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11404 |
by Shulpae 6/6/2015 5:32 AM |
77 Replies and 51587 Views
Gold Eagle is Shutting Down 51587 77
Started by Ron Miles
Since this has shown up now on Facebook in the Deathlands group, and on MackBolan.com as well, I guess this has become public knowledge. I can confirm that, in the wake of the HarperCollins purchase of Harlequin last August, the decision has been made to shut down the Gold Eagle imprint. This includes the termination of all titles currently published by Gold Eagle - Deathlands, Outlanders, Rogue Angel, Mack Bolan, Executioner, and Stony Man. There are still several more books in the pipeline for...
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51587 |
by sniper1shot 5/31/2015 6:22 PM |
0 Replies and 5771 Views
Apocalypse Weird: The Red King (WYRD Book 1) 5771 0
Started by Ron Miles
If you are looking for a new post-apocalyptic series to read, you should check out Nick Cole's new series Apocalypse Weird. The first book is being given away for free right now on Kindle, you can grab it here:
Apocalypse Weird: The Red King (WYRD Book 1)
Nick is the same guy who wrote The Old Man and the Wasteland, which is also excellent. He is well worth your time.
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2/25/2015 12:18 PM |
0 Replies and 4875 Views
Je Suis Charlie 4875 0
Started by Randarchist
There are real villains and cowards in this world. They hide behind guns and religion, they use violence to silence critics, they think that the violence will silence people who are diffetent from themselves. They are intellectually bankrupt. We must never bow down to them. Je suis Charlie.
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1/7/2015 8:42 PM |
5 Replies and 5815 Views
Season's Greetings. 5815 5
Started by silentalbino
Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you'll have a good one.
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by silentalbino 12/31/2014 7:40 PM |
17 Replies and 7463 Views
What is your scariest Deathland Mutant? 7463 17
Started by Grimjak
Been reading this series since book 1 came out. Always satisfied.
Recently I read Hell Road Warriors and the worms up in Quebec that take over your body must be hands down the worst mutant to grace the Deathlands.
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7463 |
by Randarchist 12/18/2014 8:55 AM |
3 Replies and 5623 Views
Some James Axler Stats 5623 3
Started by Ron Miles
This data is complete for all remaining books to be published, with one small exception: although I know all of remaining titles and authors for Outlanders, there is one Deathands coming out in 2015 by a new author to the series whose name I do not yet know. So ultimately there will be one more added to the bottom of the list.
Most Prolific James Axlers
Mark Ellis - 39
Laurence James - 34
Rik Hoskin - 24
Victor Milan - 22
Nick Pollotta - 20
Andy Boot ...
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5623 |
by Jax2 12/9/2014 10:22 AM |
8 Replies and 6301 Views
Guardians of the Galaxy and other upcoming movies 6301 8
Started by Maximus
Has anyone seen this new trailer for this Guardians of the Galaxy
Never heard of this, but seems to be generating a lot of buzz.
I really like what I am seeing during the Olympics with this Captain America Winter Soldier. Looks better than the first movie, which I liked. But this newer one looks even better.
I just watched the new Riddick movie and loved it. Anybody see this Some very cool creatures and dark humor that was actually done very well. Like to see more of this character.
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by Randarchist 11/12/2014 11:04 PM |
1 Replies and 7122 Views
Deathlands VS Fallout 7122 1
Started by Archamedies
For those who know that video game series I was in a rather heated argument on which was the worst place to be in.
Both are basically the same premise, Post apocalyptic America But i still say Deathlands is a far worse place to be in. there are WAY more muties in DL
Personally I would love to see Deathlands made into a video game much like Fallout
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by Randarchist 10/12/2014 3:51 PM |
6 Replies and 5245 Views
So what series are we all watching these days? 5245 6
Started by UrbanSavage
Currently watching all of the Law and Order seasons in between following Vikings, GoT (who isn't), and Hannibal. Hannibal seems to be far too intelligent for the general public therefore I fear it will fail before the planned 5th, 6th, and 7th season. I still can't take my eyes off Myriska Hargatay either so still watching L&O:SVU, Criminal minds and Five Oh. Big Bang and Mike and Molly are my weekly laughs.
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by Randarchist 10/12/2014 3:43 PM |
1 Replies and 6010 Views
facebook London Below group 6010 1
Started by UrbanSavage
Just an invite to Ron, Jim or anyone who would be interested in like minded readers. Its a great group if your on facebook with discussions running the gauntlet of all genres and topics. Thought you two for sure may be interested.
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6010 |
by )3az )3aziah 5/25/2014 6:20 PM |
9 Replies and 6550 Views
Any new news on Ron's son...? 6550 9
Started by Maximus
Hey Ron - Hoping your son is doing better. Can you give us an update
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by )3az )3aziah 5/2/2014 2:03 PM |