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Last Post 6/6/2012 11:28 PM by  Kerrick
Wretched Earth review
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6/6/2012 5:07 PM

    I just submitted my DL Wretched Earth book review.


    After Palaces of Poop, it is easy to say that Wretched Earth is wayyyyyy better. 


    Although it was good, and had a great concept, it didn't have that greatness or epic feel that other authors of recent note have given us. But Milan knows this world and its characters. Much better than Boot and Pollatta.


    Ron Miles
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    Commander In Chief

    6/6/2012 5:17 PM
    In your review you mention that Milan seems to have changed in recent years. It is worth noting that he went through a significant health issue a while back and that has no doubt had an impact on every aspect of his life, including his writing.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    6/6/2012 5:48 PM

    Hmmm, really? Sorry to hear about that.

    What sort of a health issue?

    I am glad he obviously got better. I have always liked his work.

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    6/6/2012 10:56 PM
    Sorry to hear that too. Crimson water,s looks like it's gonna be a winner.
    Basic Member
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    6/6/2012 11:04 PM

    I would like to say that I enjoy for the most part ALL of the authors of the deathlands series. Including Andy Boot. He has wrote many books that I have enjoyed, however I will say that I enjoy the authors in different way's. Mr. James was IMHO the best, as it was under his construct that the series was created. And his last book Crucible of time was by far his weakest in the series as far as his DL's novels were concerned. He also died a year later due to illness.

    So in saying that, I try to keep a positive outlook on any further books. Nick Pollata? Hell, for the most part I think he's done quite a few good reads. He has a high probability writing of DL mass rape and sexual sadism and incest that would most likely be prevelent after a near genocide with no laws.


    Mr. Chuck?- He bring's new content to the table. Who to f#%k know's what LJ would have done? I f or one liked them coming into redoubt with a walk in freezer, and enjoying 100 year old pizza and beer in Canada.

    Mr. AP? Love the whole Shadow-world thing, New Ideas to stretch an allready thin plot. I mean a person has to remember this series is 105 books strong. It's hard to come up with anything new and keep the main characters alive. Why wasn't something like this done earlier in the series?

    Overall I feel it is best to keep the authors revolving, I mean a person who is kept writing over 3 novels in a row would just whack a main character out of boredom, wouldn't they? I actually feel they should ace someone by now anyway's. Nobody's bought the farm since Micheal Brother. It's time for mildred to go, maybe she could go saving the life of another DL recruit? I dunno, someone needs to be either killed or dropped off somewhere because of wanting to settle down.

    The series needs new meat.

    My opinion.


    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    6/6/2012 11:09 PM
    Doc gets my vote for termination. I know Mildred get's on the tits of alot of you guy's but at least she has an actual skill set unlike the silver fox Doc who just seems to be there to f**k up. Bring back Dean and fast. There is a new addition in Crimson Rivers according to Wordsmith and she should know.
    Basic Member
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    6/6/2012 11:14 PM
    Posted By silentalbino on 06 Jun 2012 11:09 PM
    Doc gets my vote for termination. I know Mildred get's on the tits of alot of you guy's but at least she has an actual skill set unlike the silver fox Doc who just seems to be there to f**k up. Bring back Dean and fast. There is a new addition in Crimson Rivers according to Wordsmith and she should know.

     Doc was Laurence James favorite character, I know this as he told me. I highly doubt any author is going to kill him off. Allthough it would be nice if after a novel involving them with some mad white coats he was sent back with the companions to his own time and he chooses to go back with them, that would make an AWESOME trilogy of the series IMHO.

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    6/6/2012 11:28 PM
    I read some of Milan's Battletech books back in the mid-90s, and they were fantastic. I can still see some of the old Milan in the new books (plot twists and such), but the odd language he uses sometimes (busting caps, snoop and poop, etc.) kind of turns me off a little - just enough to annoy me, not turn me off entirely. I've read Shaking Earth and am currently on Vengeance Trail, and both are solid books.

    As far as killing off characters... Wordsmith started a thread about that awhile back, but I can't find it now. I had a whole list of whys and wherefores as to who should get the axe, and I think my final determination was Doc. I also believe that I suggested sending him back to his own time instead of simply killing him off. Doc was great as a plot device to get the companions (and the reader) introduced to the Totality Concept, but his time is long past - it's time to introduce some new blood.
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